General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere has the Records tab gone?

Where has the Records tab gone? in General Discussion

    giff records


      giff records

      Mr. Chu

        ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff records


          plz give me my records back =( just broke my winning streak record and the tab was gone the next day. plz bring back this was one of the cooler features for the free dotabuff


            @Ramiers i agree i want to see a thing where wat heros uv gotten rampage,ultra,triple,and double kills with


              i agree with the wards placed, would be cool to see a record for supports (i play sup in the 90% of the matches xD) and maybe it will motivate people to buy more wards (?

              Edit: a tab in the heroes's tab with the lh per game and deny per game would be awesome too.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                observer wards placed, sentries placed, dust used, and smoke purchased would be cool to see. especially for every match, instead of just "all time" figures.


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