General Discussion

General DiscussionDOTA2 Community is looking for like-minded gamers

DOTA2 Community is looking for like-minded gamers in General Discussion

    [size=20]«Playing as casually as victory permits, using professional teamplay in a casual atmosphere of maturity, integrity and respect.»[/size]

    Founded: March 2010
    Nationality: International / Global
    Language: English
    Minimum age: 18
    Community size: ~ 300 members

    Death From Above Gaming recently branched out to DOTA2, and we are looking for mature people of integrity to further build our community of like-minded gamers consisting in part of Dota veterans. The companionship is what unites us, meaning DFA can be a place for players of various skill levels and gaming philosophies, who are all seeking to share their gaming experience with other dedicated team players through professional teamplay, but with a casual time-commitment.

    Our community adapts to the gaming philosophies of our roster and not the other way around. If you are seeking a place to spend your in-game time in a group to roam the MM, DFA will offer you the player pool necessary to always have someone reliable around to team up with. If you are eager to step into the competitive scene of DOTA2, DFA will offer you this oppurtunity aswell.

    We are currently building up the roster for our competitive squads (CS) and are always on the lookout for skilled players. Our CS-group trains multiple times each week, and are participating in in-house leagues (IHL) and tournaments (IHL and tournaments are currently on the hold; we are looking for 2 active players to fill up the ranks of our first CS to get things going).

    We understand that everyone has a personal life, commitments and ambitions, and we expect you to take care of these before spending your time in-game. That is, taking care of your familiy, your job, your studies and your friends should always be top priority and is the basis for the mature atmosphere which we are trying to preserve. In other words; you play when you are willing and able, but when you do play, you've made a commitment to be a reliable, skilled and motivated teamplayer.

    DFA is a multigaming clan, so every member has the opportunity to get involved in any of our other branches as well; currently including Battlefield 3 (Xbox and PC), Company of Heroes (1 & 2), World of Tanks, War Thunder, DOTA2 and Minecraft. Every member has to choose a primary branch but is naturally allowed to play other games at his or her convenience.


    •Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone for voice communication
    •A sufficient command of English for clear and consistent communications
    •You have to be at least 18 years old
    •You need to have a mature attitude and be a teamplayer at heart

    We hope our presentation was appealing to you and are looking forward meeting you in person =)

    best regards
    mimicry - DOTA2 council member


      casuals sucks


        It's a good thing nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to join, then.

        Ples Mercy

          casual and yet playing in a team, register on a god damn homepage, Speaking in Teamspeak with ur team, being active and so on.

          And there i thought casual means i press play every now and then, and play the game.


            maybe we have a different conception of the word "casual"

            "casual and playing in a team?"
            sure, why not? dota is a team game; its always more fun to play with friends, dont you think?

            "register on a god damn homepage?"
            well, we are a dota community, which is a branch of a multigaming clan. the registration is mandatory for administrative purposes and for the use of our forums

            "speaking in teamspeak with ur team?"
            communication is the key in order to win and thats what we are aming for, dont you too?

            as i tried to encapsulate, our branch can be a place for gamers with different ambitions. Some of our members are forming teams to step into the competitive play of dota2, which will require a certain amount of activity and commitment, and others just join to scrim together with cool people, maybe friends someday.


              I don't see anything bad in mimicry post there, its cool to have a clan/group to play with, and teamspeak doesn't forcefully mean die hard pro player that plays 24/7

              simply if you don't like the website, don't go there, what is the point of your post blunt?

              just my tought, no hard feelings


                Our motto starts with "Playing as casually as victory permits...", meaning we play to have fun, but we enjoy games the most when co-ordinating and co-operating with teammates. Nothing it as satisfying as pulling off excellent teamplay and seeing the rewards unfold. At the same time we all have responsibilities and ambitions in real life, and we're realistic (and serious) about these having priority.

                Certainly our style is one among many, but if you want to play with reliable teammates in enjoyable company without having to commit yourself entirely, DFA is the place for you. In other words, we strike a middle ground between professional play and casual commitment.


                  bet at least 270 of them are noobs
                  how can you still play there and how is this shit still alive! ->conclusion all of them are as bad as the enxt one (300/300)


                    i'm supprised that these sad troll comments are only occuring on this website... i'm playing computergames for a long time now and the attitude you are emitting is one of the reasons why this branch is what is right now. dont hate on people, because they arent as good as you are; that is just immature and a sign for the lack of common courtesy.

                    our community is a place for dedicated teamplayers with a mature attitude. the ambitions of our members can vary alot, so as the level of their skill. we have people in here, who are aming to improve their playstyle in a safe environment and on the other hand DotA1 veterans or skilled DOTA2 players, whos goal it is to go competitive; this mixture is only possible in a mature community of integrity and respect.

                    if you dont understand what we are about, please send me your questions in a proper tone. if you just want to troll and steal peoples time, because you havent got anything better to do, please troll somewhere else; these kind of threads are the wrong place to spread your hate...

                    to clear your accusation though: the community size of 300 in refering to the size of our whole multigaming clan; if you would have reflected your statement even for a minute or would have taken a look on our homepage, you would have probably came up with this conclusion by yourself...


                      dedicated teamplayers wit mature attitude = bronze scums with 40% winrate


                        For a game revolving around teamplay, it's truly baffling that the majority of comments here are uneducated and un-researched rants. Your assumption seems to be that bringing people together automatically means we only bring noobs together.

                        The community size of 300 is, as mimicry said, the size of the clan as a whole.
                        About 200 of our members primarily play World of Tanks, where DFA is one of the very top clans competitively on the NA server.
                        Another 30-odd members are part of our Battlefield branch, where DFA is a leading competitive clan on the Xbox 360 and holds several tournament and cup "golds".

                        As with every other branch, our Dota branch has to start somewhere. The premise is offering people reliable teammates, and building such a community of teamplayers from the ground-up over time. Our early-phase recruitment philosophy has always been looking for potential more than current skill level, and building a strong player base of teamplayers. This philosophy has resulted in DFA being among the very best in World of Tanks and Battlefield. We have no illusions about the same in Dota 2 considering the amount of time required, but that doesn't mean we can't make a group of players with a very high win percentage that have a lot of fun together.

                        In the end it boils down to gathering teamplayers and people of integrity together in order to build a strong player pool and a vibrant community. Surveys show all our members enjoy their games a lot more after becoming part of our community, and at the same time their skill level improve drastically alongside their membership.

                        If you don't want to be part of the community or don't agree with the philosophy, that's all nice and dandy, but it doesn't justify going on completely uneducated and un-researched rants with no basis in reality. No, "dedicated teamplayers wit mature attitude" does not equal "bronze scums with 40% winrate", and even making that assertion is presumptuous and groundless. Essentially you're claiming that anyone with a higher than 40% win rate is NOT a dedicated teamplayer and does not have a mature attitude. Take another look at the top teams. They play for the team, and they have a mature attitude towards each other.

                        If you don't have anything productive or remotely intelligent to say, then keep your uneducated assertions to yourself.



                          Kanye Best

                            Is swearing allowed? Do you use military lingo in teamspeak?


                              It's clear this group is for newer and weaker dota players...but there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone should be able to play dota at their own level. If these guys want to play casually and not get flamed for it...great. They are not in my games. There is no reason to attack them; you don't have to play in their games either.

                              The main focus is they want to play for fun and not get upset if they die/lose the game. Let 100 nubs have their fun. Think about it this way...if he succeeds and gets lots of nubs to join his group they won't be feeding in your game either.

                              There are millions of people worldwide who have played dota forever but are still not excellent at it...and never will be. They are not dumb, they are trying to win...they are just too slow. Very few people are fast enough to play dota with the top players and they can't do anything about it. Be considerate of others, have some respect for the best...and realize that if you are in the top few % of dota players other people flat out CANNOT play dota like you. It's beyond their physical capabilities. Just accept everyone for what they are.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                Kanye Best, we're all adults, so of course listening in on our ts3 server isn't like eavesdropping on a church mass. In Dota 2 we naturally don't use military lingo. This is assuming your post was not some covert condescension.

                                We have no illusions of being the best, but we are pretty decent, and constantly improving. Some of our members are among the best in Battlefield and World of Tanks, and while we play to have fun, we also play to win.

                                We're not "feeding noobs", but we have no grandiose illusions of being in the top percentiles either. All in all we're a bunch of above average players, playing together to have fun through winning and constantly improving.






                                      bump hhjg


                                        the community is growing fast, join us






                                              I'm in for it!


                                                If you are interested in our community, please send an application on our homepage. I've added you in steam and will contact you there asap.

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                                                    im good dota



                                                      Sexy Vicious

                                                        I'd like to play with people, and im somewhat interested
                                                        but stealing an emblem from First CAV? meh


                                                          I'm interested are there any tryouts or applications to submit? I can't take solo queing anymore


                                                            if you are interested in joining our community please use the application form on our website (

                                                            best regards

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                                                                  holy fuck where's relentless

                                                                  Sexy Vicious

                                                                    Adding a gradient and the letters DFA is not heavily reworked. The swords are also similar to the cross sabers that sometimes accompany the 1st CAV insignia.

                                                                    Pretty much same picture.