General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR/Skill difference between regions?

MMR/Skill difference between regions? in General Discussion

    Recently I've been playing between 2:00am & 7:00am PST, during that time US West/East has quite a bit of foreigners.
    I had a few games with bunch of people from Russia, Peru and even Africa.

    Needless to say most of these people did not belong in ~5300 mmr, games were extremely one sided due to terrible decision making.
    Keep in mind that this has nothing to do with latency/reaction, just awful decision making in general.

    Until I started playing during nighttime my games were pretty enjoyable and balanced.
    Does anyone know if there is a regional difference between skill & mmr, or just bad luck on my part?

    Эта тема была изменена

      Well it kinda depends on the region but i guess queuing time matters as well.
      For ex. when i queue at Prime time, the matches are usually good.
      But when i queue at off time say 5am. Then i usually get people who have no idea what they are doing.


        Europe > South East > Russians > Brazilians > Peruvians

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          If the queue lasts for more than 2 minutes, then that game will be extremely one sided. Write this down and see. Also regions affect MMR as well.

          Woof Woof

            as i said in one of my games russians should have their rating rescaled and most of them should be only allowed to play as ward bitch
            also sam I dont know how anyone can find games under 2minutes i am at shitty 4200atm and it takes 3/4minutes to find a game

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              I am aware of how MMR range works.

              I'm curious if there is an actual difference between MMR & skill when it comes to different regions.
              ie: Players with 5k in Africa are not as good as players with 5k in Europe.


                I wouldnt really worry about it if you que in us, russians were probally a lot better than you but failed due to ping. Try queing in russia, I bet they will stomp you and create pointless thread that wastes everyone's time.

                P.S this is the 100000000x thread on this topic, please use google.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  I'm sure your time is very valuable.

                  Latency or game awareness has nothing to do with it, just terrible decision making in general.
                  Note that I did queue in Russian region a while ago, games were surprisingly easy.

                  Google has very little to no results when it comes to my question, learn to read and lurk more.


                    Yes. There is a difference in MMR and skill in different regions. US West is not a particularly good server.




                        Obviously people in other servers are worse/better than eachother. Have you ever been in the SA server? People there are retarded, and I'm pretty sure it's literally true.

                        The idiots in those servers win games against idiots in their server, so their MMR hits 5k+ by beating retards, then they go to a server with actually decent players in it and their MMR still says 5k+ so they get their ass handed to them.


                          eu/rus > sea > china > us east

                          every other region is irrelevant,
                          worst would be australia, south africa and us west.

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                            All I see is bunch of people screaming: "my region is the best!"

                            Post some source, your opinion alone is irrelevant and means nothing.
                            If you don't have any source then you obviously have no clue how it works.


                              what do you mean "post some source"?

                              go check dota 2 TV 1-20 pages, look up their names and take a look which region they play in.

                              it's going to be EU mainly with a bit of SEA players in it.

                              if you have no clue how the front page or dota 2 tv work, then dont even bother talking about shit you dont know about


                                That's coming from somebody who's afraid to post on his real account.

                                Quite sad, does it matter if I play on 1st page from time to time?


                                  keep avoiding facts son, you know damn well why im using this account and not my main account.

                                  you've never played on the 1st page, looking at your opponents and the fact you play on us west its impossible for you to be on the front page

                                  im done lmao


                                    You're really quite sad, why don't you post your real dotabuff?

                                    From last 15 games.


                                      I start playing at nighttime and get matched with trash like yourself, hence bad opponents & teammates.


                                        im fucking scared to post with my main account since its not obviously banned for the most ridiculous reason ever cuz #nazibuff1

                                        its because my main account has so many treant games and i play in us west and i think im the best support ever because i clearly play in the best region ever... LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


                                          Nice comeback, you're still trash though.


                                            Did some lurking on PD, seems like it's best to not play during nighttime on US servers, and avoid MMR collision from different regions.



                                              EU West > US East > China = SEA > EU East > US West > Rest

                                              This was from a few months ago but it should be roughly the same now.

                                              Sōu ka

                                                US East=US west

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  which country is the best in the world?

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