General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Good: Varied hero choices
    Bad: few wins, need more games


      Good: that veno build did a fuck load of dmg
      Bad: I still think that build is awful despite your decent winrate with it

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          +: 53%+ overall win rate, plays all kinds of heroes, ember win rate / kda
          -: Heroes with skillshots need some love

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            g - hero choice, number of games
            b - avg wr, and your TA hurts me

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                G: impressed with your most played. almost support heroes

                B: let your eu east be atleast at 50%, k?

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                    G: Nice overal winrate and top heroes winrate
                    B: winstreak < lose streak

                    NextStep ®

                      G : Invoker and 3.5k games

                      B : Not much ranked?

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        G: Keep getting to evaluate you, that undying is always eyepopping, great ranked winrate
                        B: That PL stats though

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                            + teamfight heroes :O
                            - low kda :D

                            Bad Intentions

                              + wr on slark and overall wr
                              - ohh stacks always


                                G : top heros wr, name
                                B : ranked wr, name


                                  + nice wr overall
                                  - Retard Heroes :D

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                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      g: sup, wr ranked, wr on dire
                                      b: cm wr, normal games

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        Good: WR, very high skilled in rank
                                        Bad: EU server, good but not d best.


                                          Good: Overall a pretty decent player and a nice guy, top heroes have some good stats
                                          Bad: You're the Oprah of Shadowblade, and Sceptre for everyone.

                                          Mekanism - 15 games, Shadowblade 430 games WUT! O_o

                                 compare with

                                          Suggestion: Veil of discord > Sceptre in a lot of cases, try it for a couple games and see how it goes.


                                            Good: posts a lot of good shit, no longer has dota exchange in his name. Good global KDA of 3 in VH bracket which is surprisingly consistent among all 3 divisions despite number of games played
                                            Bad: hasn't won a game with ember, get on it.

                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                              g: sf, KDA's
                                              b: low amount of games, smurf

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                Good: 54% wr, varied hero choices.
                                                Bad: warlock winrate is so low that its lower than the global avg :O

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  Good: Very High Skill, nice streak, lots of ranked, many recent vengful picks, thats good
                                                  Bad: No friends, BS picks, you need to increase that hero pool, so many heroes unplayed


                                                    G: nice wr in ranked
                                                    B:still in normal too low wr at some of ur top heroes

                                                      Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                        G: Lot of supports as top heroes, high winrates too

                                                        B: I know they're supports, but the KDA is quite low, probably because most of your supports are in the middle of teamfights.


                                                          G: Very good KDA with you most play heroes, positive WR on ranked,PA player you Rock!!!!

                                                          B: your LH with PA in the first 10 minutes need some improving you should aym for 50, and in the last 5 games you did not crack 40, also lately you play a lot of the same hero I will suggest to vary a lot more, there are a lot of heroes you never try in normal games

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            Good: Varied hero choices is good, winrate on veno.
                                                            Bad: Overall, your KDA to me is below average, you really need a good team to win, youre a good piece tho but not high impact player material.


                                                              G: Recent winstreak, and a great Venomancer winrate
                                                              B: Only plays All Pick


                                                                A very good skill level but is a clear smurf so there is no much to go on

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  G: Your overall winrate is pretty gud.
                                                                  B: Normal skill :D

                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                    g: crazy win rate, meepo strong, plays tusk
                                                                    b: voker, ta kda

                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                      G: More ranked games than normal.
                                                                      B: Dat invo wr, holy cow.

                                                                      Sup m8

                                                                        Good: Plays support(ish) heros and 50+ winrate
                                                                        Bad: bloodseeker most played, doesn't seem like a high skill cap hero to me.


                                                                          g: good mid player, won ur longest match :D

                                                                          b: normal skill bracket :/

                                                                          Cozy Mane

                                                                            + : Good winrate on most "skilled" heroes like ES, Puck etc.

                                                                            - : 50% ranked winrate, always the same trench Blink Euls Invoker build


                                                                              Good: your best heroes aren't the most common, and riki, sniper, pudge, viper are all right at the bottom of your list..yay
                                                                              Bad: Normal to high to very high all in a few games...

                                                                                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                  good: very reliable support player
                                                                                  bad: you die a lot, even on heroes where you shouldn't. space created


                                                                                    Good:plays so many heroes with high kda, solid player on all roles.
                                                                                    Bad: nothing really. I honestly cant find any

                                                                                    haru yo koi

                                                                                      Good: Very good KDA score on top played core heroes!
                                                                                      Bad: Practise more SF :)

                                                                                        Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                          +: nice wr and nice support
                                                                                          -: pretty low kda even on supports sk nature bounty sould have higher kda

                                                                                          Get that bagle hole (Oh Y...

                                                                                            +: Good win rate.
                                                                                            -: Slark picker.. j/k. You don't play support. You are either a selfish player who needs the glory of good scores or you just think you're too important to buy wards. Or you're just bad with supports. Who knows, maybe you just play with friends who LOVE playing support (too lazy to check your friends list)


                                                                                              get that bagle hole

                                                                                              Good: only lost 2 games and playing oomni :0

                                                                                              Bad : Normal skill ^_^

                                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                                Good: veteran, high no. of games, winrate
                                                                                                Bad: too bad all of the above happened in EU west and russia

                                                                                                Get that bagle hole (Oh Y...

                                                                                                  Good: Lots of games in vhs.
                                                                                                  Bad: SnY 532 games? Only 1 scythe out of 1200+ games? only 5 rapiers??