General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion: Manta cancels charge effect from Bara when used

Suggestion: Manta cancels charge effect from Bara when used in General Discussion



      Spirit Breaker base strenght from 2375802735018 to 12
      Spirit Breaker now channels for 10 seconds in order to use Charge of the Darkness

      Now it's balanced


        ^ Lol
        and bash chance from 99.9% to real 17%

        Pandamonium(You Died)

          ITT:normal bracket butthurt

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            If you know he is charging you and don't TP out in time, then you fucking deserve to die. Fact.

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Lol. It's not Valve nerfing heroes. It's Icefrog. And he doesn't give shit. Nerf on Drow was fucking unneeded.

                  LL Poroksi

                    @The Terrible
                    High bracket guy thinking he's good, :facepalm: Bara is OP at pubs atleast and don't come here to tell something about pro scene because it won't ever concern you


                      @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah

                      they nerfed drow twice and still these idiots claim she is OP. fuck this game

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                          good warding and map awareness make sb manageable in pubs.


                            and Poroksi, you play alot of Spirit Breaker, no wonde so much hate on this thread....lmao


                              Spirit breaker is a fucking space cow, op shitface and retarded hero. Reach level 6 = gg.
                              @ i was playing sf lastgame against a spiritbrekaer, despite having 3 kills, lots of farm and 9 level, when he reached level 6 he was able to kill me from full health, while i didn't have control on my hero for whole that time. ( BASH BASH BASH BASH )
                              And someone said tping is a solution? If i fucking tp everytime he charges me i won't even see creeps at all.

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                                Bara is op? What about warlock?

                                And pick a hero with stun/ensnare/blink against bara, not sf!

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                                LL Poroksi

                                  I was talking to a guy "The Terrible" who said "ITT:normal bracket butthurt" so he was saying you are butthurt and I tried to state that he isn't that good that he should talk. After that I clearly stated that Bara is OP and I don't understand how that means that I hate this thread.

                                  After this you attacked towards me, I don't understand

                                  Wasted Years

                                    spirit breaker is fine he just needs his passive bash to be 17% for real for example when i played void agaisnt sb he landed 30bashes on heroes while i had 2 and it was pre mom while we laned against each other with me maxing bash+evasion

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                                      Ooopss, sorry dude, my sincere apologies really <3 I'm from Asia so please try to understand haha :P

                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                        I'm good enough to not complain about bara.
                                        Look at my last 5 games vs bara:

                                        Won all 5 of them. Bara is good against players who have no idea how to use ward vision and mini map, and how to organize themself into walking trap for bara. Against anyone who knows how to play, he is annoying at best, just as much as almost any other hero.

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                                        LL Poroksi

                                          No problem ^^

                                          @The Terrible

                                          Patch 6.78c winrates for Bara

                                          Bronze 59.24%
                                          Silver 59.68%
                                          Gold 58.75%
                                          Platinium 60.03%
                                          Diamond 60.11%

                                          Now tell me why does Bara have highest winrate in two highest brackets if that hero is "good against players who have no idea how to use ward vision and mini map"

                                          Bara has highest winrate in both Platinium and Diamond and still you say that he is not overpowered. Just the fact that you won some matches against that hero doesnt't mean that he isn't overpowered.


                                            Why is he gettin picked after nerf, i thought it is supposed to make him like 99th in popularity?

                                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                                              ^You'r saying like people in very high brackets can support and use brains.
                                              You just have to actually play against him, not just "knowing" what to do. Good warding, quick tp to towers, don't let him snowball.
                                              This game for example, bara snowballed, but we just turtled out and won when they tried T3.
                                              There are so many ways to render hero useless, or just merely annoying. Another thing, he is weak on the lane-he won't go mid or offlane (well maybe offlane if ur playing against duo lane). Putting him as carry in safe trilane is silly. Having 2 duo-lanes will wreck you at the level of my pubs.
                                              So once again, just because people can't bother to use brains to win him doesn't mean he is OP. He is kindof like Riki,only harder to counter.

                                              one and half gun

                                                there are two ways to fight against bara.

                                                gold lead or carry tps and hide under the tower



                                                  Those stats prove SB is broken right now. If a hero has 60% in bronze/silver, ok, people are bad and can't counter it. But 60% in diamond? Shouldn't this mean something to people?


                                                    pick a hero with low castrange stun. like OD or sd to interrupt his charge. move further from the trees from the side he can charge from, so you have time to react.

                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                      ^No dude, that would make too much sense. Easier to call him OP and cry for nerf.


                                                        Terrible, tell me that spirit breaked didn't have any impact in the game u posted. Only the game u posted where he had 6-18 score, he was newbie, or maybe it was his first game, or, probably, his secound game. He was probably supporting his team ( 19 creep scores, hm...) and bought first item mom. Tell me that you was the reason you won the game against that shitface. NOPE. Its just your great luck of getting bad opponents. Bara is a autowin hero, becouse of many reasons.
                                                        First of all, he can safekill everyone in early stages of the game, most likely like a pudge+chen combo with 100% success every 30 sec. (sounds like a bit op?)
                                                        Secound, you can only hope that you will survive his charge if you don't see him comming. If you notice him on 2000 range comming to you, it is too late brah, go away and get your drink for the next minute of you being DEAD.
                                                        3rd, nobody, ever, EVER will tp to stop a spirit breaker ganking. Even if they do, it will be too late, charged person is dead son, the only thing you can suceed is killing him in return.
                                                        4th, he can charge into whole team, kill one before he dies in a 1v5 situation.
                                                        5th, earlygame towers for bara doesn't even exist due to his base strength and armor.
                                                        Yeah, sure you can counter bara, but why 60% of the people don't? Okay maybe the percentage is a bit lower cuz not all of the games that barathrum players are won becouse of their fault, but not everygame is lost becouse of them too (which is most of the case, a sb can only loose in pubs where he fights 1v5, with 4 idiots on his team).
                                                        THere are a whole bunch of other stores can be told about this idiotic hero, it just needs to be deleted from dota, nerfing doesn't help.
                                                        @ AND yeah, stop with ur comments like you are the best in the world and you can stop a hero easily, who is by far the most overpowered according to the STATS (60% winrate wow) by telling that he is OK as a hero ur making ur self the best player in the world.

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                                                        LL Poroksi

                                                          @The Terrible

                                                          You must be a dota-god but for us normal people, who consist of 99,9999% of pub players, Bara is OP which can be easily seen from stats. Like I said before Bara has his highest winrate at highest brackets, ofc it lowers when it raises to your level.

                                                          You can't ward every route Bara could charge and let me you one thing (in high pub some people even counter ward). You can't always farm in places where towers are close enough so TPs from your team can't save you everytime. It's the same thing as with Wisp+CK combo which is powerful in comp scene too, don't know about the highest pubs tho, you will die so fast that your team can't react to it.

                                                          In pubs it's not that hard to lane him, junglers are much more used than in comp games so you can go offlane more easily and dual lanes can be played too because in pubs there is not that much aggressive trilanes so you can just go short lane farm some core items and start killing people, in your pub level this might not be possible tho. Even mid might be possible in pubs because ppl random heroes and there is sometimes some very silly heroes in mid bcoz not everyone wants to tryhard, in your level ofc everyone only counterpicks and all pick is not played.

                                                          How hard is that to understand that hero which has avg 60 winrate and it raises when you climb to higher games is not very balanced. Arguments you give are just like "Only bad players lose to Weaver just buy detection". If you know how to react to some hero doesn't mean that the player who plays that hero can't react to that and play differently.


                                                          And why would Bara charge that hero that can interrupt him? Or are you suggesting pub training whole game or picking only interrupt heroes like od, sd, rubick, nyx, jakiro?

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                                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                            ^You seem to have similar stats to mine, you should be playing at similar level pubs.
                                                            Most of the time I organize trilane, and 85% the time people listen. I'm not an AMAZING player, but I help to organize teamplay in pubs, maybe that's why it seems to me he is not that strong.
                                                            Of course, when its I do what I want kindof pub, and nobody gives a fuck about coordination he is amazing. I suspect that what happens most of the games really.

                                                            Also bara is now what nyx was a year ago or so. Mana burn nerf didn't really made nyx shittier character, people learned to counter him, thats it.

                                                            Also, not a tryhard, how many games in this month have you played against bara and lost? Curious.

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                                                            LL Poroksi

                                                              @The Terrible

                                                              Yes we should be playing quite similar bracket. So check my winrates for different heroes, Bara is over 80% with over 30 games played. When I am playing him I can't stop thinking that "This is not balanced hero", it's almost like cheating, taking a free win.

                                                              I go to offlane if enemy team doesn't seem to have trilane and safe lane if he have jungler so I get dual lane there. With just Power Threads and lvl 6 I can basicly kill any hero in game when I hit that level.

                                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                I think main problem is that pubs just don't have organization and good support. Good support role is to not only ward and deward, but to control lanes, see the situation on the map, be able to react (tp) quickly in case of emergency.

                                                                Try organizing players next time you play. I usually pick support, and say go trilane. Most of the cases people listen and we have 1-1-3.


                                                                  Spirit breaker 99.9% bash chance. GGWP QQ, Valve Nerf PLZ


                                                                    It's fun to see people saying like "NO MAN SB IS NOT OP, JUST PLAY LIKE ALLIANCE AND YOU COUNTER HIM" man we're talking about PUBS, mostly AP ones, is it so hard to understand? Imagine you're playing SF mid versus pretty much any hero, then SB charges you. Tell me how not to die. The ONLY WAY to survive is having an instant counter TP from your team, which doesn't usually happen in a pub, especially in solo queue.

                                                                    LL Poroksi

                                                                      It's not that much that I lose to that hero but just the fact that he is 2nd played hero nowadays and still has highest winrate in higher pubs. When you are playing Bara and your supports do their job well there is no way for enemy carry to farm safely. If your supports have warded enemy forest and dewarded river there is no way that enemy team can react fast enough when you cahrge enemy carry and combo him down. And guess what happens when enemy tries to deward without 5-manning, they get charged they die.

                                                                      That hero just gives too much control over map for same time being one of tankiest heroes, having high burst damage, great aura, having escape mechanism, scaling for attack speed and moving speed and so can be played as quite storng semicarry too. He can just be anywhere, he won't miss any teamfights either what is big thing too and I have forgot to mention, you will always be there and can change many 3v3 or 4v4 to 3v4 4v5 and that way getting enemy team wiped.


                                                                        "And why would Bara charge that hero that can interrupt him? Or are you suggesting pub training whole game or picking only interrupt heroes like od, sd, rubick, nyx, jakiro?"
                                                                        If you really think that bara players are well-minded enough to make decision of those kind you should be well-minded enough to not walk alone when he can get at least 5 seconds vision of you.
                                                                        stay out of his vision when he respawns for few seconds, because most of them charge somewhere as soon as they respawn.
                                                                        keep an eye on the lane he is at. When a harassed and passive guys start acting like they want to start a fight you should find it wrong and think that he's charging there (works to counter any ganker actually).

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                                                                          counter move-speed based heroes by slowers. visage, meepo, veno , diffusal blade or any purge. naga or meepo ensnare( set's move speed to 100. makes him complete shit as he's melee).


                                                                            You know why people complain so much about Bara being OP? Because his most direct counter happens to be kind of boring to play AND is also another hero people feel dirty about picking for being somewhat OP too: Treant Protector.

                                                                            Seriously, Bara just charged some hero across the map? Let him go, enjoy the freefarming time for you or your lane partner (or kill the shit out of the hero he just left alone) and put your global Living Armor on your teammate and see how Bara's hits only tickle him a little and he's forced to back away or die from retaliation.

                                                                            LL Poroksi


                                                                              Sry but I don't see you contributing much for this conversation with 160 games and 46 winrate so if you don't mind I will just ignore you here. You can't give much insight when you haven't played this game much and you only play low level pubs.

                                                                              You are talking about Bara players like they would all be braindead and just charge to anything they see without thinking and without stopping their cahrge if things seems to get bad. Like everyone else in same bracket could think wisely enough to set a trap and this guy would just blindfold himself and charge. Let me tell you one thing, you can charge from anywhere on the map, not just your well... "Best strategy to counter Bara is just hide when he respawns" Ye ye. I just love when I get instructions how to act on the lane from a guy who has played 160 games with 46 winrate.

                                                                              How can you stay all game long so that Bara can't get 5 seconds of vision? 5 junglers? Dewarding even gives too much time. Like are you just going to pick some kind of 4 protect 1 lineup everytime in pubs? In pro scene even 3 core lineups are basic thing and so you can get enough farm you need to farm alone sometimes. It's very easy to theorycraft how to play against some hero and say "just bla bla bla" but to execute it well is quite a different story. How to counter *insert any carry hero* "just gang him", how to counter *insert any invi hero* "just buy detection.

                                                                              PS. Veno sure does make him complete shit only 58,84 winrate with 0,65% advantage for Bara in Diamond bracket.


                                                                                Bara is broken at all levels of play. Yes there are ways to play against him, so instead of having a snowball's chance in hell at winning you still have to outplay Spirit Breaker by 110%, and that's not possible assuming the SB's controller has a functioning brain.

                                                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                  @not a tryhard
                                                                                  Apparently I play like Alliance when I'm solo.
                                                                                  I'm flattered.

                                                                                  On serious note, if u want for ur teammates to have better execution, talk to them in pubs. Coordinate people if noone is doing that.
                                                                                  Not that hard.

                                                                                  LL Poroksi

                                                                                    Like a guy above me said, you need to think that enemy is same level as you when you think about balance. You can't make conclusions by thinking that Bara player is some retarted guy who charges anywhere without thinking and just suicides. You need to think that your team is coordinated too if you think that your pub team is coordinated. So you need to expect something like Sunstrikes, Furion teleports, invi hero rotations in top of that Bara charge

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                                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                      Well what can I tell you. Either I'm REALLY lucky having 5 games against bara in a month and winning them all, or maybe I have idea what to do against him. Or maybe MM is just shitty and just gives me pro team every time.


                                                                                        anyone who says bara isnt op is a retard

                                                                                        same with huskar


                                                                                          I didn't say "Best strategy to counter Bara is just hide when he respawns". don't remake my words.
                                                                                          "Sry but I don't see you contributing much for this conversation with 160 games and 46 winrate"
                                                                                          I have over 1000 games played, but even if I didn't I really don't have to ask you permission. I still play in high bracket without stacking.
                                                                                          I didn't really read your post after the first line because I understand what kind of a person you are and talking to you is waste of time.

                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            LET'S CRY EVERYONE ABOUT BATRIDER BEING OP AND NOT FUCKING SPACE COW OKAY?? WHO HAS %100 PICK-BAN RATE IN PRO GAMES?


                                                                                              ^You forgot wisp
                                                                                              Who demolished alliance by the hands of Power Rangers Megaforce!

                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                Wisp is non-existent in Chinese games though.


                                                                                                  who cares about batrider when he is picked 1 in 100 games

                                                                                                  i see bara 1 in 2 games

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    Yeah pub logic.

                                                                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                                      I remember just year ago or so everyone was crying about nyx.
                                                                                                      OMG NYX SO OP CANT DO ANYTHING


                                                                                                        you play anything but pubs? lol

                                                                                                        people are just too scared to pick bara he is op in pro play too

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