General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] Looking for competent people who WANT TO WIN to party with

[SEA] Looking for competent people who WANT TO WIN to party with in General Discussion
♥ cieles†e

    If you're like me and you find satisfaction in winning, add me up. Sick of pubs where you can't rely on anyone to do something right.
    I can play any role 1-5 and wouldn't mind playing them all, but would prefer not having to play the same role for every single game.
    Just tired of fulfilling my role, and still getting dragged down by others e.g. completely stomping mid but both sidelanes lose and feed terribly. Oh, and I have an especial hate for players who shut up for the entire game, but take the effort to type to flame you when they're feeding.


    -Communicate actively within the game in ENGLISH.
    -No loser mentalities e.g. omg can u gank top now wtf gg alr am has claymore i feed now/gg already (just because you died twice)
    -Actually want to win every game you play.
    -Competent in a variety of heroes, not just being the "best weaver/sniper/drow player" in SEA.
    -Have reached a level where you're confident that you can win any lane provided you have the right matchup or even when at a disadvantage.
    -Receptive to advice. (Acknowledging that you could have done something better or can make a better decision). No asshats saying "don't teach me how to play"

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      So whats your mmr?


        add me!

        ♥ cieles†e

          3.8k mmr, 295 games, but I think that's besides the point, considering I still get matched with complete retards.


            Well look at my last few games, if I can get out of teams like I've had in my recent games add me up.

            ♥ cieles†e

              lol, sure


                we can try!

                ♥ cieles†e

                  added you already


                    U can add me my mmr is 4600+ I duno if opponent will be to hard for u if we stack


                      Or jyll92 same ppl


                        We can try, I usually only play the 3-5 role though

                        ♥ cieles†e

                          alright sure

                          ♥ cieles†e

                            i do look forward to playing against better players as I honestly haven't encountered many so far in dota 2


                              Nature prophet 21% wr. 4/14 last fights and you haven't encountered better player than you ?

                              ♥ cieles†e

                                Well, people always do retarded things on my team when I play prophet. I don't really care about his winrate. Like your 36% winrate with huskar? Anyway I speak of encountering better players solely based on laning, the rest of the game just falls in place. Oh and I don't enjoy playing broken heroes, not sure about you.


                                  Nice QoP stats. You should definitely play that more often.

                                  ♥ cieles†e

                                    damn, i really should avoid playing solo already.


                                      add me, rank 4k, over 1k games played

                                      ♥ cieles†e

                                        yup done


                                          sweetDeviL, what role do you play?

                                          add me up.. also trying to form a group of people where they can practice their "preferred" roles

                                          ♥ cieles†e

                                            #1 and #2 mostly, can play the other roles if need be (albeit a little rusty), added you up already


                                              my solo mmr is 3500+. I have the same problem.


                                                Add me, I can and am good at playing any role.
                                                4.2 mmr, over 1k games
                                                only weakness is my ping is not stable but can still manage


                                                  add me


                                                    though what timings do the rest of you play at?

                                                    ♥ cieles†e

                                                      well, whenever i can let's put it that way lol


                                                        Nicely written, i agree with you - have similiar problems. I want to win every game too, had bad luck with teams lately in solo ranked so my score is only 3450 (also played a lot with beginner friends so its understandable my mmr is lower), but lately i play with friends who are 3700-4700 in mmr withouth any problems (won all 10 party ranked, did job good in my opinion).

                                                        I can play all roles, tho they mostly put me on solo hardlane, cause i'm reliable and it's the most undesirable position, so nobody wants it :) Played 1040 games, won 540, for other information you can check out my profile. Btw - hate feeders who always find reason in others, instead in their bad positioning and lack of initiation skill. So if you would like to give it a try, feel free to add me :)

                                                        Gl hf to all and hope you find reliable players! :)

                                                        Papi Chulo

                                                          Add me please

                                                          ♥ cieles†e

                                                            I really would love to add you lucky bird, but are you sure you can play in SEA? lol


                                                              ^No offense but getting butthurt over a troll game is why i don't play with people like you.
                                                              It's all fun and games.

                                                              I didn't mean any of that to you personally, hell i didn't even say anything to offend you.
                                                              I have had many games with my friends in which we did that kind of trolling behavior to each other when we were snowballing.
                                                              Oh well, not that it matters.

                                                              sincerely - ►Game Is Hard

                                                              ♥ cieles†e

                                                                Well, I don't think it's fun when the four of us are pissed at the retarded shit you did. We could have ended the game 15 minutes earlier at the very least. Spamming "ggwp", "LOL" and "report beastmaster" isn't exactly fun either. Well, you can play with your friends who won't get pissed off at your attitude, not that it matters. The only thing troll-ish about that game was the frustration you put everyone else through on our team.

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  ^ok i get it you're that no fun only whine type of guy.
                                                                  So explain me a few things will you.
                                                                  How could you have ended that game 15 minutes ago?. By stealing that aegis from me?
                                                                  Dude after watching the replay i realized how hostile your behavior was and how fucking butthurt you get from small comments.
                                                                  The reason we could not end it 15 minutes earlier would be you i think.
                                                                  After watching the replay there were 3 times where you died without even using your roar.. like wtf..

                                                                  One time at mid i will accept that it was my mistake for using that bkb as i somehow change the slots for phase and bkb and used it by mistake. Then i went in thinking i had bkb only to find out it was on cooldown. But seriously getting butthurt like that. And if you watch the replay i am sure you will find more retarded shit you did than me.(Going 1v5, using hawk to spot rune which is not there and making hawk stay there when you could use it to scout. I kinda died because of that because vision problems after which you blamed me for going 1v5 when they initiated on me LOL).

                                                                  The game is only frustrating if you choose it to be. After you went full retard 1v5 numerous times, i didn't blame you for that did i?
                                                                  I knew we were going to win all along. We could have ended if you didn't took that aegis and make no use of it either.
                                                                  Maybe you were frustrated because you don't even trust yourself let alone others.'

                                                                  Good luck climbing up the ranked MMR with an attitude like that. I am sure you are one of those people who blames the team instead of blaming yourself.

                                                                  Match ID in case anybody's wondering:


                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                  ♥ cieles†e

                                                                    yeah report beastmaster please. not like the 4 of us were sick of your incessant rambling. good riddance. it is laudable that the misake you found about yourself (using the bkb accidentally) was the most insignificant mistake of yours.

                                                                    btw, chuan and i are friends irl and we are used to randomly flaming each other like "report pls" for fun. you're free to join in, but don't assume i'm butthurt over such things. anyway, i don't really care what your impression of me is or whatever but i just despise noisy players who don't know when to shut it.

                                                                    aegis steal omg wowe. it's cool i'll have fun with my organised, coherent and fluid games while you can play your lvl 1 roshan strat with your own friends, "LOL" "ggwp" like i said in my opening post i look forward to meeting players who don't have loser pubstar mentalities like yours. who really cares how anyone played in that game, considering you called it a troll one yourself. just from how you communicated i could tell you aren't a person i would want to play with to get better.

                                                                    p.s if the four other people are expecting to play seriously, you'd better do so as well, otherwise you're just being plain selfish.
                                                                    don't give excuses that you can do whatever you want just because it's a troll game, if so get lost

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      ? Level 1 rosh is a serious game? If you wanted to play serious you would have played ranked.
                                                                      Also saying ggwp after going 18-2 is not loser mentality. You would have be completely autistic to think like that.
                                                                      Also to your point i can do whatever i want? If you were so offended could you have asked me anytime to play seriously.
                                                                      AFAIK i also once said "Let's go end this". which also u replied with a hostile response.
                                                                      What's the use of playing serious with a lvl 1 rosh strat like wtf. And even if you wanted to play seriously you wouldn't have done all that.
                                                                      So stop being a hypocrite.
                                                                      Oh well, i don't like you, you don't like me. End of the story.

                                                                      ♥ cieles†e

                                                                        k thx bai


                                                                          oh fuck SweetDeviL, i missed that one :/ I'm from Europe, so it's a real shame we cant play, but i added you anyway - at least we can watch some games from each other or sth. Gl hf man! :)

                                                                          ♥ cieles†e

                                                                            yep thanks!

                                                                            Expose The Nose

                                                                              hi. i'm looking for ppl to stack with add me up. dont judge by my w/r. it has been totally wrecked in the past month or so. been teamed with people who know close to nothing. 3900 mmr that has now dropped to 31xx due toa string a garbage games (8 lose streak iirc) in rmm. been doing unranked since.


                                                                                mmr 3229.i know its abit weak but i am willing to learn more things from others.I hope you can add me haha.ty

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                Greasy Burrito

                                                                                  add me also, 3400 solo rank, 3500 party rank, i play 3 role but also play the 5 role

                                                                                  ♥ cieles†e

                                                                                    welll, i have no trouble adding you guys if you're able to handle lanes well and willing to learn


                                                                                      you can add me


                                                                                      not sure if its good enough, MMR 4k


                                                                                        i'm in, add me. let's rule the public matchmaking.



                                                                                          i already add you. see you in game.

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                            Devil you don't seem to play many ranked matches in a day do you? I'm on holidays so I can play a lot.

                                                                                            ♥ cieles†e

                                                                                              Well I unfortunately am not on holiday anymore so I'll just play when I can

                                                                                              ♥ cieles†e

                                                                                                and when i do play it depends whether or not my party members can play ranked too otherwise we just play mormal matchmaking


                                                                                                  added you... see u in game

                                                                                                  Tagalog sa star <3

                                                                                                    my mmr 3.5k , best played hero CM good supp here and can play mid lane.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!