General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there even a difference between Normal and High

Is there even a difference between Normal and High in General Discussion

    I started getting into High MMR while soloqueing since about a month ago, but I'm starting to get pretty pissed off..
    Lately (the last 20 games) it says I'm playing in High bracket but I'm still getting really shitty matches where people do retarded stuff that people did in Normal bracket. I've had a lot of great games with lots of warding/counterwarding, smoke ganks, split pushing etc, but I've had really retarded matches lately like 4 carry teams, typical mid refuses to go mid(brew wants to suicidelane wtf?), no wards, farming while towers are going down...
    maybe brackets are meaningless


      Do your best every game,if you are playing good you will get improve to the very high and there are decent and normal games in 80% cases and pretty balanced. You still don`t play good trust me. You are making alot of mistakes every game if you are at high mm. You need just to play well every game,and if your team feed nevermind if they dual mid or smth do your best..motivate your team and don`t go to flame like noobs do. Just do your best play in more cases carry/mid than support and carry alone your team.


        can't pick a carry/mid becaues no wards and people always seem to last pick retarded shit at 0:00

        Slime Season 3

          dying and buyng a tp probably costs more then buying a set of wards yourself

          Ples Mercy

            The names indicates the level of throws you can expect from your teammates

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              The brackets are the average ELO/MMR of everyone in the game, so the game's bracket may have been high because the average was slightly buffed up from two or three people having high ratings, while the other seven weren't so good. At the same time, I've had a few normal rating games where people have been warding, counterwarding and doing smoke ganks.

              Alternatively, your teammates may be in a stacked party and normal MMR, which causes the game to search for people with higher ratings on the other team to try to even the odds.

              Just some thoughts, might not necessarily be correct.


                no there isnt , im sure i'll get a gag for being rude to my teammates by now , my last 6 games where awful with people just feeding more than 5 kills within 2-3 mins , no courier , no support picks . i should just go play with bots until i find a stack to have fun with


                  very high is still shit --> its because of people like you

                  reflect on that and reply


                    I wouldn't know, I just get into the very high one :(

                    DropDead Ugly

                      i play on "high"

                      to be honest, i lose the game because of me, for i was not able to do my role right and most of the time my decisions are just too dumb to comprehend.

                      but with wins, i know that i was carried by the team and they did everything with me to give my bad decisions enough hope for it to look like it was a risk rather than a bad decision.


                        If you wish to stop getting 'nonsense' players, simply proceed to improve yourself till you get into Very High bracket, or upper-tier High bracket. And no, you don't need to win to get there.

                        Plenty of people in Very High have 49~51% win rates, yet they're consistently playing in the Very High bracket. The bracket you play in is determined by a lot of variables, not just wins. So just improve.


                          You just gotta improve, simple as that. Playing in the lower brackets, you know players won't do shit the same as in the higher brackets. I would pick a mid hero and just proceed to own that way. If you're mid and you play in the lower brackets, its so god damn easy to gank. Just move around a lot and they will never ever expect it due to no wards, retarded team compositions, etc.


                            You can do that in VH too.


                              There is nearly no difference, since the label "high", "normal" or "very high" is not really accurate. In very high mode there are still a lot of morons making simple mistakes. The number decreases a little but not alot. I'm a high/very high player mostly. Since I never play alone it just depends on who I am playing with. Solo que is very high for me. For my part:

                              I do not solo. It is just too frustrating. Just find a decent stack. How?:

                              I. You see someone performing well in a sologame you play

                              II. He has decent stats (that 47% guy had maybe just a drunken opponent)

                              III. You speak the same language (can be english)

                              IV. Add him.

                              V. Start over again with I.

                              Most of the guys i am playing with are nearly 10 years younger and i will never meet them in RL. We play every day and communicate on teamspeak (there are public servers).

                              1. Picking

                              Picking bad heros will mostly lead to a loss. If you go Broodmother against Sandking, no matter how much better you think you are, you will lose your lane. Picking more than 1 Hardcarry will be rough against a team, that picks only 1 or no hardcarry. You can easily win without a hardcarry, replacing him with a semicarry (bara/bloodseeker). Suddenly there is a metagame. The carries to play are Lancer/Naix/Alche not Morphling/Troll/Lycan. This most not be 100% true for you. Maybe you are better with a Morph than with a Lancer. But on equal skill the lancer beats the morph, if both have a decent team. Same goes for support. Veno is out of the current meta, treant is a high win hero. So pick wise, if you want to win. The easiest mistakes to avoid are the picking msitakes.

                              Sometimes your team just needs that supporthero, so don t be selfish and go for it. Otherwise you might end up sitting 35 min in buttrape game, cause you picked the 2. hardcarry you wanted to play.

                              Accept the fact, that you are not good with certain heros. Some heros just need a little practice with bots. Invoker for example. It would never cross my mind to start learning invoker in a real time game. I cannot play him and will 100% fail and ruin the game for 4 innocent other players. If you have 25% winratio on invoker in 30 games, you should analyse your mistakes and maybe train invoking with bots. Dota is a teamgame and there is no I in team.

                              The next thing is:

                              DO NOT RANDOM. Random is good for new players to see alot of different heros. But random for more advanced players leads often into crappy teams. If you are one of the first 2 guys to select a hero, you may random. But after 2 heros picked on your team (most certain the carry and the midllaner/offlaner), do not random. The 175 Gold does not outweigh a Void/Mortred lane. Randoming won't lead you to learn more heros fast.

                              Learning works by time. To learn a hero, you need to play him often. At least over 3-5 days 5-10 times. Your brain has two ways to think: Thinking fast and slow. Lasthitting for example is for most advanced players easy with most heros. They do not have to think about the timing etc. Their brain has learned the timing and they can do it without overthinking it. They have space for more other stuff, like plaing an attack.

                              Learning invoker wont work this way. Grimorum can play invoker without thinking too much. If he needs cold snap he can invoke it in 0.5 sekl without thinking about the combination. So if you want to get better, stick to your heros for several games in a row.

                              I for example do my own "challanges". I take the hero in my toplist that i am below 50% winratio with. And then i start playing him as long as i need to get 50% winratio. For Cm i took me 62 games. For Tiny 130. But now i am pretty safe with tiny.

                              For this point: Lets face it: You will mostly play support, since every one hates it. For normal bracket i do not recommend support too intensive. Buying wards is pointless if nobody checks the minimap. To skip the normal bracket fast just go bloodseeker, take mid, stomp 3 games, and there you go.

                              2. Laning

                              The next horrible mistake is wrong laning. It just goes by with picking. One of my last game i wanted to play Jugger/CM with a mate on the safelane. We communicated this at the start. Anyways we had a russian fag on team who wrote 1 min after that: "SPECTRA FARMLANE". We told him: "Forget it." Safelane is taken. Do not go spectre. Specte offlane is a big time fail. He went spectre offlane, and died 1 min later. What is the point on behaving like this? The only chance you can win a game like this, is a bigger failbob on the enemy team.

                              So lane proper and adapt your picks to laning. If your team needs an offlaner, go offlane. If your team needs support, go support.

                              4. Know your role

                              If you pick a certain hero, ppl will expect you to play him like he is supposed to. You can go CM, but if you start competing with your carry for lasthits, he will get mad. You are not supposed to lasthit, so don't do it. Buy wards, dust, smoke sentries. You can play a perfect CM with a 0-7-15 score, boots and some bracers at the end. KDA is not what matters. Playing support is like the number 6 on the footballfield. You do not score the goals, but if there is no number 6 the team will lose.

                              Every hero has strong game phases. A CM is strong the first 10 min of the game. She has a slow and a stun. So use her strength! Go roam! Same for venge/es/rubick. Too often you see a batrider or venge hugging their lane. Use your early game advantage. Same goes for carries, that try to gank with 0 items on them. Antimage with ring of health is still a creep with more armor. So farm your battlefury and mantastyle, before you try soloing full mana and hp heros.

                              5. Itemchoices

                              This is the next big root of fails.

                              Take this axe for example (very high)

                              He goes into his jungle, farms a midas, does waste his early game potential completly by beeing absent, goes into shadow blade and heart (wich is supreme retarded against naix, since feast is percentage based).

                              He just completly wasted his hero, by playing him wrong. Wasting early and making bad item choices.

                              If you go ahead 4-0 with Bountyhunter a dagon can be fun. But the dagon won t help you killing the enemy void, that you never got your hands on. In the lategamefights you will regret your dagon. It won't help you killing too much, if the enemy has a pipe. Sure a CM with Mom is fun. But a meka/pipe will help you more. Built what your team needs.

                              6. Decisionmaking

                              Your team wins a big fight, the enemy carry survives and everyone goes farming? You do it wrong. Take a tower or rosh. A teamfight will only buy you time, but if the enemy lancer still lives and gets his farm, he will overwhelm you. DO not overextend. Sure your bara might be a big fish min 15-25. But beyond this point the hard guys start kicking in and will propably wipe the floor with you. Mistakes here will always happen. But there are some BIG ONES THAT YOU CAN EASILY AVOID:

                              a) Winning fight and doing nothing with that advantage (rosh/tower)

                              b) Not deffing towers

                              c) Chasing too long

                              d) Not finishing while ahead

                              e) Not noting roshtimer

                              f) Stealing kills from heros that are higher priorised for gold/xp

                              g) Not buying a gem/sentries early against invifags

                              h) Not adapting to reality

                              Sure, you can start a teamfight, if your puck goes in with blink, silence, ultimate. But if your puck is a failbob and showed off a poor performance the entire game, DO NOT RELY ON HIM. Take your allies as they are, not as you want them to be. If you have a slowpoke fag ally, that will not dive to get the kill, do not dive solo. You will just die and the enemy will get a kill. Sure you can blame your faggot ally for this. But it won't change the facts.


                              I love flaming but i know, that it costs me some games.

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                                How can you paly only in High since you knwo the game so well?

                                I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                                  Thank God i am mostly in very high.


                                    I play 40-50% of my games in very high, rest in high. (Dunno rly, i do not check it often). If i solo que (wich a rarely do), I am very high.

                                    It depends on the mates i play with. One of my RL Friends is stuck in normal bracket. He is a decent player (SL 2 dotalicious) but he randoms always and keeps losing alot. So if i mate with him, we play high. Same goes for a random dude i met in the game. He recently improved alot, but before that, he was normal bracket. So mating with him lead us into high bracket.

                                    Furthermore i like to pick the heros i am not good with and improve. If you check my last games naix is now on the list. I had horrible stats with him and so i play him as long as it takes to get him on 50%.

                                    I tend to play too long in a row and my last games are always losses. Sometimes i lose 5-8 games in a row. I am not concentrated but cannot quit, since i am mad about losing. This bad attitude keeps me on a losing streak, since i start raging fast. I have a decent knowledge and consider myself good at reading a game. But in a pubgame ppl rarely listen. They do their own stuff, fail and i start flaming. This destroys teamchemistry and we end up losing.

                                    Also I am a human and make mistakes sometimes. Last game i tried to solokill a treant with naix. I underestimated his earlygame and this made our lane fall. Shit happens. One of my biggest weaknesses i my temper. I tend to rage alot and flame. This often leads to teammates, that refuse to play and feed on purpose. And i am a greedy fucker sometimes. I love getting risky kills :(.

                                    I consider myself above average, but not "pro" or something. A pro is someone who earns his living by doing something. I earn my living with other stuff. Dota is just a hobby.

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                                      Well, you dont have to go a lot more naix games to archieve your aim ;)


                                        I know :). Naix will be done tomorrow or saturday. Next will be furion. 26% Winratio. I lost like the first 9 games with him by trying a dagonrush... This will be harder.

                                        The longest "challenge" was tiny. It took my really the 136 games to get 50% with him. I had 2 8 game losing streaks with him. Winning 16 games in a "row" is not that easy. I did tiny mostely in soloque... Thats really tough.

                                        Sad part is, that our "team" is not regular online. So we are basically only 2 guys. Stacking with 2 is not the safest way to win a game... We have now 69% winratio, and we do not even tryhard.

                                        At least 4 are needed to ensure "safe" wins (if you tryhard).

                                        The "rules" i posted above should be known by everyone. Its just common sense. Sad part is, that it is so fucking rare:


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                                          sl2 dotalicious was still just crappy players but i get your point

                                          got to sl3 -> then 4-5 with all my 7 acc!


                                            9v1 i liked that story of your life , can i add you for some pew pew ? :P



                                              I don't know if we are speaking about the same dotalicious. The dotalicous I am talking about had only 4 lvls. The first 3 could be reached by simply winning games. (Sl 0 not counted. That was just awefull). The last was invite only. I do niot now if this changed after i sticked to dota 2.

                                              Suddenly smurfing was not possible on dotalicious without using a VM, since they tracked your hardware id... So 7 Accounts sounds not realistic for me. Maybe you found your way to beat the system.


                                              If you speak german, we can test it. You are only in normal bracket, wich is kinda not so "great". The dude i play with from normal bracket is my RL-Friend and he underperforms often, if he is not with me... That is a strong argument to play with shitbobs on team.

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                                                No i dont speak german and i got put in normal bracket cuz i had a friend with me who had 15 wins , nps