General Discussion

General DiscussionCountering Venomancer

Countering Venomancer in General Discussion

    I know a little bit with this hero (same like viper, but doesn't have magic resistance. Poison as passive, not active like viper)
    And i want to ask you how to countering this hero at any lane, condition (1 by 1 or teamfight), and also it weakness.
    Thanks for your care to watch this useless thread, advice and opinion here.


      veno is pretty strong in 1v1, just dont take melee heroes without escp mechanism if u know u'll 1v1 him and try to dodge q or just pick trax


        slark debuff
        not sure haven't tried it yet

        and the last:

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          good suggestion.

          I would also suggest natural BKB and pipe carries. Centaur War-runner can build a very fast pipe first without ruining his survival in order to protect his teammates.


            Pick Viper and put at least one level on his passive. If he attacks you, he'll get more damage returned from corrosive skin than he deals with his own passive.

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              Ok, i'll try it later.
              Thanks for advice here

              Dire Wolf

                Veno has no escapes and is squishy. Unlike viper's poisons which reduce attack speed, veno's only sap movement so as long as you're on top of him you can kill him, then run away. His ult is the most deadly but it can't actually kill you, just bring you to 1 hp. It's the Q ability that kills you, so hopefully he doesn't combine them, but if he does kill him first at least. Not a super hard hero to counter 1v1, it's when he's laning with a strong disabler he becomes a nightmare.


                  lanestage: You shouldn't play defensively vs veno, because sooner or later he definitely outlanes you. He's squishy, so just kill him and don't pick lanecreeps (void, spectre) vs him.
                  teamfights: meka, pipe, try to kill him before he casts anything using silence/hex/stun.
                  Also I want to believe magic immunity will remove poison sting effect in the next patch, because it's too imba now - by using plague ward you simply leave anybody without boots


                    kill him before he uses anything ez


                      fking nightmare if he got scepter,
                      every team fight i feel like i'm rushing so fast to finish them off,
                      that sh1t is more op than lich


                        Then the rule here is kill him as soon as possible, before his Q and Ulti combined, right?


                          You do not counter veno by surviving his combo. You counter by initiating and disabling him before he can cast then bursting him down before he can cast.

                          In the lane its the same. You have two options: kill veno quickly, or don't fight him. There are no heroes that can heal through the passive constant 5/10/15/20 dps in the lane early. So don't try to do it. Don't trade harass, either kill him or just admit you lost the lane and go gank a different one.

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                            silence/stun DAAAAAAAAAYUM DEM COUNTERZZ3000


                              Only disablers can help you. You loose line 1 vs 1 vs Veno anyway ) you can check my last games )


                                pick viper
                                level your skin shit
                                let him aa you
                                every damage you take resets the debuff on him

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                                  imagine a scepter veno with refresher lol


                                    if only his ulti was stacking lol lol


                                      just push r and then win game


                                        pick Ember spirit and win


                                        pick slark and win


                                        pick Yurnero and win


                                        pick kotl and win


                                        so many counter here @.@

                                        weaver can even safely get creeps and wait for level 6 kill



                                          Darkness have you tried viper vs veno wards? Will the debuff hit veno or do nothing since the ward is magic immune?


                                            Ghost scepter was countering his skills as i remember.


                                              wow nice info, thx

                                              Miku Plays

                                                Thanks for the info :) also veno can only 1v1 viper when hes at lvl 6 but he still dies but takes viper with him LoL



                                                  Miku Plays

                                                    The ultimate counter for veno is lvl 1 Legion commander with press the attack... veno cries everytime he hears that horn


                                                      Pick BH. One shot crit the crap outta him.


                                                        I've seen jugg tear him apart in a lane. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Jugg's magic immunity purges the slows, after that just spin over him and deal pretty much a full bladefury (400 dmg at lvl 1, fuck squishy heroes). He only has 285 MS with no escapes so he's more than easy to catch up to. After that all you need is a right-click or two.

                                                        Make the bastard wish he had legs.

                                                        Oh and a healing ward is pretty good to deal with his harass, just make sure he doesn't break it with one of his own wards.

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                                                          Surprised no one has mentioned abbadon who is picked as a defensive support vs a venomancer.


                                                            Abba is also great, his shield will just soak up about all the damage of his poisons.

                                                            Abb is also really good if Veno goes for early towers with his wards as the shield will help push creeps and kill wards without fear of poisons (free gold!)


                                                              veno is great in teamfight. buy a pipe to counter his ult. I would say that is the most cost effective way.
                                                              or bkb.

                                                              early game. it would be huge pain in ass if the lane support veno gets 1 or 2 points on his 2nd skill (passive sting).
                                                              just gank him as he has no escape. squishy. and lowest movespeed (only faster than cm).

                                                              in mid game also gank him. he is the support and will spend on gold on support items and no gold to get tanky and faster.

                                                              late game. just pipe and bkb.

                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                force staff, counters him pretty well.

                                                                i quit

                                                                  thats the stupidest reasononing for why you pick abba against him
                                                                  though abba is good for other reasons as havoc said

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