General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat did silencer last word do prior to 6.76 patch?

What did silencer last word do prior to 6.76 patch? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I'm reading silencer guides, keep seeing how last word was changed in 6.76. What did it do before then? Can't find a good description.


      It was an aura. It silenced any hero who casted a spell in a 900-radious I think, for 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds.

      Dire Wolf

        with no cooldown? That's pretty op.


          It was an aura and I don't think it was 3 seconds lol that's way too much
          And it was weaker than the new skill
          It was useful against combo/initiation heroes such as ES or Puck


            it wasn't op at all cuz hes squishy as shit + it dealth no damage

            very late game it was pretty devastating to some heroes with spammable nukes like zeus invoker and so but in overall silencer was never ever ever picked


              now its op. god knows how many people i killed with curse and last word combo


                Last Word was an aura, if any enemy casts a spell near Silencer, the enemy would get silenced for 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, 3 seconds

                It wasn't OP because silencer laning sucked, curse was weaker and people were using him as a support.