General Discussion

General DiscussionGood job Valve.

Good job Valve. in General Discussion

    - Leaving a game even without picking a character will result to an abandon.

    Now everyone has to stay and enjoy those already lost games consistant of 4 carries.

    Time to stack i guess.


      dota 1 was better.

      King of Low Prio

        I have won games in Very High with 4 carries picked. Stop leaving games feeder


          only abandon? no lose? if no lose on dotabuff then who cares? ;p


            valve make dota 2 boring and wrong game

            maybe they only want money ....

            la the yeezy

              OP, have you not encountered queueing for 4 minutes and then your teammate will just abandon. and then queue again with the same result. some people queue for 20 mnutes just because of this. dodgers are silly cowards, wasting other peoples time when they could have played already. every game there is a chance you can win.


                My friend yesterday dodged 2 games in a row without picking a hero. He neither got a loss nor abandon.


                  ^ It got implemented today


                    As you should, you stupid cunt. Stop dodging games.


                      now its better you can make way more people wait for games - if you have single player with hidden stats leave - 2 low wins? leave
                      unless your pc is slow then you are fucked


                        Yeah playing a game with retarded picks and wasting 30-50 mins is better than waiting for another 3 minutes.

                        I come from the dark

                          I think this is actually the last step to me quitting dota 2. I've only played so far cos I've had the ability to dodge games with retarded picks so that I didn't have to waste my time but now..


                            Good change. I don't ever dodge early, because you never know what will happen. There are obviously suboptimal team compositions, but that doesn't mean you won't win. I hate with a passion the GG-caller at 10 minutes. Just play.


                              Yeah, the stupid picks actually make the game more interesting in the way that you have to adapt to your unusual lineup like anti-mage jungling and it also makes the other games where everything goes according to plan feel better.


                                Yes, some idiot picking Riki when there is a spirit breaker and bounty hunter on the map already... now we have to sit through a 1/2 hour of that game.

                                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                  I <3 playing that strat, 4 carries!!


                                    Valve is improving MM system by not allowing good players do dodge matches with noobs , so that they will have fun being carried. And will not have to wait in for long time in queues.
                                    they are trying to comfort noobs because they are the majority of D2 community.


                                      Ppl cry over the dumbest shit in dota, when are you gonna lean that the population doesn't care about your feelings and winrate? Just play and improve or play for fun.


                                        Where is this mentioned? I don't see it in Dota 2's update statement.

                                        ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                          Maybe u get an abandonment because u waste almost 3 minutes queuing to find a game, then 3 minutes to load + pick the weird line up that u feel it's bad, regardless of guys declining, guys failing at loading + more bla

                                          stop losing

                                            yeah its your fault for choosing to dodge game rather than wasting 50 minutes when you know it's a loss due to the 4 carry picks in your team or whatever, holy shit some people can't be serious. dodging was completely fine and valve fucked everyone over

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                            Woof Woof

                                              fletcher; Finally I figured how to fix match maker
                                              random dota 2 dev; how?
                                              fletcher; we are going to punish any player that expects decent games
                                              random dota 2 dev; perfect

                                              any questions?


                                                how can you deal with an axe claiming safe-lane farm that has most played heroes pudge, drow and sniper? halp

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  every game is winnable


                                                    i ll keep dodging except if the lose counts on dotabuff. I dont give a fuck for valve's system or even low priority.

                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      the sad part is you're actually serious

                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                        He is trolling. There was an abandon abuse where if you didn't pick a hero, and type -disconnect on the console you can abandon game without getting flagged.


                                                          Why would i be trolling? Think its fun knowing you are going to lose right from the start?

                                                          Dread Pirate Cat

                                                            I do not see this patch note anywhere on any recent patch. Source?


                                                              Just take the challenge ^^


                                                                Terrible game because of me going to very low bracket after some loses recently. so we had sniper and void feeding bot. puge feeding mid. me with mirana were doing quite OK , but the score was 2 -22 in their favor with godlike viper and QoP and those 2 kills were from me. But I kept on farming and pushing till we still had T2 towers up. and came online after deso,treads, and linken's, stomped them and won the game. So if there's at least one carry who is not feeding there is always a chance.

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  Is there a chance if there is a atleast one support who is not feeding?

                                                                  Note: the weaver was muted spamming well played! all the time


                                                                    supports don't work in normal bracket. just pick a carry, buy courier if needed and hope for the best.
                                                                    non-carries that can work are nukers like nyx and lion, build dagon and hope for the best.


                                                             look at this retarded game.

                                                                      first skeleton king randoms. its an ok random, SK is a good carry given farm. Then WR gets picked as offlane, believing we will do a trilane or dual top+jungle.
                                                                      then tragedy strikes, riki gets picked and soon afterwards PL randoms....

                                                                      why would it have been unfair for me to dodge this game?

                                                                      waku waku

                                                                        don't dodge, your game could turn out like this