General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you define your playstyle based on your top 3 heroes?

How do you define your playstyle based on your top 3 heroes? in General Discussion

    Title says all...

    Mine slark venge nyx. Because im bad at awareness so i need some mechanism for escape.


      I really dont think you can define your playstyle based on your top 3. So how do i define it? I dont.


        An asshole who manages to get all the kills that are defined by KS when i do most of the damage

        One Man Army

          Mine is mirana, warlord and lich ==> pure support and nuker ^__^

          EZ MID 9k mmr

            Global presence.

            team fuck sucks

              Need to be able to get kills without help and still maintain a presence in the late game.


                Support by confusing the enemy :)


                  Irritating to kill/lockdown.


                    top 3; badass pixie?

                    top 4-6; cunt

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Axe Furion and Rubick unfortunately doesn't have any similarities.

                      Airi ♥

                        necrolyte, dazzle and visage (even lich, my top 4)

                        they're all dire int, i love scourge int tavern since way back dota 1


                          I play heroes like Luna, Gyrocopter, Troll Warlord, Semi-Carry Lina, Outworld Devourer, Kunkka, Batrider, Puck, etc. All these heroes are amazing in lane, amazing mid-game and amazing late game. I try to absolutely play them to their full potential to fully stomp my enemies in lane, winning every teamfight during the mid-game and eventually winning the game.

                          Troll Warlord was my most recent discovery and my favourite due to his amazing lane presence and pushing power.
                          Luna, I'd say is the most reliable and I find it very hard to lose with her because she offers absolutely amazing abilities that make it hard to lose even with feeders on my team.
                          Gyrocopter is an absolute beast always, I get so many kills with him.

                          Even if I can't get any kills in lane, because the solo Sven is hugging the tower, I can make amazing use of free-farm unlike many other newbies in my MMR, if I get free-farm, I win.

                          Troll isn't in my top three, but it will be eventually. Windrunner is in my Top three, but she doesn't really fit in my playstyle, I just play her a lot.

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                          Quick maffs

                            OD, Necro, Storm.

                            Snowball heroes on general.


                              Yolo last hits with my nukes and scales very well late game!!!


                                Casual account:
                                Nyx, bloodseeker, spiritbreaker - isolating and insta killing alone enemy heroes / pubstomp haha

                                serious account:
                                phantom lancer, naix, gyro, bloodseeker - carry heroes who needs to be in the middle of teamfights

                                Retard Security Detail

                                  Axe: often picked with irritating teams so i just jungle and go savage on other team. Kill or be killed.
                                  Invoker: for fun, alot of work but the most stand out interactive hero in game.
                                  Slark: just a diving and killing machine.

                                  While not in my top played Clock is hella fun as well.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I like to troll peoplel with invis

                                    Marcus Butthurticus

                                      QoP, Natures, Luna. Very ganky, sneaky, ambushing and nukey. Pushing when I can.

                                      There is nothing better than jumping in and cleaning house with QoP or double killing a lane, jumping in with natures to stop someone form running or killing them off/pushing a lane or end up in the fray with Luna with a ulti + bkb + helm of dominator.


                                        Pudge, Invoker, Sandking.

                                        Sugar Show

                                          Huskar Doom and Ursa
                                          Spam ulti, Farm lothar and get some kills.

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                                          positive influence

                                            and waaaaaaaaaaaa(scream)

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Supports and tanky heroes (carry or otherwise).

                                              Vanity  ツ

                                                Global >:)


                                                  ^ more like annoying piece of shit who only picks OP-in-pubs heroes

                                                  but it's a subjective question


                                                    I'm not an abuser.


                                                      Yea, you're just a faggot who ruins fun for people in pubs.


                                                        np, lone druid, storm spirit

                                                        i like heroes that have pushing power and/or ganking abilities.

                                                        also, i love ratdoto.


                                                          ur angry^


                                                            Fucking lold.
                                                            Best heroes you have.


                                                              heroes that farm early, own midgame, transition well into lategame, but end up games in midgame :D

                                                              Vanity  ツ

                                                                Sounds like you're butthurt sano, you must feel so good with yourself after that comment. Nothing is better than getting out the anger on random people on dotabuff :)


                                                                  Ninja thief with insane DPS.


                                                                    I didn't get angry at any time

                                                                    Bad words =/= being mad

                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      i like to roam and kill everything


                                                                        Invoker , Pudge , Sf ---> Like to dominate mid and then spread domination to all the map :P


                                                                          its the hero i use the most in dota 1.. and disruptor .. i love spam his skill.. i think i will make naga and ET to my top 3 and remove slardar later..


                                                                            Templar, Invoker, Nyx.

                                                                            What does it mean.

                                                                            team fuck sucks

                                                                              You like playing mid, I guess.


                                                                                aggressive as fuck


                                                                                  Ursa, Mirana, Maiden :)

                                                                                  Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                                                                    tide hunter.

                                                                                    all da good shit


                                                                                      Sand King

                                                                                      Doesn't mean shit lol


                                                                                        Hardcarry morph am life weaver


                                                                                          Pudge SB Nyx Assasin. Ganker/snowballer


                                                                                            Nyx / drow / jakiro

                                                                                            I guess I like heroes that can be useful without items.

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                                                                                              Give ur opinion


                                                                                                Rubick, KotL, Spirit Breaker

                                                                                                Support Moo


                                                                                                  sf pro mid, pro farmer, pro sf player, freewin whenever there arent ruiners!
                                                                                                  potm like to move around, farm, move, gank, be sneaky with arrows/ulti
                                                                                                  drow? (havnt played her in ages) fuck this shit, gogo solo farm farm farm solo push towers