General Discussion

General Discussionslark bb potm es brood

slark bb potm es brood in General Discussion

    100% time there is at least one of em ig.




        pls dont spam abuser, this is a serious post.


          hey look even in ur games 100% i told ya its a fact, new meta


            lul look ten first pages, 100% games im tellin u


              Slark: Clockwerk goblin and then some rat doto with heroes who can actually escape the Pounce...or simply don't get pounced.

              BB: I barely see him, but it's easy to beat him if your teammates aren't morons.

              POTM: Sentrys to prevent her ganks, dusts to fuck her entire team or carry a gem. Abaddon for the arrow.

              ES: No clue, I've only played against a handful of ES players who were all pretty shit, so I don't know yet what works against the OP ES dudes.

              Brood: Push faster.

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                BB: I barely see him, but it's easy to beat him if your teammates aren't morons.

                i stopped to take you seriously there

                just kidding ^^ i never took u srsly

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  So, what? I mean you see them in your games and? Is there even a point to this thread?


                    op is right, this is annoying as fuck. and please no ,u dont wanna counterpick every game, then its not even dota anymore.


                      nublet cant cope with potom


                        I guess OP likes to slap asses.


                          Thats why AP in ranked is fucking cancer and should be removed/replaced.


                            potm is fun so...and not op so you shouldnt complain


                              Try captains mode
                              >better players in most cases
                              >intense fights
                              >less retards and foreigners



                                Wut ?

                                Who are foreigners and who are not ?

                                Who's the local here ?


                                  potm every game , slark sometimes , bb very rarely , brood 1 in a 5 games

                                  each time i play vs potm i win that game in 90% of chance same against slark

                                  Woof Woof

                                    players that inflate their winrate by playing op heroes should have super faggot tag sticked next to their name permanently those cheeky cunts


                                      if you play captains mode you'll actually be placed in a worse game due to the fact that you have reduced the potential player pool to join your game. queue time takes longer, thus expanding your search zone, thus putting bads into your game.


                                        yeah... slark is a bitch vs potm... lose around half against him


                                          ^^ every time the counter goes past 2 minutes reset it


                                            i dont see these heroes anywhere?


                                              a whole team anonymous = crap mmr


                                                = bikini bottom bracket also known as potato bracket

                                                also known as US servers

                                                i op was talking about ap games not fucking cm

                                                who am i



                                                    brood best hero

                                                    who am i

                                                      kappa to that
                                                      and you dont need to counter a retarded BB. but gl countering one thats got a brain.

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                                                        my last match had brood+mirana+ES in one game and they're stack lel.


                                                          @[ESP*] Wink 500rank or what?

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!