General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do high level players get Rearm at 6 on Tinker?

Why do high level players get Rearm at 6 on Tinker? in General Discussion

    Been looking at a few higher level games, and some of the Tinkers I've seen go for a 1-1-3-1 or 2-0-3-1 build by level 6. What is the purpose of getting Rearm at 6 when you don't have Boots of Travels yet?


      how high were those games?


        Very High bracket


          to farm ancient with soul ring.

          King of Low Prio

            yea rearm isnt purely for BoTs :P


              Yeah but Soul Ring is 800 gold. Is it worth getting this first and delaying your Travels?

              King of Low Prio

                depends on if you have ancients stacked and ready to go. If not get BoTs first


                  spam MotM?


                    Idk, it just feels better, sometimes with a bottle u can use double march on 2 neutral camps in ur jungle, or stack ancients and pick them off.
                    Get a soul ring if u have too much trouble getting the BoT, by too much, I really meant TOO much !!

                    Woof Woof

                      leveling rearm at 6 is trolling but lets be honest if u stack you can even max stats and hold level for fun and still win 60/70%of games


                        ^ wtf was this post
                        and yes, it's for clearing the stack. however, keep in mind that to kill the stack Soul Ring isn't necessary most of the times.


                          How about going 4 4 and rearm at lvl 9?


                            I'm an absolute Tinker-noob but for me it made sense to get the Ult as soon as I have BoT.


                              4 4 and rearm at 9 can work, ive done it when im mid vs heroes that can't handle the dmg. Example is SF, really squishy and the combo pretty much almost kills him, however if you fuck your early game up you'll be in alot of trouble since you can't farm ancients or anything to get ur farm/lvls up.

                              tl;dr 4 4 and rearm at 9 if you continuously get kills with laser + rocket


                                I love going 4 4 and rearm at 9, but you'll farm your BoT by purely ganking

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  It's a very risky build, if you don't get some kills you're pretty much screwed


                                    by 4 4 i assume you mean laser/rockets and ripping unsuspecting people a new asshole?


                                      cuz they are faggots and retards

                                      Woof Woof

                                        ^ this


                                          no wonder my tinker sucks
                                          i usually go soul ring BOT ancient stacking and then get rearm at lv 6
                                          i just saw one of qojva match and directly copy it LOL