General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
fifi nono

    G: Nice TA and storm spirit KDA and winrate
    B: 45% winrate on invoker as most played, in normal skill.


      Good: good Pala
      Bad: responsible for boring 9 people with overdrawn game:

      fifi nono

        It gets better when you know that i was mid as techies, and that i was laning against my brother (we realised after 5 mins who each other were) and his ex was on my team. (no breakerino, comment on MILNOR)


          @ MILNOR

          G: winrate on the rise & W5OW, support player
          B: lots of sub 50% wintates on most played :'(


            g: winrate b: normal skill and spamming alche

            Mr. Nameless

              G: np, zeus,sf, mirana
              B: overall winrate,weaver, windrunner,pa, smurf(?), fuck np players


                G: average deaths 5.29
                B: Zeus is not fun to play over 500 matches :/

                Old Adi

                  g: invoker kda
                  b: matches on "Normal skill" it mean your mmr ~ 0 - 3000


                    G: average kills 10.35, dire winrate biger than radiant - rare
                    B: Tinker


                      G: pudge, nice kda on him
                      b: probably skill level

                      Shit Just Got Real

                        G: 10.08 Kills per game, good gpm and xpm (probably result of playing so much sf though)
                        B: Win rate of 48.57%, low kdas, way too many sf games


                          g: i love aa too. Vhs to hs ranked b: no dp


                            G: Nice prophet and zeus stats
                            B: Not a lot of games - what's your real account :P

                            Shit Just Got Real

                              G: KDAs, farm, winrate, almost exclusively VH matches.
                              B: Winrate has been decreasing in the last month. Low winrates on some of his most played heroes.


                                G: Pretty good overall support player with descent winrates on some heroes
                                B: You only play random and single draft WTF? :D


                                  G: VHS, Win rate
                                  B: Str hero spammer, pretty annoying


                                    gucci : i dont even have any idea how to play meepo while he is good at it.

                                    b: still normal skill bracket

                                    Shit Just Got Real

                                      G: 60% winrate, good gpm and xpm
                                      B: Likes to play rat heroes

                                      ghetto superstar

                                        G: your name is kinda cool
                                        B: everything else


                                          G: Nice winrates
                                          B: Only a couple of games played. Smurf?

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            G: storm + sf winrates + nice winrates overall.
                                            B: sniper....


                                              good: nice winning streak! alchemist winrate/kda
                                              bad: winrate with arcane boots

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                G: Insane Abba winrate
                                                B: Lina n QoP winrate


                                                  G: Decent Medusa
                                                  B: Sub-50% winrate in ranked matches


                                                    G: plays a lot of heroes, good overall Winrate, maybe play more bristle/sven.
                                                    B: lycan doom

                                                    BobFish the Builder

                                                      g: Winrate on ranked matches indicate you're underanked I would say.
                                                      B: 38.89 winrate on bristleback with 3.22 kda... 3.22 guys


                                                        G: Winrate on other servers than EUW and SEA
                                                        B: Normal skill


                                                          G: Mirana KDA
                                                          B: Filthy NP picker XD

                                                          Hungry God

                                                            G: You have a high winrate with PA at Silver Edge and nukin`times.
                                                            B: Fucking Cancer Viper player xD


                                                              G: Chen DP
                                                              B: Just one Chen game played? C'mon man


                                                                G: Looks like you follow the meta. I see Undying, Lesh, Am, SS, Ember. I'm guessing you're practicing ES since he's all over?
                                                                B: I wanna see some supports :p Edit: You also have no chen games -_-

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  G: Support through and through, and fellow YGO player :D

                                                                  B: Exclusively play support and nearly no other roles?
                                                                  Edit: and only 2 games (both won though) as CM, when she is the emphasis as support :p

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    G: you seem new to the game, you have a better win rate with supports
                                                                    B: less than half over all win rate, try to raise it


                                                                      G: plays high skill cap heroes and wins with them
                                                                      B: plays them in normal skill, trench is real

                                                                      Shit Just Got Real

                                                                        G: Winrate of 53.08%, very high games.
                                                                        B: Qop winrate of 31.71%

                                                                        Vaelastrasz the Corrupt

                                                                          G: Has DotaBuff Plus
                                                                          B: Has no profile pic


                                                                            G: A support player with very descent winrates on most of top played heroes, always nice to see that! :)
                                                                            B: Random and single draft only in high skill bracket...

                                                                            Shit Just Got Real

                                                                              @ MFU:

                                                                              G: Nice winrate
                                                                              B: Normal skill, less kills than deaths overall

                                                                              @Chi Long Qua

                                                                              G: really good winrates and kdas (dat 9.93 on wk!!)
                                                                              B: Seems to play with stack most of the time, so his good stats can be a result of that.

                                                                              (btw what's the problem with -rd? :P it's good because it makes you play a lot of different heroes instead of just going for the flavor of the month ones)


                                                                                G: great AA CM and KOTL
                                                                                B: in between high and veryhigh & invoker


                                                                                  G: very high skill
                                                                                  B: dire & brood winrates.


                                                                                    g: what a winstreak/rate in the last 6 months
                                                                                    b: throwaway account? seems like you've improved a lot in the past year on another acc and is now farming wins on this one. still some issues with dire side


                                                                                      G: Really versatile player with even matches and decent win rates with a lot of heroes
                                                                                      B: Only a 47% winrate with jugg :C

                                                                                      haru yo koi

                                                                                        G: 57% win rate overall, good win rates on most played heroes
                                                                                        B: 22% win rate on axe


                                                                                          Good: Longest Winning Streak = 11 with Naga Siren.
                                                                                          Bad= 33% win rate with Phantom Assassin.

                                                                                          Hibiki Yamada

                                                                                            G: 179 Invoker matches
                                                                                            B: KDA D;


                                                                                              G: Normal Skill, you launch Dota to have fun, which is far too often forgotten by those who play this game.
                                                                                              B: 56% of your games are on Dire side. Looks like the Wrath of Volvo is upon you.


                                                                                                G: That last game of prophet I love those
                                                                                                B:Normal/highskill for 1.5k games


                                                                                                  G: good np ratting!
                                                                                                  B: Brood rating needs improvement


                                                                                                    G: very high skill
                                                                                                    B: I see lots of sub 50% winrates

                                                                                                    puni puni butt UWU

                                                                                                      g - GREEN
                                                                                                      b - ALCHEMIST