General Discussion

General Discussion15 in a row ...

15 in a row ... in General Discussion

    HELL YEAH ... Thank you Volvo Gods !!! <3 <3 <3


      and im playing only SOLO matchaking ... xD


        Don't worry! You will soon be able to lose like the rest of us.


          inb4 32 loss streak

          Woof Woof

            i have bad news for you


              i called it 2 losses till now

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                good to see someone had a nice winning streak in just ruining my stat on ranked matchs :D

                and yea: + my +25 or less...loose -28 or more...fuck logic --"


                  i got 17 lose streak because no one wants to support in my mmr


                    Then you need to support :/ i hate it but its how its gotta go


                      you made VOLVO mad!

                      the system works in such a way that if you beat VOLVO badly. They'll retaliate much much stronger!

                      prepare for 100 noobs and feeders in your next 20 matches!

                      valve dota 2 code:
                      IF ($DotaAccountId_WIN_STREAK >= 15)
                      THEN EXECUTE NEWBIE_FEEDER_FILL(50, 50);

                      NEWBIE_FEEDER_FILL (int num_newbie, int num_feeder)
                      -- this a last resort special function created to fuck dota 2 players
                      $Dota2AccountId[] = open ("list_of_top_newbies_feeders_most_reported_players.txt"); -- this file is being generated on a daily basis, this is the main purpose of the valve reporting system

                      result $Dota2AccountId[100];


                        2 loses so far...

                        lord gaben has cursed you


                          Prepare your anus. You're going to get fucked really hard.


                            juggernaut complains about no support (he died to windrunner with treants armor on) and then he disconnects

                            visage: "say bye to your winrate" and then starts feeding while putting sentries in our jungle

                            legion picker, cm never placed the wards she bought before creeps were sent out, es being too "nervous" WTF?

                            legion picker, vengeful bought smoke to reveal brood WTF?? and nobody carried tps except for me

                            legion picker and awful mid player

                            retarded storm who lost mid as well, es being retarded and "afk"

                            am can't last hit and buys vlad to farm.. lmao

                            fair game actually

                            invited to a stack and was told to "support" (do i look like a fucking support ?), picks sniper, windrunner and ember for some reason, lost already

                            autistic tinker, ursa and spirit breaker. vanguard on ursa, what the fuck ? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                            dark seer happened, look at his skill build and the fucking item he bought. pudge pick wasnt that great and he was more retarded than your average lowskill russian player. this was in us east 5k+ rating btw

                            was invited to some stack, didnt bother checking their dotabuff profiles and lost instantly, didnt feel like a dota match

                            best riki NA, puck lost mid to a feeding sf and lina couldnt land stuns at all

                            awful ember spirit player, razor was mid and yeah.. idk how some1 can be so fucking stupid to get hit by every arrow from potm, literally autism

                            naga and slark didnt random, they actually picked it to counter enigma and magnus (whatever this means), naga kept using ulti before magnus and enigma used their ulti so yeah.. what a fun game that was ROFL

                            3 peruvians, venomancer fed sf with souls and kept feeding.

                            enigma wanted to "learn" how to play enigma, YAY what a fun and exciting game this was

                            invited to a bad stack

                            invited to a bad stack

                            awful clockwork who couldnt land one hook or participate in one single team fight until they took our two raxes

                            autistic gondar, shit windrunner

                            lion + gondar skillbuild, embrace it (opponents were good tho, im not saying we lost because of gondar and lion but i think the game would be more fun if they went for proper skill builds instead of max invis and stun over hex)

                            invited to a bad stack

                            wow when i think about it, valve does put effort into giving me shitty players in my team when i dont 5 man stack but i still maintain a decent winrate after all if you compare me to this guy for example who inflated his winrate in us east at 5 am and if you look at his ranked matches, he cant even maintain 50% winrate there LOL

                            if i have to 5 man stack to get 10+ winstreaks in ranked i might do it but i think playing with a friend or two is more fun nowadays anyway, getting back to 5.2k+ rating will be easy since i only need to win 15 games or so (i think thats how many i lost?) which can be done in a day if i take it seriously

                            tl;dr ranked is dumber than normal matchmaking , all u need to do is win and it doesnt give a fuck about your performance.
                            once i have 5.5k+ rating im going back to normal if valve wont introduce a ladder or something

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              ye ... volvo gods read this post and cursed me ... now follows great agony filled with noobs and feeders and im not prepared for that kind of playstyle :(


                                I feel like I'm on a 15 game losing streak. had such a SHITTY night. I don't even know where to begin. Pretty sure we got trolled in one loss. My last two losses were just fucking TERRIBLE.


                                  i thought it was only me suffering those lose streaks then i saw this topic lol

                                  Kanye Best

                                    Lol keep cryan bitch niggas mmr is fine get good


                                      Getting a win streak is always really great... But... then you get a losing streak and it brings you down! :(

                                      Woof Woof

                                        yeh keep crying while Kanye gets bjs from his gf between ranked games


                                          im 4800 and the higher i go the more retarded people i play with ... i swear ... last game jugger built dagon ... went offlane with 1st item boots and nothing more ... so sad ... 10 days ago i was in low priority and i had more teamwork and communication and in this "high bracket" games u get trolls and retards ...


                                            my invoker win streak is still intact and thats the most important thing :D

                                            HANNI 하니

                                              I feel you man. I got 9 winning streak in solo mmr.

                                              Quick maffs


                                                Dude u have a serious rage problems, some of those games people didnt deserve the shit you are saying about them.


                                                good luck i know you can get over it.


                                                  Jugg offlane starting with boots is pretty legit actually.


                                                    with 0 regen ? :) dont bullshit plz :)

                                                    Woof Woof

                                                      only -3 in a row ; d congrats


                                                        @vivivi hey man can I ask you why are you not elegible for top 50?


                                                          played limited hero pool 30 times or so and they didnt like it :)


                                                            he has 5 pages in lhp
                                                            also he did do lvl 1 rosh lpq abuse


                                                              the schizo autist is here


                                                                kd who said without regen? boots + clarity + tango or boots + salve + someone pools you with 2 tangos


                                                                  problem in ranked atm for use players are peruvians, fucking subhumans shouldnt play this game


                                                                    @sano he bought boots and nothing more ...

                                                                    on topic:

                                                                    first 2 games today ... both mid pickers fail and ragequit .. so 2 leavers in 2 games ... very promising start of the day ... and all that in 4900 rmm :) ... gj volvo!


                                                                      dude i called it you are going to get f'ed
                                                                      valve hates solo q winners


                                                                        this is madness!


                                                                          Why is limited hero pool considered abuse?


                                                                            because it was lpq lhp 5 stack

                                                                            Woof Woof

                                                                              remember kd its all coincidence

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                I really dont know how some people say that this shit doesnt happens, EVERYONE who gets a winning streak gets a losing streak after when playing solo queue. This is like science it doesnt matter your opinion on the subject, this is true.

                                                                                I mean i understand that if you get a winning streak your MMR will increase and your enemies are going to be better players, but your allies should be better too, and that doesnt happen.

                                                                                I mean look at kd last matches, poor guy :(

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  If you look at his games alot of the time he looks like the instigator of his loses. He seems like the kind of person who will flame if anyone on his team gives away first blood.


                                                                                    keep playing necrovoker to win

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      look at all his matches he lost and see how low is xpm is because he is prob afk'n after first blood and flaming like a madman forcing his team to play 4v5


                                                                                        u on drugs man? i rarely flame ... had enough mute bans so i never say anything bad ... only at the end i say i reported them if i feel they behaved /played bad ... and last few games i get retards for my teammates .. last game i played which ended 5 mins ago i got timber who afked and all 4 of us (even 1 enemy players) paused ... and when he finally came i said "finally" and he started raging he will force us lose ... i said ok go ahead ... first he killed our courier on purpose , then he had stashed wards for 5 mins which we gave him for offlane ... after that he bought all the wards and warded all my forest so i cannot farm / summon creeps ... and he was killling courier whole time on purpose / afking ...
                                                                                        the game b4 that i had distruptor , was hardlane with slardar and we raped cm / slark ... top and mid failed bigtime ... qop was 0 2 and i wrote her stop feed pls ... he then went top to gank , died , bought back , died again and rage quit ...
                                                                                        the game b4 that i played lion and after 10 min kunka left for no reason , and my xpm there is probably low bcz i left right after him and others stayed to play (when i left PA had only preservance + midas ) ...

                                                                                        i dunno why im even writing this bcz i dont have to prove myself to anyone but this is just disguisting ... 2 many noobs and flamers .. yu c k :\


                                                                                          btw @Sampson .. you're troll and a bad one ... so I'll ignore all of the posts you write ... hf :)

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            you dont think saying "stop feed plz" isnt flaming?

                                                                                            I have people who play poorly in my games as well and if I want to have a decent match I do not start fighting like a 8 year old child with my teammates

                                                                                            I dont blame them for not wanting to play with you.



                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                Ignore all you want, there is a reason why ALL of your matches come out with your teammates hating you and only YOU are the constant


                                                                                                  I decided i wont post here again but this topic made me reconsider... "stop feeding" for 0 2 is flaming, ye its not that hard bit he was probably already frustrated couse of deaths and you made it worse on purpose. So he tried harder, risked something, died again, tried to save what he messwd up, failed, left... its not a good behaviour BUT instead of "stop feeding" next time be a good support and GANK mid... if he is 2 killls behind he needs help to stop feed. Ever thought about maybe when you rape your opponent in lane you are again lowerskilled players than yourself? So for mm balance there can be a lane with your lowest teammate against their best? If you want to win its your job to help if you feel you are the better player. Just couse you ay stop feeding, nothing will happen, its like im telling you here "why you didnt destroy their ancient??" He didnt know how, say "hug tower ill gank with next rune"or just tp... that can be a solution, typing bullshit cant.

                                                                                                  Woof Woof

                                                                                                    yeh kd your job in dota 2 ranked is simple win your lane, befriend teammates and act as coach while boosting up their self esteem and telling them that going 0/2 as hero with blink on 1v1 lane without ganks from both sides is ok

                                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                      I didnt mean that. But if you want soneone to win a lane against a probably bettwr opponent, HELP. Or you can just lose, if you prefer that... a sidelane support with an already won lane really can afford to gank mid...

                                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                        in that distruptor game in pick phase i called mid right clicked hero showed it in the minimap and w8ed opponent to pick so he doesnt counterpick me ... then pink picked qop showed hes mid and called mid ... if he was that confident that he so much wanted mid then he should have won it ... and invoker vs qop ... u must be kidding invoker wins this in early / mid ... and in the same time ... we were bot vs CM / slark and ganking furion in the woods constantly ... even invoker ganged us 2 times ... so if u expect me to help some probably egocentered , but low tier player bcz he thinks hes the god of dota ... you're kidding yourself :)

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!