General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion Commander Question

Legion Commander Question in General Discussion

    Does her ability "Moment of Courage" work with Battlefury?


      Moment of courage is an effect that procs on hit like counter helix. It gives you one fast attack with lifesteal...
      It works in the sense with battlefury that you hit harder and get more lifesteal however you dont lifesteal from splash or anythign alike.

      Also, dont go for bfury LC is a support up to semicarry, you dont really want to spend time farming much(Unless you need blink or lothar). Rather try to get something done whenever you have your ulti up!


        It works. But she's not a hard carry. It's a bad item.


          It's much like weaver's geminate attack.


            Its nothing alike


              Was just kicking around ideas after trying her out on Wraith event last night. The cd is extremely low, and it seems to proc often. I was mainly looking at how iWin said, do you get lifesteal, etc.

              I like to think a tad outside the box, and it doesn't hurt to ask!


                Secondary questions - Do item procs work with this?


                  Orbs ? Maelstrom ? Crit ? yeah


                    I think it only procs on attacks. Beggining of attacks, not when you actually receive damage, like Axe's ballet spins and Centaur's magical waves of damage. If you are talking about orb effects, then yes, they proc because MoC isn't an unique attack modifier.

                    Since we are on the topic of LC, what is her best role? She doesn't seem like a very efficient support, seeing as she only has Press the Attack to heal and buff a carry, she can't do shit without levels or items and her ulti only benefits her or the enemy. She doesn't seem to be a good carry either as she needs to stack that ulti damage to have an impact at late game. Her passive at level 4 gives her a lot of durability if you are lucky with the procs though and her Q is the answer to all those pesky Illusion assholes. So, what is she? A hard hitting tanky semi-carry?

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                      Press the Attack doesn't just heal, it also removes any disables. So it has its uses. The ulti should be seen mostly as a disable -- think Bane's Grip.


                        From what I'm understanding, that is the perfect description of her. I found a guide that said if you have a hard carry, turn her into more of a tank. I think she has great tower push potential if you time it right, as well. Same could be said for jungling.

                        I'm mainly trying to understand how her mechanics work, as I would think her ulti would everything, and you just right click each other to death. But from a guide I just read, you can activiate abilities and then duel.

                        Off the guide I was reading: When HP enemies are colored yellow, enable Armlet of Mordiggian and Blade Mail then use the
                        Press the Attack and invite the enemy to duel using Duel skill.

                        I'm just trying to spitball ideas and make sure I understand the game mechanics.


                          @Press the Attack doesn't just heal, it also removes any disables.

                          I know that too but doesnt seem to work yet or fully functionally cause i tried it ingame


                            more questions about her "Moment of Courage"
                            1. will the ls stack with item ls ?
                            2. will that MoC stop channeling ?
                            3. will that MoC trigger axe' helix ?
                            4. will axe's helix trigger her MoC ?
                            5. will MoC be triggered if she's stunned ?
                            6. will MoC be triggered if she's channeling ?
                            7. will Moc be triggered by ranged attacked (within melee distance) ?
                            8. will MoC trigger in eth form ?
                            9. will MoC trigger when she got disarmed ?

                            also. in dual. what if one of the two got denied ?

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                              1. yes
                              2. it gives you 400% AS speed for 0.5 secs or 1 attack it breaks if you decide to attack
                              3. it is a normal attack so yes
                              4. no
                              5. yes
                              6. yes
                              7. it triggers by any attack
                              8. it procs start of hit (when enemy cant hit you it cant proc but when attack started and eth it might proc)
                              9. it just doesnt trigger when doomed, any situation she is attacked she gets

                              if one of two is dead it does not matter how, the survivor gets the dmg

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                                I see. thx. your anwser to 2 actually clears several of my questions.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Well my buddy rolled her 3 times last night, first 2 we lost, though he seemed to do ok, but he went midas and we had some bad teammates so he never came online quick enough.

                                  For one thing she's an amazing jungler. Then in the successful match he built her into a tank, won a ton of duels and bam all the sudden has over 200 base damage. Then he built daedulus and never looked back.

                                  She reminds me of pudge, lots of snowball potential.


                                    Your question #1 another I had, as well. I would think it would trigger helix (and helix would trigger it). I don't think I've seen another attack stop channels, only stuns/disables, but the only person I remember channeling on is witch doctor and he's generally tissue paper.

                                    For 5/6 I would say no. OR, it could be triggered and interrupt the cast. OR be ready when she's done with either the stun or the trigger. I would think it could be triggered by a ranged attack, but it would be for someone within melee range.


                                      updated cause you had more questions.

                                      "For 5/6 I would say no. OR, it could be triggered and interrupt the cast. OR be ready when she's done with either the stun or the trigger. I would think it could be triggered by a ranged attack, but it would be for someone within melee range."
                                      Thats the mechanics, regardless of her position it procs. Thats how it is. Period.
                                      And yes for common sense reason it might be good however its incredibly hard to code. There needs to be a constant checker checking her if she has the buff and her not being stunned which might be very annoying to implement in wc3 engine.
                                      Regardless it procs anytime unless doomed (and maybe even then, not sure)


                                        Other than fury, most items with effects like radiance, basher, crits, mkb, desolater, lifesteal, etc, stop working while channeling ur ulti.
                                        This was 100% true back in dota 1, didn't test it in Dota 2.
                                        However, items with slow effects, like S&Y, orb of venom, Skadi, work with her ulti.

                                        1. It should, not sure
                                        2. No it won't, or then it would be retarded to lvl it up before getting bkb LOL
                                        3. Yes, it counts as a regular attack as far as I know, but there is a cd for Axe's Helix
                                        4. No, it's not an attack, it's like triggering Axe's Helix by using spells on him
                                        5. Yes, but at that moment it would be useless
                                        6. Same case as that while she is stunned
                                        7. Yes, for sure
                                        8. No, unless she is being attacked physically by some kind of sorcery
                                        9. Yes

                                        About questions 5, 8, 9, why would u even care?
                                        Like she can't attack in all of these cases...
                                        And it's effect is that u gain attackspeed + Lifesteal, not being able attack means no effect.


                                          "About questions 5, 8, 9, why would u even care?"

                                          I thought that skill is like Axe' Helix. like the orange arc went out no matter what. then Arka explained that "it gives you 400% AS speed for 0.5 secs or 1 attack it breaks if you decide to attack" ...

                                          anyway. thank you guys for explaining. LC is a fun hero indeed. haven't played her other than wraith king. guess I need to do some vsbots game with her first.


                                            Looks like u began out with Dota 2, I started with Dota 1, though Earth spirit is still new to me, as I my transition to Dota 2 was before this hero was implemented to dota 1, I think he is like the newest hero in dota 1.

                                            COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                              I have a question:

                                              The bonus dmg from duel, why is not added directly to the base damage?
                                              2 days ago when legion came out on the test client I played with her and all the dmg I gained was added to her base dmg
                                              Today I played on the normal client and the dmg was just bonus dmg +XXX
                                              I remember back in old dota it was directly added to the base dmg, so skills like empower and venges aura were really good for legion

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                                                Probably for the exact reason you mentioned.


                                                  @Bob if a hero is transfered from dota 1 into dota 2 he is not meant to be different, he is meant to be an exact copy with up to almost equal mechanics.
                                                  It is not related to balance for now.

                                                  I don't remember from dota 1 fi it was normal basedamage or additional damage however if you make them aware of the differences they will fix it asap.

                                                  The day naga came out i posted like 5 threads on naga and they got fixed after one day and latest 1 week.

                                                  The developers are quiet potent with most bugfixes. Just let them know!


                                                    Does blademail return damage to the hero you ult on? Or is it disabled/ignored? Seems like a good item on her.

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                                                      It remains active.