General Discussion

General Discussionwhy people think/play mirana as a carry ?

why people think/play mirana as a carry ? in General Discussion

    no passive = no late game right click effect
    no tankyness
    no good farming ability. (1st skill need too much mana to spam).
    no spammable skills. too long cd.
    only good escape skills.
    very hard to grow big. gold-wise and exp-wise.

    I played a captain mode two weeks ago. our captain picked mirana as the position 1 after the other team picked jugg and np.
    he also picked wr and naga to babysit mirana.

    I don't understand. why people think mirana is a good carry ?
    When I blamed the picks. the other teammates said good picks but we played badly.


      Arrow deded

      Jobu Tupaki

        thats why u never use her......
        she is so balance....the ulti can make dissapear 1 team kinda pain in the ass
        choose damage or aspd for her
        wtf she is not tank.....dats why hit run hit run and arrow ...die
        use bottle............
        i thought starlight is spammabel to every creep wave.....
        leap for more speed and aspd....think when to engage with aspd or to run with speed...
        other is just try a good build..... she so balance even dagon good on her


          I agree those are good hero quality. but not carry quality.
          I agree she is balance and I think these points and balance makes her a good support or position 4 something.


            She is one of those heroes that is versatile as anything


              agree. i think lezard also means versatile by balance.

              Jobu Tupaki

                i think what do you mean is about hard carry....of course she is not......she will lose with void in chrono or her team will be wipe with spectre......or die with 1 hit crit PA
                but she can beat them in early and mid a good item in that period of time
                even with just daedalus your 1 hit can be so hurt to enemy int
                the key to succesfull mirana play is the can outplay any carry with that....and carry your team to vic lol


                  Mirana is a good mid or offlane semi-carry with huge ganking capability. She is not meant to hard carry. If she is fed she can carry the team and she can output a lot of damage but I thought all of this was pretty well known....


                    It`s all cos of competetive. Pro teams alot play mirana safe lane farming at 3 lane and buying midas.So pubers copy/paste it ofc.But the difference is you can`t at ap with 4 random ppl farm like in competetive games so is not worth it.In my opinion mirana 3 lane deffensive at competetive also sux,but that`s current meta for alot of teams still.So ppl think they are SingSing or smth and go just farm half game buying midas and be almost totaly useless whole game,but thats not worst scenario.Worst Mirana players going roam mid at lvl 1 hit 1/10 arrows and trying to play some casual ganker mirana with phase boots at 25 min.


                      just carried round 5 in eizo with mirana as carry in the offensive trilane. what?


                        van-art depends on pick also,but deffinetly Mirana is not hard carry position. = )


                          95% carry heroes with full slot > Mirana full slot, so plz. Mirana can be played as carry just if she is far more farmed than opossite team.Same as almost any farmed/feed hero with item and lvl advantage.


                            > 1 captain in 1 game picks mirana as carry
                            > why does everyone think mirana can carry

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              Snowballing sounds like a good option to me. Roam around, drop some arrows, get a few kills, have fun right clicking.


                                Because when a hero can be played as both a carry or a support, 90% of pubbers will play said hero as a carry, because they don't like to support or think it's demeaning or some shit.

                                It's similar to the retarded pub philosophy that because a hero has a healing spell, it can only be played as a passive support.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  All hail Zano! Damn, man, support players are always the wisest.

                                  Btw, snowball Mirana game with some roaming:


                                    "It's similar to the retarded pub philosophy that because a hero has a healing spell, it can only be played as a passive support."
                                    Carry Omni is so scary T^T

                                    You know I know what the OP is referring to. A lot of people I talk to at low skill seem to believe Mirana is a hard carry, then again, these people don't understand the difference between hard and semi carry or even that a team does not need a hard carry to be successful. These are the same people that do anything a pro does just because "the pros do it".

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                                    Cherrer Pak

                                      Easy question. Ure team should want to end early with Mirana being main carry. (Not hard carry) . You dont need a hard carry to win early-mid games. Strat should be , Snowball-->Push win around 40Mins or u lose to a team with harder carries.


                                        Yeah void beats gyrocopter in chronosphere, only noobs run gyrocopter as a position one pffft..
                                        just pick void if the enemy team has mirana cause void > any carry. >__<


                                          make her position 3 lol

                                          white lies

                                            mirana is a good carry. ive seen enough pub players who can use mirana very well. ofc that includes me lol

                                            Double Agent

                                              She is best in the 3rd position


                                                Mirana is a semi-carry. Period.

                                                She is usually played as mid or offlane however she is a VERY versatile hero and can be played in different roles. She can be played as a support or as a #1 however almost any carry in the game will outcarry her late. This is all basic information here.


                                                  Yeah honestly she cant hard carry. She works well as a position 2 or 3 but more commonly a 3. To me she has been getting annoying latley with her ulti. :p


                                                    her carry role isn't the fact that she hits like a truck, its more the fact that a potms positioning basically means she never isn't hitting you, which overall deals alot of damage


                                                      Pro teams use roles more than positions. Role 1 mirana is decent. Ofc you will lose late game to most hard carry heroes, but you dont need to go that late. If you pick her as role 1, you must win in mid game. Lots of strats are about winning early, mid or late game. Mirana offers you strong mid game. She needs few items to be effective, unlike medusa or void.
                                                      In competitive games you can have even carry pugna, rubick, and any other hero. It just depends what you want achieve by that pick and role.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                               she is actually a superior mid hero more than anything.


                                                          Yeah but most people think that who hits harder can carry better, that's why they play retarded heroes like void and PA and find themselves beaten by viper or vengeful spirit.


                                                            mirana can be a carry i have played her as carry but she is kinda like bloodseeker just a semi carry never really a hard carry like void alchemist nevermore or troll or even mort

                                                            im so bad at artifact

                                                              The problem there is that your "position 1" had 3 cs/min. Should she generally be a #1? No, but that game is a bad example.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                12345 is a stupid antiquated system. Do you want mirana + 4 other supports like mirana + disruptor, shadow shaman, earthshaker, veno? Hell no, but can you throw her in as a carry with say faceless void as your hard carry? Hell yes. She builds the same items regardless of position, stuff like diffusal, deso, drums maybe. It's kind of like naga, or even venge. They might buy a ward here or there, have a ton of utility items and buy nice dmg items/aura items.


                                                                  I actually lost ass to a 5 support team not too long ago. Didn't help that people couldn't communicate, but they were hard as piss to kill and worked well together.


                                                                    She has great agi gain and is VERY mobile. 2 strong nukes, one of which stuns, the other being an AOE make her GREAT in all sorts of fights. She has an ulti that can make or break a teamfight, therefore win or lose a game. She has an escape and chase that lets her survive/get kills. She isn't a great carry compared to real hard carries, but she is definitely good at getting gold, which makes her strong in the mid game and still viable in the late game.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Bob, support heavy teams work great if they are stacked and 5 man push non stop. But in pubs this rarely happens, they usually play normal like they have a farming carry on their team, match goes 45 mins and they lose. But I've fought teams that had a setup like axe, sand king, tide, elder, clock and been destroyed cus they early push and aoe kill everyone before we could get bkbs.


                                                                        u can leap the fuck out , ur ranged , u got 5 sec disable if ur lucky enuff to land arrow u can somewhat contribute early with arrow+starstorm if enuff mana lolol and also ulti that makes enemies waste sentries or play very carefull when ur team is missing off map

                                                                        its not carry but its close to 1


                                                                          Semi-carry / Off-Lane.
                                                                          'Nuff said.