General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win vs try hard stacks when you solo ranked matches?

How to win vs try hard stacks when you solo ranked matches? in General Discussion

    Just as the topic says, how to win vs try hard stack when you solo ranked matches?

    Just had a game where Lone druid keeps talking Russian to himself even though no one on the team speaks his language, bh trying to compete last hits with a pl. Had tons of teams like this in the past, Not complaining or anything, just want to know whats the most you can do as a solo queue vs stacks. What role ganker, support, carry, solo mid?.


      Play captains mode not AP
      never play the default mode ever

      Dr. Knees

        Playing CM/CD has worked for me, i exclusively play CD when i queue up for ranked matches. Usually in a game that is more organized than all-pick people will act a little more cooperatively. My experience has been mostly good with a few hiccups along the way.

        If you want to continue to do AP ranked I would just suggest picking up the role your team needs most at the time.

        Miku Plays

          im not an expert but i go mostly solo on my games and i just usually go with my favorite heroes and observe how everyone plays that way we can have combos every now and then


            implying u can win alone vs decent tryhard stacks

            even if u were fucking dendi my "tryhard stack" would shut u down in laning phases and we would still win our game

            if u want to fight with good stack get ever better stack and outplay them / outpick them


              you cant win


                Fair enough, was gonna say that same thing, If it's a good five man stack you're probably right. Dunno why valve created two separate ratings "Solo rating" and "Party rating". Then allows stacks against solo players in "Solo rating".

                So I am wondering does the stack that defeat you in solo matchmaking gain "solo rating" or "party rating"?

                Penis Monkey

                  party rating, you gain what you queue as.


                    Pray your teamates are decent.

                    King of Low Prio

                      I love players in the 3k-4k range talking about try hard stacks. Decent stacks do not fall below 5k. Grabbing 4 random people and entering the que together is about the same as doing a solo que


                        Grab Sampson and you have free win against 5k+ mmr stack

                        /thread closed

                        Quick maffs

                          Sampson 4 people who speak english is already a lot more than you would get by solo queue.

                          King of Low Prio

                            Am I joining a special que in which my teammates speak english? People tend to forget the fact that both teams might have shitty players


                              shitty players are alright, however shitty player+ non English combo is gg.



                                maybe I'll have to rely on meepo carry to have more impact on games vs stacks.. Though seems easy to shut down meepo now days.


                                  Why do you complain about stacks? Most of them are just 2-5 friends who play together, without voice communication.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    when 2k MM players que together they play like NaVi

                                    tru fax


                                      Hi, I think you should aim for the tings you can do best for the team. Ranked hasn't changed anything, the only thing that's different is that your number is now visible. Same ranking existed in the normal matchmaking, it was just not displayed. I usually play in a 2-3 man stack (it's not that fun playing alone), but when I'm playing alone I tend to pick last and pick whatever we need in the end.

                                      P.S. Avoid fighting for the role, that's the worst ting you can do, people who shout "MID" usually play only that role. I'm not saying they are right, but you'll get them to play better if you let them play what they want.


                                        For now I play pugna because a lot of players don't know how to deal with him early game. Push tower/kill and join the other lane to push/gank. If the carry wants to farm I give him the space he needs and we push as 4. The ward hinders the enemy team to go wombo-combo and by the time the enemy get the items to fight, the carry is farmed and the teamfight goes our way.

                                        So far I've lost only a couple of times using this strategy but this has my win/loss ratio boosted up to over the 50% mark (used to be around the 49.75% mark).

                                        Woof Woof

                                          cant do much when u get russian subhumen on your team truth is if mm didnt mix rus+eu players average eu would hold 70%wr while rus 30%

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            ^ If you say so..

                                            Woof Woof

                                              you know its true


                                                I generally play support as that is the last thing that people want to play in pub games. I generally tide/lich/lock. I express that, even when solo queuing and I don't get captain. I stopped playing AP, as well. usually SD/RD on reg. Captain's on Ranked. I also try and grab captain and communicate with my team about what they would like to play.


                                                  If they draft like Navi, it doesn't mean they play like Navi.

                                                  Look at this game:
                                                  After last pick drow some guy in my team started to flame me about "what are we going to do when naga sleep us all, then DS vacuum / wall and sf ulti" lol.

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    I'm about to give up solo rank. I lost 7 consecutive matches, being the best on my team even if I pick support.

                                                    I tried carry, no one got support. (I had a player pick BH as last pick with Riki and Lanaya on the team)

                                                    I tried support, the carries sux. Always lose mid 100%.

                                                    If there is an abandon, 100% I'ts on my team, always.

                                                    MMR started 3300, now it's 2960

                                                    I think my account is cursed.

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      And i think u are in the Potato Tier where u belong

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!