General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
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    G: good support

    B:pudge win rate


      G: very nice KDA on your top heroes, lare hero pool and very high skill

      B: Low winrate, somewhat of a high number of abandons, low-ish average GPM on your heroes.

      [DFG] Whale King

        G: High Winrate
        Bad: Never play support


          g: wide variety of heroes/roles
          b: normal 'n high skill unranked... c'mon homie

          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

            g: That win streak
            b: 9/10 of your most played are tryhard


              Good winrate, amazing mmr for only 10 months for playing Dota, Nice Dazzle.

              B; often seeks for advices which probably won't take serious.

              However, you seem like you can figure things out alone at the and of the day.


                G: your perseverance in making SF work
                B: 48% win rate? come on you gotta get that up!


                  good: keep that spectre up!! (Y)

                  bad: Poor vokerino :(


                    G: The sweet winrates
                    B: Probably a new account?


                      G: dat slark/ tiny Kda and winrates

                      B: Easy normal skill bracket :s // 60 games as viper


                        g: offlane player with high win rates on main heroes, great overall winrate(53%, besides 1.5k games)
                        b: crystal maiden never picked


                          g: impressive clinkz

                          b: many invoker games but below 50% win rate and KDA meh

                          Bad Intentions

                            Good: I see that youre improving on your last 10 games.
                            Bad: Maybe play a little more team games with friends?


                              Good: Constant vhs and Nice kdas
                              Bad: Blyatcyka picker


                                Good: Some decent top heroes with good KDA's and winrates.
                                Bad: Nothing much but you seem to default to either mid or carry with little flexibility which could hurt you in the long run.

                                Suggestions: PA seems to be one of your strongest and after 25 successful games I am surprised you don't play her more. You have obviously found a hero that you are quite comfortable being aggressive with early on in the game and with a lot of players being such defeatists this can be quite a strong hero to pick a lot more.

                                I would also like to note that with most of the top players either earth spirit, ember, or meepo seem to be very prevalent so I would again encourage you to really work on practicing and improving both your Ember and your Meepo as these will turn in to 60-70% win rate heroes with practice in time and are really strong in all stages of the game and at all skill levels.


                                  Good: Your all round stats are exceptional, great versatility. Winrate is good and your KDAs are pretty high across the board, 6300 games (some serious commitment to the game).

                                  Bad: Axe KDA must be atleast 3 (Kidding). Very little to find wrong, Viper sub 50 maybe (mine is too, makes no sense), only 1 ember game in 6300? Only thing I saw that must have really hurt was your SF game 3 days ago with 13k tower damage and to lose, the stats of that game were crazy!

                                  All round excellent contributor to game and this forum in general. Good job man

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    G: DUde, i love south africa, also your name is cool, also, you have an eposorts profile, also, that top heroes winrate, and overall winrate, and .. k

                                    B: Dude your am suck, me 2, also, YOU LOST 17 times in a row? like fo real?

                                    well, cant say any much, you've played from normal - vh, groot2.


                                      + : good winrate on SEA server and consistent performance on meepo. why dont u play it more?
                                      - : normal skill bracket,got a lort things to more replay if have time


                                        g: dat lina winrate homie step up yo' game
                                        b: too much supporting in your last few pages considering your most played heroes are mid related


                                          good: seen interstellar
                                          bad: before me

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Good: Fuckin' Meepo player
                                            Bad: Fuckin' Meepo player

                                            I fucked john

                                              good: esporterino, rubik
                                              bad: np picker, no kfc, rip, least manly axe


                                                Good: Nice kdr in some VHS games, spirit breaker win wowww
                                                Bad: fuckin' smurf

                                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                  G: Above average KDA and win rate on Druid, balanced on dire and radiant (pretty much equal winrates), most kills ever was yesterday, congrats.

                                                  B: Sub 50 winrates on a lot of top played, that rubick KDA and winrate is pretty bad.


                                                    + : playing hard heroes everytime
                                                    - : supporting

                                                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                      g:pretty nice wr and kdas on most heroes. also good itembuilds
                                                      b:can't find it:D


                                                        + : mastered most of high-impact hero on dota , and getting well in ranked from last 10 games. 8w 2. almost 500 captains mode game means u got stable team i think
                                                        - : 100 abandoned game, time to change internet maybe.or maybe rage jk


                                                          G: wow high KDA and win rate on mid heroes
                                                          B: low win rate on team fight set-up heroes like ES, DS, TH, Magnus


                                                            g: good spectre, nice kda too, same with bloodseeker
                                                            b: u should improve ur supp role


                                                              Good: Earthspirit
                                                              B: timber and invo


                                                                Good: Omg that Timbersaw, invoker is cool too, makes sense with your name
                                                                Bad: No supports, low level play on most games and such little comments on your last post


                                                                  good: good variety of heroes/roles on most played, BRHU3, clinkz player
                                                                  bad: 49% ranked wr, invoker spam, highskill bracket, 23 rapiers in 3k+ games do you even rapier brah

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    g: good earth bro :P , sick winrates

                                                                    b: ur photo


                                                                      g: ''good earth bro'' , though that build won't work at the 5.5k+ rating pool. skipping urn/arcane/mek would leave your team with no sustainability mid-game, keeping it default in half of the cases is the way to go

                                                                      b: 42% timber winrate neger wat

                                                                      Bad fat mad satan

                                                                        G: VHS,also i really love earth tho i cant play him cuz no skills :D
                                                                        B : play more Viper and morph :(

                                                                        Lorenzo VI

                                                                          G: A good win rate (but your smurfing soooo....)
                                                                          B : Smurfing and no interesting heroes on the smurf (have some fun, it isnt all about win %ages)


                                                                            G : Veteran, High-VH skill, above 50 winrate
                                                                            B : Losing Streak > Win Streak

                                                                            I fucked john

                                                                              g: win rate, emberino, meeperino, dat win streak
                                                                              b: normal skill, bad@farming


                                                                                G : 25 games and is already in very high skill bracket/ slark KDA

                                                                                B : Smurf /


                                                                                  Good: Decent win rates on top heroes except for Natures so good performance all round.

                                                                                  Bad: Stop buying shadow blade, the item is pure garbage.

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                  Bone Chilling

                                                                                    g: you've got some balls
                                                                                    b: lycan's gay


                                                                                      @Havoc Badger i stopped xD


                                                                                        @Bone Chilling

                                                                                        Good: Solo-wise, brings over 50% winrate to team when playing pudker.
                                                                                        Bad : PPUDGEOUDGEPUDGEPUGE



                                                                                          good 7k mmr
                                                                                          bad winrate with recipe:wraith band


                                                                                            good: very good winrate
                                                                                            bad: luna picker


                                                                                              G : almost 70% win rate :O / win rate and kda on all your most played heros / best sup EU

                                                                                              B : no mid lane/hc hero in your most played

                                                                                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                                G: VHS, variety in your top picks (utlilty and carries)

                                                                                                B: NP winrate


                                                                                                  B: Your Heropool , just boring heros ;)

                                                                                                  G: pretty nice kda record with your pa


                                                                                                    G: Pretty successful mid player, good hero variety
                                                                                                    b: too many pudge games, only 50%