General Discussion

General DiscussionThe word from you teamate that diminish all hope

The word from you teamate that diminish all hope in General Discussion
Jerry Mice

    When they die, they type: ss ?

    Then you know they are gonna feed all game lol

    Hatsune Miku

      i thought ss = secret shop

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          ss has 2 meanings, secret shop or missing enemy.

          another shitty thing to see in chat is "quem é brasileiro", then you just abandon from the start.

          Ples Mercy

            ss -> Storm Spirit, miSS ,Shadow Shaman, Soul Seeker, Secret Shop, SunStrike.

            And no, when they type 'ss?' they don't always feed like shit. But when they write 'cyka' then u might aswell go afk.

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              SS = Missing or Sunstrike to me.


                "im mid"

                then i know the guy will feed like shit

                Ples Mercy

                  no, wrong.

                  'ME MID'

                  indication of proper english usually doesnt end that shitty.

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                    Soul Stealer


                      Whenever someone says "mid or feed", it usually ends up in mid AND feed.

                      Jerry Mice

                        lol "solo mid" usually don't end so badly
                        but "solo bot" "solo top" "gtfo my lane" usually end very badly lol

                        Jerry Mice

                          ss means missing
                          but all times when they ask "ss ?", the truth is ppl chat wheeled 3 times, pinned them 3 times and there's a ward showing the enemy walking towards them yet they ask "ss ?"

                          It simply shows these players just blame others for their own mistake... it always end badly lol


                            @blunt fnatic LOL true, ME MID = feeding so bad in the next 3 minutes, starting in 3...

                            its funny, early i played a game where i went mid with weaver (cause no one else wanted to), then void and lion (stacking) went offlane. in the first 3 minutes they fed kunkka like 3 times, then they started blaming me cause it was my fault they were feeding that bad cause "U NO GANK NOOB GG"

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                              My most recent solo ranked game I got matched in Valve's infinite wisdom with a 4 stack of Chinese who incomprehensibly decided to play US west. Last pick was a sniper for solo mid who at 15 minutes still had only branches... no boots yet. They spoke and typed in Chinese all game. Sniper ended the 36 minute game with 33 creep kills and 12 deaths. That means he died every 3 minutes having succeeded in 2 (or sometimes 3) lasthits between deaths on average.

                              I don't know what they said that let me know it was a certain loss... something in Chinese. I select English... but it just doesn't seem to do anything. If I actually get all English speakers on a US server its a noteworthy event. I suppose the Chinese stack decided to also select English only and this is not Valve's fault, just extremely bad luck. You know its not that Chinese, or Mexican, or Brazilian, or Russian or whatever... Those groups of people are not all idiots. Most of them are normal. Some are very smart.

                              But the ones who choose to play on US servers instead of their own, can't speak English but select it anyway... those people are idiots. When someone starts speaking or typing in the wrong language, you know the game will be extremely hard to win because they had to be an idiot to get into the game in the first place.

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                              Jerry Mice

                                Volvo must have done a hash value on player names lol your name fall too close the their names so you gotta matched with them :D


                                  ^on SEA, even with English selected you will see Tagalog, Malay, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai in both chat and voice. Its ok most of the time, some understand english, others will ping now and then there are those odd ones that seem to be in their own world

                                  the most obvious gone case i've see is when someone TPs in 1v3-5 to defend a lost tower even when told and pinged to give/back/cancel/push/trade and proceed to give free kill on top of tower and still go OMG noob team don't defend tower


                                    That moment when your opponents random 5 heroes and your team still fails to counter pick.


                                      @Jerry Mice ... yes my name so closely resembles theirs... All 4 of them had names in Chinese characters. I really wish there were some way to avoid things like this but it seems to be impossible.


                                        ppl who spam well played after dying 20 times


                                          Kak dela

                                          Anyone cares to translate These ?


                                            I know it's a gg when someone picks sniper. Also when someone says "me mid" or "mis pls".
                                            Usually i wait till last so that if none of the dickheads had opted for 5 role i can do it myself.

                                            Also when someone uses an excuse such as omg no ss call (even when enemy walked through wards vision).
                                            Also the most common ones are when i am playing 1 role and support tries to last hit creeps(because fuck you that's why).
                                            And when i am playing 5 role and the carry can't last hit.(this one makes me so mad. like seriously).

                                            Though all in all raging won't help much. So i usually try to lighten up the mood if someone in the team starts fighting and try to keep team morale high. But if someone starts flaming, then i do have to flame them to make them shut up.



                                              and I think

                                              100%correct bar 1 mistake give it or take.


                                                ss i thought that ment super sayian

                                                waku waku

                                                  visage gave me lots of compliments that game including "nice mid, nice ss", but for some reason he told everyone to report me i don't get it wtf pls help


                                                    They need to make the Y Chat more noticeable in the options because some people still haven't seen it. It's easier then typing SS, makes more sense and most heroes have a sound file for it...

                                                    But to answer the original topic. "brb gotta restart" most of the time means: "Disconnecting for 10mins while the other team unpauses asap and gains a huge advantage only for me to finally reconnect and feed"

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                                                      The words "Im pro" and "me mid" are the ones that terrify me the most..especially when the pro goes Shadow Fiend, Pudge or Buttseeker ....


                                                        FIRST BLOOD!

                                                        "GG FF"


                                                          "Noob". Especially when its said by the dead weight ass hole who hasn't said or done anything the past 20 minutes but feed 3 times.

                                                          I micro manage people quite a bit, and offer a lot of criticism, and sometimes tall shit, but I almost NEVER call someone a noob. That doesn't help them in anyway, it doesn't help me, and its not a fucking valid point.

                                                          The people who say Noob are always the idiots that are usually the worst person on the team, have no idea what's going on, and are convinced that they are not at fault.

                                                          Shit makes my blood boil.


                                                            It annoys me most when I end up with a buddy in midlane. Some people just like to do things that hurt others and hurt themselves.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              When they say absolutely nothing I know it's a loss. Like you call safe lane with a hard carry, then the idiot picks phantom assassin, goes into your lane. You say over mic and in chat and via ping go other lane and no response. Or they random the last pick something awful and you tell them to repick and get no response. Or they build stupid retarded items and you meerly ask what are you building and get no response. Then it's a sure loss.


                                                                Roles 1-5:

                                                                1) Support doesn't buy wards or courier, doesn't harass in lane and contests every last hit. "Where is farm?"
                                                                2) No rune wards, both sidelanes manage to feed and push lanes out to enemy tower. "Where is gank?"
                                                                3) Your melee off-lane partner (with no shield) auto attacks and dies near enemy tower, proceeds to ping you 10 times. "Noob i report"
                                                                4) Any gank you try to make from jungle results in the enemy walking away laughing while your team-mates hit creeps. Enemy mid gets invis rune and kills you. "Feeder reported"
                                                                5) Map warded, courier upgraded, ganks set up. Your carry has upgraded boots only at 15 mins. Then dies. "gg ff no support"


                                                                  Any faggot that blames the team because he is bad

                                                                  I will intentionally throw the chance we have to make him lose harder
                                                                  Afking in enemy jungle for 50 minutes is the way

                                                                  Seriously i will throw the game when a fucking bh is 21-3-1 and is calling everyone noobs while the carry is 3-4-24


                                                                    give me one tango ;)

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                                                                    jess the goat

                                                                      anything that has to do with kda or something within 'ur bad ur retard' generally means they suck, most people think that kda>EVERYTHING(including winning......)


                                                                        Hahahaha too many support changing role to carry xD (Abbadon especially)
                                                                        Then mirana change to support (Urn, Mekans, Arcane)


                                                                          "Hey [pubbie who's picking his hero last] we need a support."

                                                                          They always pick Faceless Void or Pudge or something.

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!