General Discussion

General DiscussionPersonal opinion in regards to certain heroes.

Personal opinion in regards to certain heroes. in General Discussion

    Antimage: I feel this hero is bad given how people are currently playing out games. I am sure there are some great AM players out there and some will show but I just can't get over how even some of the better players of AM have low KDA and win rate because he needs like a solid batch of farm to be any help at all to the team.

    Elder Titan: People need to start picking this hero more and I would really like to see him show up a lot more in pubs as there are limitless ways this hero could potentially be used.

    Tinker: Sadly I get the feeling this hero is just another bad pick of the pile, this is not based on wild hate but from what I have seen in regards to the hero. Again, sure there are a number of good players out there but given Tinker or QoP I would much prefer a mid who was able to move out at 6 rather than wait till BoT's then just teleport lane to lane pushing (you can pick Natures for that).

    Axe: Seems like quite a controversial hero amongst the dotabuff community where there seems to be a general dislike for the hero. I think that given people actually learned how to play the hero and didn't just jungle farm till they fell off late game. I do think the main player base of this hero don't actually play him that well so it leaves a bad taste for him so either play him well or don't play him as it will wreck games.

    Skeleton King: This hero has got quite a buff and seems to do well in all the games I have played with or against him. Some are even opting for a no aura option early to go for a big nuking lane.

    Hot picks: Venge, Elder, Mirana, Witch Doctor, Shadow Fiend, and Juggernaut.
    Not picks: Antimage, Dazzle, Medusa, Bloodseeker, and Chen.

    This is not cause I dislike the heroes its more that the player base lacks the wits, or the game in its current state favors the early rush game. Some of these heroes require skill some don't. The ones that require skill a lot of people play without the experience or the know how and the ones that require no skill (e.g. AM, Medusa where your job is to farm for a period) will tend to leave the team 4v5 in favor of farm which may end you up in the shitter if the opposing team opt for a fast push. Also IMO a lot of skilled players will avoid these heroes unless they are prepared to turtle the game into the long haul and protect the carry come what may, or have some alternate strategy.

    Note: This is from my findings over the last couple of weeks, I would be interested to hear constructive comments about what your experience over the past couple weeks has been hero wise since the updates etc.


      yep Witch doctor is nice, just rush Agha, try to be in every team fight - find good position - pop up ulti - win - try fountain rampage them

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        Witch Doctor needs to get the ult off...the longer you run the ult the more chance you have of actually helping your team win fights. I don't like playing or running him as a 5 but more as a 4 or 3, much like warlock he is one of the heroes that does much better with some farm.

        Quick maffs

          But ... but .... i like tinker .... :(


            I know some would and you might possibly be good but the leaning on tinker seems to be farm till BoT's then push. That's it, that is where Tinker ends for most players. If you would utilize his ability to recharge with Hex, or Necro spam (seriously? has no one tried this?) then it would make him viable.

            Pushing wise Natures Profit > Tinker
            Team fight wise Natures Profit > Tinker (maybe about the same Spells vs Right Click)
            Mid wise Most mids > Tinker

            Its sad cause I have seen a few good tinker players but 80% of tinker players will farm 10-15 mins mid, gank for 10 more, then push from 30 mins till the end. How is that helpful to a team overall? Tinker can hold lanes back and push creeps but couldn't that also be done with a KotL who can even TP to a lane and bring people into him?

            Just a thought....

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            d -

              Tinker is a really good hero in mid and for ganking/ fights. He can kill almost every squishy hero in lane and once you got your BoT you can gank like crazy. He has got a very good killing potential early and even later on.

              And you cant push against a Tinker who is spamming March of Machines. And try to defend your tower against 3-4 March of Machines at the same time.

              He isn't easy to play, but once you got into it, it is really fun and your team profits.

              Heroes I like too:
              Outworld Devourer: Against all of that Pudge Pickers and Basically every Mid hero he will win his lane. And he is really strong in teamfights. With an ultimate that potentially kills all enemy heroes with just 1 click.
              Shadow Fiend: Makes much fun to play. Looking forward to see him in more competitive matches.
              Lich: Incredibly strong on lane and in teamfights. Got a 83% win with him after 29 matches
              Mirana: I really like her skillset. Very good ganker and makes fun to play.
              Elder Titan: Fun to play and his ultimate can change games. Especially with Refresher.


                30 games, 70% win rate, 4 KDA. People really need to play Lich more, easy to play and doesn't require immense amounts of farm to be useful.

                What you described above is a Tinker game I wouldn't mind playing in but that is a 2/10 game with tinker and most games don't go that smooth for him though it looks good on paper.

                Quick maffs

                  I dont know man ... its just that i love tinker overall.

                  He is really strong against right clicker ( laser is a 3 seconds blind so even with recharge lvl 1 you can keep any right click hero perma blinded, at least until bkb)

                  He eat squishy heroes and vyse with him is just broken ( perma chicken )

                  I still think laser is just too good to say that this hero is not valuable in a teamfight.

                  But yeah tinker is not a easy hero.

                  About witch doctor : I dont really like this hero. I think there is a lot of better supports .... yes his ulti is awesome but in a normal game someone will stun him.

                  Axe: I hate that some people dont buy blink with axe ..... if you go full tank axe will do nothing to help your team .... his best skill is his Q.

                  Medussa: I just hate this hero. If is on the enemy team his ulti is very anonying, if it is on my team i have to wait 40 min to she do something.

                  Dazzle: Love this hero .... i really do. Even his Q is pretty strong ( i think it does 360 physical damage at lvl 4 ) .


                    Rearm doesn't work on necromicon, it's still situational item in the default build for some reasons. I don't have anything to say about tinker.
                    but I will try to give some good comments about other heroes.
                    All you need to win with an anti-mage is a good anti-mage player and good supports. This is uncommon in pubs and results in low win rate. Most of AM players want to be gankers and get godlike streak before 20 mins, trade-harassing for no reason and resulting in failure. While the only worry should be to get a battlefury as fast as possible, this should be priority for his lane including himself. The thing with him is that he can farm insanely fast with a battlefury, what can be any better for a hero with 1.45 BAT and great UAM, teamed with great positioning skill. He will contribute much if he gets farm.

                    Ples Mercy

                      Not picks: Antimage, Dazzle, Medusa, Bloodseeker, and Chen.

                      AM, dazzle and Chen are great heroes.


                        I don't get why people hate lich and say he's boring. I find him extremely fun to play and he is probably one of the best solo laners currently in pubs.

                        d -

                          I think Lich is very strong in public. By denying all of their farm and constantly harassing your opponents they will get like 0 farm and xp and while that your carry is able to get fat and can farm without getting harassed. I like to play him as safe lane hard support. If needed you can go and roam with him quite nice. For items I start with courier, RoP, 2 ironwood branches, 1 Tango and 1 Salve. Then I go for Tranqs so you got unlimited mana and health. After that I go for mek and situational I go for Agnahims or Necro. If needed you should get a Ghost Scepter

                          And Lich is amazingly strong. 83% win ratio says it all!!

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                          Ragnar Volarus

                            Axe is weak and I tell you this as a person who played him a lot in pubs and even tried to use him in semi-competetive environment. He is viable as agressive early-mid game hero, but the thing is that to stay effective in mid game he needs some kind of mobility (force staff/blink dagger) AND some extra tankiness (pipe/meka/vanguard/drums/blade mail : often you even need two of these items) AND some extra mana. Otherwise he just lacks something. And that is hard to achieve early without snowballing hard.

                            Of course people playing him as a jungle afk farm hero for 15-20 minutes make things even worse.

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                              The issue is not the hero as much as how it is played.

                              AM - 40.97% This Month, a massive increase on pro-players in top played simply because pub players can't play an AM as effectively as a pro and in the wrong hands he just massively undercuts the team but people love to farm and farm and farm. Is 600+ CS really needed?

                              Dazzle - Great hero with great supporting elements but horribly weak so while he has good skills if a carry comes for you there is nothing you can do. As a lane support in the back of the team it works, but with no reliable stun or disable he relies on his heals to support the team and if he gets shut down in lane or in a fight there isn't a lot that will make him useful except ward bitch all day long.

                              Chen - Simply put, 95% of people can't play him so they should stop trying to make it happen and just stick with a regular lane support.


                                Chen > jungling axe. He can gank from level 1 by 75% chance if either troll, centaur or ursa spawn in the large camp. Even widkin has a good slow.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I think the issue with AM in pubs is people pick him when you already have a couple carries who also need farm. Try putting alchemist and AM on the same team, doesn't work. Or doom and alch when pretty much every doom goes jungle these days and AM needs to blink farm the jungle.

                                  I got bored with lich just cus I played him a ton of games in a row. I don't know why Skeleton king is somewhat regarded as a second tier carry. I think he's downright awesome and I hate playing against him. He has an easy counter with mana drain builds (spectre or pl with diffusal or AM or kotl) but if you don't counter he's so hard to kill.


                                    People play SK as a utility carry now which in my opinion only makes him better. Saw some great play from some team I played against, I forget what I was playing but a pure utility SK wrecked the team from like 10 mins in which astonished me cause I hadn't seen SK played in that way.