General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Crimson Rain

    G: Loves the manliest heroes in Dota 2 (Sven and Legion Commander), so clearly has giant balls of "IDGAF-i'll-run-right-at-you". Decent win rate on these.
    B: Favours strength heroes too much. Would be good to branch out just to experience each hero at least once to understand them better. Tends to pick strength heroes which have a strong early game (Sven, Legion, Lifestealer, Axe, Abaddon, Troll). Could try heroes like Wraith, Lycan, Beastmaster and others who play differently to expand ability. Dies a lot on heroes with high survivability and mobility which means either bad teamplay or bad positioning.


      G: Most of his frequently played heroes have a high winrate.

      B: I dunno. He has friends that are below 3.2k? Best I can do.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        + Likes Ember and Morph, has decent winrate
        - Nothing significant, maybe try harder to get out of Normal skill bracket?

        Riguma Borusu

          + holy crap dat ember
          - Disproportionate invoker winrate and KDA

          KGBlue Lives Matter

            B: That AM and Axe wr :(

            Riguma Borusu

              G: You do remarkably well with heroes whose names start with V, also PL
              B: You have a solid KDA with weaver, since you're slippery, but a bit underwhelming winrate, which might mean you pu*sy away a bit too much, maybe dying a few times to accomplish something would improve your winrate. I am the opposite, I die too much with tanky heroes in order to secure objectives, so I have good winrates on some heroes with sub 3 KDA average.


                G: sven, lc and cm; dire winrate is nearly as high as radiant winrate

                B: normal skill bracket, low records - hero damage, most kills and hero heal

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  G: VHS playing everyday. keep it up

                  B : many most played hero under 50% winrate


                    G: Anime! also your PA and Earthshaker I guess. You buy Deso a lot dude wow
                    B: Still hasn't added me on steam yet :/


                      G - everytime I play with you, you carry me

                      B - sub 50% winrate with windranger


                        G- Good winrate

                        B- Rat doto


                          G - Frequent support picker and a solid win rate (52%) plus Enigma is an awesome hero!

                          B - All games are on Normal Skill, makes me think your MMR is low or you play with friends that are bad.

                          Crimson Rain

                            G: Favours people who have circles for abilities. I like that. Good winrates, decent KDAs.

                            B: Likes to spam one hero repeatedly in a row. A constant through match history listings. Also appears not to have a great record with anyone who has a skillshot, tends to pick heroes with strong passives (Riki, Jug, Bloodseeker, Maiden, Venge). Doesn't tend to buy many active items.

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                              a good midlaner

                              bad at late carry i guess

                              [DFG] Whale King

                                G: Great venge
                                B: Hero pool may be a tad bit limited


                                  G : Verygood at storm 6 KDA 60% WR
                                  B : Fucking Storm Cancer


                                    g: i'm pretty sure you're better TA than me because I'm godawful at that hero
                                    b: You die a bit too much


                                      G: Ember WR
                                      B: Puck WR


                                        G: Holy shit! Those KDA values!
                                        B: Plays pretty much only hard carries (I can see you play Lion quite a bit, but I couldn't find anything else wrong with your Dotabuff).

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                          G: Good clinkz games lately.
                                          B: Don't pick WR.

                                          Dota Minus


                                            honest heart

                                              gonna comment on ZeroRemorse_:

                                              G: High winrate on hard carries! Australian, too!
                                              B: Low winrates on mostly everything else. Maybe work on that?

                                              something more

                                                Good: Most top heroes are supports with high winrate, you are probably nice support

                                                Bad: Dude, stop picking that PA

                                                Crimson Rain

                                                  Aren't you a lucky person getting 2 comments. I wrote this now so I'm not removing it. For "be understanding"

                                                  G: A true support (mostly) which is nice to find outside the pro scene. Is not greedy as a support either as far as I can tell. Is working on their carry game too which is important in order to play support better, also I understand supporting can sometimes get a bit dull when your carries don't make use of your effort. Likes stuns.

                                                  B: For the last 17 days has spammed all the various Assassins (Phantom, Nyx, Templar, Riki) without failure. Loves to buy Solar Crest on PA, which isn't too bad but more worthwhile letting a support or your offlaner pick it up and you focus on something more core such as a basher or a battlefury if wanting to retain an early farm advantage and scaling towards late game.

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                  Crimson Rain

                                                    For Jaiden

                                                    G: Your Spectre KDA is awesome. Great hero, very purple, much burn. Records are pretty impressive and alright variety of heroes played recently.

                                                    B: Only "alright" variety (though I can't talk). Very "on-meta" heroes picked at the moment. TI5 all over. I know you like to win so these heroes are popular but be exciting and pick something crazy once in a while! Seems to mainly favour the position 1 role. Has a picture of a mouth, it scares me.

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      For Crimson:
                                                      G: INVOOOOOOOKEEEEEERRRRR + QW ftw.

                                                      B: Nothing much anyway. I see variety so I think you don't have a stale playstyle, or my eyes are too unexperienced to see if there's anything wrong with it.

                                                      aria lee stan

                                                        Good: Meepo Player #MeepoIsLoveMeepoIsLife

                                                        Bad: Seems like Quas Wex Invoker eww

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          ^What the hell is wrong with Quas Wex? It's the most versatile invoker right now.

                                                          Good: sniper troll meepo spam
                                                          Bad: sniper troll meepo spam


                                                            You have some nice WR's with support and cores.

                                                            Work on some of your carries, AM for example.

                                                            Crimson Rain

                                                              G: Current winstreak of 14. That's pretty impressive (at least to me). Solid carry player.

                                                              B: Very little support in there. Ogre seems the only one and he's very aggressive. Maybe try to mix it up a little with more defensive supports so you can expand your knowledge more.


                                                                G: Your Zeus win rate and record for most kills are both really awesome. Your overall win rate for this month is also really great.

                                                                B: Your win rate with most of your friends isn't too great (this week). I seriously couldn't find anything bad to say that wouldn't be hypocritical.


                                                                  good: 61.11% win rate this month, you seem to be doing well with the PL pick lately
                                                                  bad: you haven't ever played quite a few heroes (at least on this account)


                                                                    Good: KDA
                                                                    Bad: Gets tilted easily


                                                                      G:supp hero winrate
                                                                      B: so bad top heroes winrate,overall all pick winrate


                                                                        G: so much green , my eye dont believe it
                                                                        B: i cant say shit , so much greennnnnn


                                                                          Good: OMG, look at those winrate. Look at that invoker. Look at those matches. Look at those invokers. I see green everywhere.
                                                                          Bad: I don't see anything bad. OMG teach me pls

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            peenoise everywhere


                                                                              G: Windranger
                                                                              B: TA, and racist


                                                                                G: spectre, 35 kills, hero dmg, hero dmg per min

                                                                                B: normal skill, not playing rmm


                                                                                  Good: Great KDA's

                                                                                  Bad: Filthy Meta Player

                                                                                    Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                      Good: Many Games and good winrate
                                                                                      Bad: Too hard to find any cons)


                                                                                        Good: No stats recorded
                                                                                        Bad: No stats recorded


                                                                                          G: Decent rat dota heroes winrate
                                                                                          Bad: Poor mid heroes winrate

                                                                                          Der Fürer

                                                                                            Solid carry, judging by last attempt - don't play support


                                                                                              G: DECENT invoker and Earth Spirit winrates
                                                                                              B: Playing too many strength carries and no agi.


                                                                                                G:nice overall winrate
                                                                                                B: puck and invo winrate even its most top 3 played heroes


                                                                                                  Good: Nice winrate

                                                                                                  Bad: Invoker picker


                                                                                                    G: top 3 good supports + good void wr
                                                                                                    B: almost no agi carry


                                                                                                      G - winrate with your top 10 heros

                                                                                                      B - youve never played techies Kappa