General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice !

Advice ! in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    What should i do if no one on the team wants to be the support.


      you play support? or be like fuck it pick a 5th carry and lose the game coz no wards no chick no gank no stuns fuck doto


        Be support.

        waku waku

          pick whatever you want and go support with it while using the spillover money to buy the items you need
          if you are good you might end up carrying the game anyway


            dont pick a support ruin the game


              if you cant play all roles you shouldnt solo queue

              Miku Plays

                Thanks, then how about if i already picked a hero and no one wants to be the support?

                lets say i pick viper, can he support?

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                  viper is useless hero for support. any hero with stun would be good support..


                    if no one wants to be a support, pick team oriented items that can allow you to push towers. tower gold is pretty crucial for a penta-core lineup to have a chance at succeeding. and wards have to be bought, doesnt matter if there are no supports in the game.


                      Pick another hard carry like Morphling to really secure the late game!

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                        Pick furion and afk jungle while your team feeds
                        Call gg feeder team at 10 minutes
                        Continue jungling


                          Pick Crystal Maiden and go hard carry with her...

                          On a more serious note, you should probably try and learn to play some more heroes. Having 300 games and playing only 3 heroes severely limits yours and your teams options.


                            "What should i do if no one on the team wants to be the support."

                            Answer: Carry your team


                            Alternatively, you can hope the other team is retarded enough to drag the game against a full late-game team.