General Discussion

General DiscussionBuilding a team

Building a team in General Discussion

    Yes, this is my smurf account. Thanks to the changes to comm bans I don't use it much anymore.

    Looking for folks that speak english on US West/East, we use teamspeak, but skype can work as well. I have three or four folks right now, looking for folks with solid game mechanics. Always love a good support, but we can babysit a carry that knows how to farm well.

    Play a few nights a week at 8PM EST. Always looking for good people to play with (have fun, do play well, value teamwork), but specifically hoping to get a team together.

    Add my on steam if you are interested and we'll get some matches in together and see if we all have a good groove.

    Ples Mercy

      1.) why would you use ur smurf if u dont have to bcause of fixes to a system?
      2.) By 'folks with solid game mechanics', do you mean penis?
      3.) 'we can babysit a carry', who the hell is 'we'

      You dont even write from your main account, why the hell would anyone want you? Whos gonna tell me that your not gonna troll people with that penis idea of yours?


        smurf = noob -> no exceptions


          smurfing with less than a 4... kda ratio.. sad skill is sad


            A smurf with 58% WR.

            Oh, the irony.


              ^ ^ ^ ^ people like you lot ruin this forums rep. the guy just asked for people to play with, and all of you jumped at him for posting this through a smurf.
              sad people are sad


                what,? no, he is right,

                Этот комментарий был изменён
                Ples Mercy

                  i think ur new. Welcome to the forum jackass.

                  Josh  :D

                    This is my real profile. It was just a comm ban smurf, not for stomping.

                    @ Blunt: The "we" is the other players for the babysitting. What do the penis comments have to do with anything?

                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                    Ples Mercy

                      'folks with solid game mechanics' - penis

                      btw holy shit 530+ matches with drow.

                      GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!

                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                      Josh  :D

                        those 530 were when I started. I have played over 2,000 matches and if you really dig into my stats you'll see I almost never play drow.

                        Ples Mercy

                          this is my first account aswell, do you see me play 530+ matches drow?

                          'almost never play drow'
                          2days ago: 2 matches
                          3 days ago: 1 match
                          4 days ago: 2 matches

                          uhm, ya. Ill take your word (no im not).

                          Autism is great

                            seems like you didn`t follow Eliot hulse advice properly Blunt
                            you are suppose to express with your body in rl not on forum

                            get well soon friend

                            + this is the most legit dota 2 forum We have tons of good players that post regularly like mason, murs , vaikis , swiftending, few russians, 04, Pancakes, hontrasheu, nr.2 turk on dbf and so on

                            and most valuable member Relentless

                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                            Josh  :D

                              I guess haters gotta hate.

                              60 matches, 5 as drow. I have been playing her more because I got the cool bow that game with the t-shirt :)

                              On 6.78 I played her 4 times :)

                              Again, haters gotta hate.

                              Although blunt, if you want to play "let's have fun", check out your Your ability to farm is trash, rocking out slightly below average last hits and almost never denying. I suffer from the lack of denies because I tend to play NP and enjoy jungling, but seriously man, get on those denies.

                              Really not sure why you're ending up in the high and very high tiers, but stats are all bullshit anyway :)

                              Ples Mercy

                                Teach me howto drow pls.

                                If i want to check your stats, i start with your winrate, then proceed with your total matches, after that checking our your recent matches and look at the games.

                                looking at this->

                                So yeah, you may be good at afk farming, but you sure dont know much about building proper items on heroes now do you?
                                Low skilled player, doesnt realize that hes lowskilled and tries to talk down to someone who has a better understanding of the game.

                                proceed pls, this might be interesting.

                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                  ^This guy real hater, can't move out from normal tier, so he flames everyone who is better than him. Real deal here.

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    YES HERE HE IS!
                                    Hows it goin sonny boy?

                                    Josh  :D

                                      Here's what you're missing, I'm just looking for people to play with. Not claiming to be going to any tourneys or to be the biggest dog on the block, just thought this might be a way to find some other folks at my same tier (whatever that may be) to have fun playing with.

                                      Lifestealer with treads, hand of midas, Mjollnir, abysal, armlet, and building into a satanic. I suppose I should have gone eyes, ghost scepter, rod of atos, veil of discord?

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        You cant even see the failbuilds problem? After over 2k games you dont understand it, lulz. Watched some of your matches, i lold hard. You srsly need to look up some guides.

                                        Not sure what you want to tell us :D

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                        Josh  :D

                                          Those all seem like great items on him, so feel free too share your infinite wisdom with me.


                                            AC over Mojjnir unless reversing illusion heroes or super fed

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              DaYmn Kofa alrdy found 1 error. Theres many more dun worry.

                                              Maybe lets make a game out of this, find errors in his terrible build. Then we will talk about the fact that you dont know howto lane, and even that you lost as naix mid to pudge.

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                AC over mjollnir even if there are illusions ... Mjollnir is just a selfish item in general ... I can't tell you how many times I face a N'aix who throws because he thinks he's god.

                                                Also @Blunt no need to critisize someone who enjoys to play a specific hero more than others .. I think drow is a trash hero, but iv'e seen some very good drows in my day.

                                                Ples Mercy

                                                  Nothing against drow as such, more that someone plays 1 hero like ALOT more than others. I just dislike people who focuses 2 hard on 1 hero, bcause ususally they are the reason i lose games.

                                                  Josh  :D

                                                    Drow is a trash hero, completely agree.

                                                    Why AC? Less attack speed and no damage. Just because it's an aura?

                                                    Josh  :D

                                                      Blunt, you're just a hater. That's what you are. If you're so great, you could certainly be helpful. Instead, you've spent this thread being a dick simply because I was looking for folks to play with.

                                                      You might lose games because you're a jerk and folks don't generally take advice from jerks. If you tried to be helpful you might be surprised at the teamwork you can get out of it. I've won many games I shouldn't have because I managed to make nice with my team and we worked as a group.

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        nah i lose games bcause of idiots who clearly cant use their brain and keep on doing shit all the time and blame their 1337 deaths on me.

                                                        And no im not a hater, im a troll. WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!

                                                        Pls post one of the games you shouldnt have won.

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                          I like ac because it helps the team .. If you can get an early AC up it would help your teamfights and your pushes with the extra armor, if you rush a mjollnir all you get is attack speed, barley any damage. AC Gives aura attack speed and armor. In my expierences with N'aix I win much more games with ac then mojillnir. Not saying it is a bad item, I just personally like ac more.

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            You forgot alot.
                                                            Armor reduction is very nice on naix since it does synergize with his passive. Thats also the reason why Desolator is a good item on naix aswell. Also the Armor red. is applied to towers. Str heroes have a large HP pool and very little armor, thats why you build AC on so many Str heroes, bcause otherwise they would be way 2 squishy, especially against heroes who have armor reduction.

                                                            But yeah, thats only the shitty mjiollnir, he made more mistakes but hell, i wont even care, bcause i know he suck and he wont improve bcause he refuses to see that.

                                                            Just wanted to throw in my cents so you can learn abit more, since you are not aware of the fact that armor red. on naix is extremely powerful.

                                                            Josh  :D

                                                              Nah Blunt, I'm good.

                                                              Mark, you called it a selfish item. That implies it's empirically bad and you shouldn't get it unless you only care about yourself.

                                                              Josh  :D

                                                                Blunt, you don't have to be such a giant dick about it. Seriously, some people would totally love to hear you tell them how to play better, but you're being a complete dick.


                                                                  lol people got low kda because they feed


                                                                    kda doesen't win you games buddy boy ^^


                                                                      low kda = feeder lol, high kda don't win you a game, bug feeder cause you to lose a game lol

                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                        @Josh ツ:
                                                                        If i would been friendly id have 2039840234234 fanboys who would annoy me every day in steam bcause they want me to teach them howto dota.

                                                                        So i decide to be the asshole i am and have alot of fun. Besides i turned from troll into 'dick' when you began to try to say bullshit about me, 'deny, farm trash etc.'. You sure dont understand the concept of a support / ganking hero, the game is not about afkfarm like you think. So start your prayers and call me Kami.


                                                                          scrub alert

                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            Do you have a cookie thrower?


                                                                              i dont ;/

                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                Then go buy one!

                                                                                Josh  :D

                                                                                  You're top played heros aren't supports though. Pudge admittedly isn't going to be getting a ton of last hits in, but jugger should be getting PILES, BH should be getting PILES, invoker should be getting PILES. You're average denies are less than three. That's based on 660 matches. One would think a pro farm like you would manage to stumble on an average of more than 2.39/match. Even if you have a support in lane with you and you're playing a hard farmer we're talking about an average of one deny every 10-20 minutes.

                                                                                  As a support, you rocked out 2 last hits as lich in a recent match. In all fairness a sacrifice doesn't count as a deny, but doesn't it seem a little low that a support would only have 2 denies in an entire match if they're so pro?

                                                                                  As BH you rocked out les than 100 last hits and didn't exactly go on a ganking spree My god your items, an orchid? Sure if you're trolling, but orchid, vlads? What type of a scrub gets those core items? You had the worst stats on your team and you're an invisible ganker.

                                                                                  To your credit, this kunka match seemed to go more the way one would expect a solid player to do Your items make sense and you didn't die at all, so bravo.

                                                                                  A good dota player is always finding farm. It's not just about AFK farming the jungle or abandoning your team during team fights, it's the total picture.

                                                                                  If you want to be negative then such is your right. That doesn't mean you're a good player and it certainly doesn't make you a nice part of the community. You also seem to struggle with your own stats too. Pro tip from a scrub on how to instantly start doing better, start denying. Also, skip the bloody orchid. Another pro tip: You really only should need vlads if you're planning on soloing roshan. Because of the burst damage of jinada you're MUCH better off building flat damage and if your goal is to farm, building into a battlefury with a health ring should give you enough health regen to farm relatively peacefully without needing the lifesteal.



                                                                                    Why not vlad, he got druid and dk in his team, vlad is a perfect item for pushing. Very wise option.
                                                                                    Orchid isn't probably the best shot, for less money I'd go with a eul cyclone, and for more money, I'd go for sheepstick.

                                                                                    Deny ? that's only for lane, you don't deny as much with a jungler furion. And when you lane this is how you deny creeps.

                                                                                    edit: well they got a omni knight, orchid is more than proper... sorry, lol

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      orchid vs a omniknight is pretty common, vlads is questionable tho but I did not watch the match so I cant say.....

                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                        I was in a trilane, i was the guy who used sacrifice for the ranged creeps and stacked & pulled, tide was on the lane with our carry. Not my job to deny.

                                                                                        There we have it. You prove it to me, your a complete noob who has no idea what hes talking about. I did not get many lasthits bcause i was solo BH, since you dont even know anything about trilanes nor do you play any high lvled games, since your a lowlvl player, you did not even consider the possibility that i was a solo BH.

                                                                                        The orchid was more than neccessary, as the more experienced players did write, it was for omniknight, our carrys all where rightclickers, which means that omnis ult and healing would just be 2 much of a problem, so we got rid of him. Vlads is a pretty common pick up when you have some melee Carries on your team.

                                                                                        Basicly the problem here is, your on such a lowlvl that you cannot even comprehend higher lvl plays. You dont even consider a trilane and so on.

                                                                                        Basicly what you can see now is, people agree with my build, your trying to critize someone whos simply betetr than you and now your looking like an idiot. Gj bro.

                                                                                        Keep up the hilarious posts, show how noobed you truly are and question more legit builds.

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                        Josh  :D

                                                                                          If you were solo offlane, why didn't you get your six and start ganking?

                                                                                          OD should have picked up the orchid since his ult is based off Intel and he needs it anyway. You're an agi hero with a passive based on your damage, but I'm clearly a noob to say such things.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            I am not saying Blunt is good or bad or whatever(never seen him play) but the fact that you think there is a mandatory build for any hero shows how inexperienced u are.

                                                                                            BH is one of my best heroes and there are games where you need to adjust your role from ganker to support to carry. You are a noob for only thinking about only your hero and not the team


                                                                                              orchid isn't quite suitable for od, orchid provide good mana reg, attack speed, lacks hp, don't provide much intelligence.
                                                                                              od got mana reg itself, need the hp and intelligence a lot

                                                                                              edit : forgot to say, compare to sheepstick, way better for od

                                                                                              as for attack speed, the 2100 hyperstone way better than 4000 gold orchid, even a midas is probably more proper for od, way cheaper and boost your farm

                                                                                              This game the od is obviously on a stomp, doesn't matter too much.

                                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                bh you can pretty much go for any build if owning
                                                                                       orchid for weaver
                                                                                       this is troll build lol
                                                                                       yes force staff and urn, they rocks
                                                                                       linken sphere if you are too fat

                                                                                                Josh  :D

                                                                                                  You don't think 25 intel is much? 25 intl plus 30 damage (add another 25 since he's intl which makes it 45 damage), and the mana regen is a non-issue because of his passive. 25 intel goes a long way on OD because it makes his q hurt more and his ult hurt more. Let's not forget the q is pure damage, so more intel (increases man pool which increases damage). I like the sheepstick on him because it's a hard disable, but the orchid does give the 5 second silence (1.5 more of a silence than scythe) and has smaller pieces to build along the way. The first actual intel item is either the orb (more gold than a full oblivion staff) or the mystic staff which is even more expensive. The smaller pieces along the way add more damage earlier.


                                                                                                    lol, look at the oblivion staff, it add 6 intelligence, you buy that for an od ?
                                                                                                    only after you build it into orchid it becomes useful, after 4k gold... and you get no hp bonus for that, what will happen between ? you die for it and most likely you never get to orchid and you lost the game
                                                                                                    check out the item wr for od
                                                                                                    it is very interesting to find out refresher and orchid get high wr, but oblivion staff is 44%

                                                                                                    Also we see that rod of atos, it's actually better than orchid in many ways, od don't have much move speed bonus, so with a orchid, pretty much you still cannot solo kill anyone, they just walk away, unless scrubs walk to your face without any idea what will happen.