General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do 9 players out of 10 in every game I play have pudge as one of ...

Why do 9 players out of 10 in every game I play have pudge as one of three most successful heroes? in General Discussion

    Really... that's annoying.


      Well he is the most played hero.


        One of the most fun heroes if built and played well :)


          cuz they faggots

          Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

            why do players call jungle and fail?

            Ples Mercy

              @DooM Lol your still mad about it :D

              well bcuz FRESH MEAT


                why the fuck is it bothering you?


                  check my top 3, no h8 pls m8

                  Ples Mercy

                    @Icon, now that lame, cancer lancer and slark :D

                    Plebius Maximus

                      I for one am so tired of seeing pudge, riki and sb every game that I just stopped playing ap

                      Mostly because these heroes depends on opponents being bads. It is like a gambit; no top team would pick these heroes because they suck.Never say never if some kind of "broken" synergy with another hero or general game mechanics was discovered of course they might. The bottomline is if you play vs pudge 2-3 wards within the first 15 min will usually render him utterly useless.

                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                        Well I guess when Na'Vi picks pudge, they just hope opponents to be bad. Great logic,webmaster.

                        Plebius Maximus

                          I think they do Terrible, it's a horrible bad pick against any team that places wards

                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            You should tell them that, I don't think they know it.

                            Sugar Show

                              all loves the frank-fatty


                                You should also tell Kaipi to not pick Spirit Breaker. They might no uncanny things, like getting second place in the Defense. What did they lose to? A Pudge in one game and a Zeus in the other.