General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to solo queue as invoker??

How to solo queue as invoker?? in General Discussion

    Sometimes I get matched with really good players and have no trouble winning; however, some games, I get matched with low-skilled players who keep dying and blaming me for not ganking. Is there a certain way to play invoker when solo queueing? (ie. never go midas and go gank whenever it's possible to do so? or do I play him as a side-laner?)
    PS: Other tips on invoker or how to solo queue in general are welcome too.
    EDIT: Also looking for friends to play with. If you're interested, add me or post here; but I have to say I don't play that often, so don't add me if that's going to be a problem for you. I play on US East and usually play any time between 4.00 pm-12.00am (-5 EST).

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      There is no way to win every single game, not everything is dependant on you.

      You're doing fine, just keep playing Invoker and have some fun.


        @親和性 '
        -This is my smurf account and I have decent win rate because I play with new players, so my win rate is a lie.
        -I understand I can't win every game, but I see people who solo queue with "high" win rates all over the forum. You, for example, have almost 55% win rate with only 8 games played with friends. I don't get how people solo queue and have 55% win rate.

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          Matchmaking is trying to find players with similar skill level and make them battle in an even game. (50% chance to win for both sides)
          If your global winrate is around 50% that means your skill cap has been reached. It [U]doesn't make you bad[/U], it just means that you've found your place on the ladder.
          You can still end up playing in the same bracket as Dendi, even if your winrate is only 50%.

          Keep in mind that winrate [U]does not[/U] represent your actual matchmaking rating.

          As you see one of the best middle players in Dota who usually plays public MM alone is averaging 56% winrate.

          In the end only a fraction will have global winrate over 50% due to [U]evenly skilled teams[/U] competing against one another.
          People who have winrate 60% or more are usually the ones who consistently play as 5-stack.

          Even then, it's still hard since they get placed vs other 5-stacks from time to time. (Unless they're dodging games *cough* Vroshak *cough*.

          Check people who play against Dendi, most of them average 50% - 52% winrate. Yet they still manage to get queued up with/against him due to their high MMR.

          Have some fun and play the game, winrate doesn't mean that much.

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          Papi Chulo

            Quas-Wex Invoker and gank early

            Double Agent

              Be the one who doesnt die like a retard and has the most farm priority

              King of Low Prio

                Do not make smurfs if you actually want to improve


                  The trick is to never pick him instantly, always make sure you have a good team set up already without a mid, (wait for the randomers too), check the opponent comp (dont pick him vs OD), then just play your lane well. If you say your playing with noobs that get raped in side lanes and your so much better than them, you can rape mid lane enough to take over the mid game for your team to catch up - if you dont rape mid lane then you really arent better than your team mates and your team just had a poor game in general.

                  By raping mid lane i dont mean getting kills, just out farming the other mid massively, getting your 1 or 2 core items and once u get double forge (assuming your exhort) then you start moving between lanes. Double forge + cold snap kills all supports and from then on you start moving around and taking down towers, giving your team time to catch up. Key thing is winning your lane - or getting the most out of your lane, if you cant do that, then you cant really blame your team mates as they will lose side lanes 50% of the time and win 50% of the time so your the difference maker, in mid.


                    antoher trick(radiant), type "jungle invoker" no joke tell ur team ur going Ancients so they have to pick a proper offlaner and mid. Buy qb and 4 branches cut trees and start autoattacking the camp and stacking every 55~ focus on killing 1 creep so u hit lvl 2 and invoke SUNstrike, tell ur team u have sunstrike.... If u get fb u can get midas by 6 min if not u got midas at 9min w/e creeps spawns (even with dragons works) hit the hard camp with ur midas and try get lvl 9-10 asap max exort then quas 4-1-4-1 so u can summon forged spirits and jungle forever
                    - buy 1 clarity if u want to spam sunstrike to help other lanes
                    - Dont rush aghs, perfect timing its around lvl16-17
                    Rushing aghs without mana regen or utility items its a waste of gold imo it hurts ur team a lot in the mid game, i usually go for euls/force staff then aghs

                    Ref <Grimorum

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                      You referenced the wrong video. jungle ancient invoker can get midas in 5-6 min if focus all mana on alacrity.



                        sometime your team needs a proper CC, then forget about your cookie cutter exort build and go some q/w build to control lanes harder