General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is WQ Invoker considered to have very weak laning?

Why is WQ Invoker considered to have very weak laning? in General Discussion

    Level 1 Exort + Blades of Attack as usual.

    Thats 58 damage. You should rush a Phase Boots since you don't need a midas as ganking QW Invoker and you decent damage against most mids.

    Skill QW as normal.


    Am I missing something here? Just started to get into Invoker recently.

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    Ragnar Volarus

      if you skill E first, until 3 level you are hero with 280 ms, 58 damage, weak attack animation and no spells. And it doesn't get much better later if you don't get more E levels. What do you have at 6th level? 2-2-1-1 ? What does it offer? Cold snap and 100 damage sun strike? Tornado+EMP is weak until maybe 9-10 level. Compare it with any other mid hero. With exort you have at least some damage for last hiting and strong sun strike for being somehow useful.

      He has weak laning.


        It has weaker laning to the universal QE Invoker but its not THAT horrendous like some people described.

        Forged Spirit means you either get or deny the runes. Cold Snap is good for ganking and low level Ice Wall or Deafening Blast ain't that bad for ganking.

        Or maybe I've just been having good games with WQ Invoker so far.

        SMELLY APE

          it really just depends on lane. if you're against melee, QW will win 99% of the time (if opponent gets stout shield and gets good runes, at best they will break even), if you're against a carry midlaner like SF then u need E for alacrity to last hit. Both builds have their advantages.
          The major downside of WQ is you lack the damage and snowball potential. If your carry isn't doing well then ur in a tough situation, also if teammates die early that means faster arcane boots for supports so ur emp won't be doing anything really. What is a 300 dmg tornado going to do? What is cold snap going to do to 5 man-push doto? Not to mention how level dependent QW is, u need at least lv 9 for lv 5 WEX EMP, the enemy midlaner can take advantage and gank but U can't, no Sunstrike. Also farming with QW build is pretty darn slow unless you count kills as farming.

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