General Discussion

General DiscussionUpdate dotabuff profile

Update dotabuff profile in General Discussion


    I've made a thread like this some time ago, but I'm new to dotabuff and I do not know how to find my old thread. (I've been searching for it)

    My dotabuff is apparently out of date cause I had my profile as private earlier, so my most played heroes, best GPM, most deaths, most kills etc. is probably not what they should be. Like it says Nature Prophet is my most played hero, whilst Lifestealer actually is.

    So, is there any way?

    Thank you.

    3an8omallis o steal

      yes you sing in with ur steam profile then they give u link to update your profile from here


        Thank you, a lot!

        Let's wait 30mins and see.


          still not updated


            If you are still not getting all of your matches it may be because you have played over 500 matches with the privacy setting enabled. Valve only allows us access to your last 500 matches.