General Discussion

General DiscussionAdministration! Pay attention to us! "This player has been flagged fo...

Administration! Pay attention to us! "This player has been flagged for exploiting." in General Discussion
biba tvoey mamashki

    Dear dotabuff. I would like to say that you banned our accounts for no reason.
    We didnt play using some kind of programs. We didnt stack with new people each
    time to stay in low priority(like some of people might think). We have zero
    games in low priority and never dodged games. All of our games was on
    "All pick" mode(no limited hero pool and stuff like that).
    You can also check out everything i stated earlier.
    You can check ALL of our games via Dota2 client and check games of our opponents.
    We didnt create any side accounts to keep our winrate high.
    You could possibly watch more of our games (we are not insisting on you watching a lot) so you cab see that we are playing versus real people and not versus our fake accounts.
    So basically you just blocked our accounts for what we didnt do.
    I personally just wanted to create a new account becouse someone stole my old one, hence the winning streak. So please, reconsider yours decision. With respect, olee444.

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      biba tvoey mamashki
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        SMELLY APE

          lmfao. newb BOT CYKA

          biba tvoey mamashki
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            SMELLY APE


              Woof Woof

                congrats oleee how many accounts thus far? :D

                biba tvoey mamashki

                  Now all honestly brother, so that banks are not well-founded.

                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                    Nice KDA you got there, seems legit.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      I wonder how they exploited the system. There doesn't seem to be any abandons, the toggle match history has been fixed, and all games are AP.


                        i guess they are a bunch of friends that goes on lowprio same options/ start search togheter and then feed hardcore the abusers.

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                        biba tvoey mamashki

                          Nova, no low priority

                          biba tvoey mamashki

                            check replays !


                              they play on russia server with low amount of games. You expect them be play vs pros?xD

                              So much work for that win% AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND its gone



                                You can't do the feed each other trick without massive abandons. He only has 1 out of like 60 games that didn't count, which pretty much means that's not the trick they are using.


                                  I think I figured out what they're doing. Every game they play on 4 of their cheesy stat accounts + 1 brand new newbie account to lower the bar of the opponents. Look at how each of their match has 1 account on their team(minimum) that doesn't share history. This is conjecture though. Given that dotabuff can detect the exploit they are doing, I hope to hear what it was just out of sheer curiosity.

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                                  biba tvoey mamashki


                                    We just have all 4re player standing and we constantly call 1st


                                      Or its just smone that didnt share their match history huhh?
                                      think bro


                                        WTF SOME Noob GUY SEEMS LIKE HE LOVE " TREES "


                                          nice job man keep winning games with people who have never played the game, you're pro! gj!


                                            I checked replay of his last game. They do roshan before start of game then proceed to crash their opponents. People that are playing against this stack have definetly more than 10 games cause I saw guy in radiant who had 15 commends, profile with nice items etc. After 6 minutes, slardar left the game, said something like please dont use reports or whatever..

                                            I mean, it is dumb what they are doing, but still..


                                              Our wisp opened dotabuff - now you can see we are winning without abusing exploit

                                              Woof Woof

                                                so as expected something is fucked up with smurf detection when people stack from game 1
                                                cant say i am rly surpised by this since its valves coding

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  I am interested to see how they manage to stay low MMR while winning nearly every game.

                                                  Most games all opponents are anonymous, and so are probably low MMR...but its hard to see how low.


                                                  There must be at least 2 other smurfs accounts to make the stack and keep it low. The last guy who did this used 11 smurfs that had stats on and more that were hidden. Then he played only Limited Hero Pool games.

                                                  Even so I am surprised that it is this effective with this set of smurfs queing all pick games...Russia is a bit weak but not that weak. Apparently rotating a couple new smurfs into the stack is enough to keep the MMR low.

                                                  Barely any opponents have a score but a few do...Checking all 57 games I found
                                         2883 MMR
                                         solo smurf with 11 games, no score
                                         +30 wins legit player
                                         nub feeder
                                         nub feeder
                                         experienced feeder
                                         experienced feeder and +40 wins player
                                         experienced feeder
                                         1 feeder, 1 real nub
                                         (game won and misidentified as a loss...interesting)
                                         experienced feeder
                                         solo smurf
                                         experienced feeder
                                         1 feeder, 1 smurf
                                         experienced feeder
                                         1 feeder, 1 smurf

                                                  So in the course of 57 straight wins only 18 players had stats on and only 4 of them were not new accounts or very bad at dota. Clearly it is possible to circumvent valves anti-smurf program and keep playing against bad players indefinitely by rotating in only 2 or 3 new smurfs at a time. I wonder if this has something to due with how they recalculate the MMR for a 5 man stack every time its composition changes.


                                                    Relentless, we don't playing low MM or something. We played fairly.
                                                    We have 5 man stack but some time we don't have +1 player and we take other (,, This is real smurfs. I can give you link where we take form for playing with us.
                                                    Just look at matches players who was stomped continue playing.

                                                    And yes. You can also check replays. ALL PLAYERS ARE REAL

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      I know they are real, but they are real and very bad. I think switching out the players in your stack for new accounts may cause Valve to recalculate your MMR every time the composition of your stack changes. The system is supposed to add slightly to the MMR of a 5 stack account for the "teamwork" bonus...but to do that it must need to use a different calculation for stacks. Perhaps they give the stack a low MMR average because of the new accounts in it.

                                                      One way or another you are being consistently matched to very weak opponents despite beating them every game.

                                                      biba tvoey mamashki

                                                        Judging by your latest games and assemblies, etc. You do not even know the meaning of this game, and how we can judge the kind of guy? Which is not even worthy of analysis can ..


                                                          ^ Mother of god...


                                                            If you won 58 legit games in a row, or anything close to that...your opponents would look like this.

                                                            Here is an example of a game I played that was 1st position page 1 of live games.

                                                            All 5 enemy's have stats on...

                                                            4k+ games 50% win
                                                            1.3k+ games 61% win
                                                            3k+ games 69% win
                                                            1k+ games 58% win
                                                            800+ games 59% win

                                                            See that is the kind of opponent you get when your team really has Very High MMR from winning lots of legit games.

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                              Relentless, wrong. We switching only because we don't have 5 same players 24\7.
                                                              You can check my games I played 80% of games only with same players.


                                                                Or just check this match:
                                                                All players with long win streaks. ALL FIVE.
                                                                Say sorry and go away.


                                                                  tbh i dont think they should have been banned if it wasnt for that 100 kills game.


                                                                    That has 5 opponents with no stats...maybe you selected the wrong game?


                                                                      It's not our problem. We want to play against good players but everyone are bad against us. Like you.

                                                                      -apm 400 player

                                                                        stop crying u aint be on the top50 list end of.people like you don't deserve on that list anyway

                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                          Can someone no perm banned copy/paste those profiles + some of their games to fletcher/eric tams so they can see/check whats going on and actually fix teh problem
                                                                          since noobs get abused i am sure valve hat squad aint going to be happy about that

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            That's a good might work. If I can just think of a way to show that its a problem and somehow also not make them feel bad that its their fault. Although who will be reading anything but complaints about patch notes right now anyway?

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                            Woof Woof

                                                                              i meant direct message to those two on devs forum

                                                                              i am going to email zoid and dota 2 devs team in few minutes hopefully they check emails regularly D;

                                                                              also chrisc is pretty active on forum due to patch updates we could use him as middleman

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                I've actually gone through the last couple of replays and watched the last game live. They seem rather legit. I still have no idea why they get q-d with really bad/new opponents, but I see nothing standing out. I've gone through the pain of watching the game from player perspective of the enemy team. They don't seem to be afk-ing. They usually have incredibly low APM, but make more or less rational choices and try not to die. There is also possibility of bots being involved, but I do not think it is fair to jump to conclusions.
                                                                                I initially expected Wisp to be a new account every single time, to artificially lower the MMR, hence have asked to share match history from wisp acc. It is also legit.


                                                                                  Yeah, they are playing real games...but somehow they have maintained low MMR all the time so their opponents are weak. I think it might be a byproduct of an error in MMR coding...sort of a side effect of the anti-smurf and the no-skill-range cap combining.

                                                                                  It may be that they have managed to lock themselves it at low MMR despite wining all the games.


                                                                                    So why are they still flagged if it seems "legit"? :o


                                                                                      60-1, how did you lose that one game OP? 100% win rate wold have been sweet.


                                                                                        Lets look at this in more detail.

                                                                               first game, no big stats, highest KDA is only 14-0 so they don't instantly jump to Very High with the anti-smurf
                                                                               2nd game...this should be anti-smurfed, they have KDAs of 100+
                                                                               3rd game at least 1 smurf on the other team, only that smurf stayed when everyone left and fed them a few hundred more kills. Anti-smurf should jump them up now right?
                                                                               4th game 2 leavers, the others stayed and fed hundreds of kills intentionally again...why? who knows they are all anonymous. Coordinating to put friends on the other team to throw is very hard, but not impossible. Or maybe its luck.
                                                                               5th game 2 leavers, 3 stay and feed lots of kills
                                                                               6th game 1 opponent with stats on, he is one of the worst dota players that exist, so MMR is still very low. This game there were 3 leavers, again plenty of post leaver kills.
                                                                               7th game 1 very bad player so MMR must be super low, 1 smurf whose KDA was 67-8-42 going into the game...fed 0-28-0 this game. Again nearly 200 kills on leavers.

                                                                                        I think this establishes the pattern of their games. They have figured out some way to get around the measure Valve has taken to prevent this and are able to consistently put at least 1 and it looks like maybe 2 or 3 intentional losers on the other team.

                                                                                        If they leave during the loading screen any game that their throwers are not on the other team maybe they can coordinate it. What if they use some odd requirement like speaking Spanish on the Russia server to ensure they are the only groups in the que?

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          I dont get it. How can they get that shitty opponents if they are full 5man with like 100% winrate?

                                                                                          I think mm is bugged here, honestly..


                                                                                            åäö, he abandoned game because of internet.

                                                                                            What should we do to proove you? We don't did any exploits we just playing as hard as possible. But yes I am agreed enemy are so bad. Nothing we can do...

                                                                                            biba tvoey mamashki

                                                                                              Dear dotabuff. I would like to say that you banned our accounts for no reason.
                                                                                              We didnt play using some kind of programs. We didnt stack with new people each
                                                                                              time to stay in low priority(like some of people might think). We have zero
                                                                                              games in low priority and never dodged games. All of our games was on
                                                                                              "All pick" mode(no limited hero pool and stuff like that).
                                                                                              You can also check out everything i stated earlier.
                                                                                              You can check ALL of our games via Dota2 client and check games of our opponents.
                                                                                              We didnt create any side accounts to keep our winrate high.
                                                                                              You could possibly watch more of our games (we are not insisting on you watching a lot) so you cab see that we are playing versus real people and not versus our fake accounts.
                                                                                              So basically you just blocked our accounts for what we didnt do.
                                                                                              I personally just wanted to create a new account becouse someone stole my old one, hence the winning streak. So please, reconsider yours decision. With respect, olee444.


                                                                                                ^ With respect, Goshan.


                                                                                                  @Relentless, we aint dodging any games look at the time our games was played. See now what am i talking bout? 3 games in 1 hour we have literally no time to dodge 1...


                                                                                                    >Dear dotabuff...
                                                                                                    With respect, Лёхыч.


                                                                                                      Sorry for the inconvenience, but came out a mistake we did not play dishonest way. Everything was according to the rules. And I apologize for my english.

                                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                        I'm not saying you are dodging games. I'm just trying to figure out how you are able to play against terrible players every game despite winning all the games. Dodging games during the loading screen with throwers on the other teams is one possibility.

                                                                                                        Your games are not like what everyone else in the entire world gets from matching. There is something different. I just want to determine precisely what it is.