General Discussion

General DiscussionGeneral Pre-launch issues with the game. Beta testers discussion.

General Pre-launch issues with the game. Beta testers discussion. in General Discussion


    waku waku

      i try to be as nice and shy as possible to avoid getting reported, but people still find reasons to report me, like sucking at this game
      it hurts, but i just report them back, most of the time they get muted before me...


        i was always repeating for ppls

        don't play pubs they are cancer of the dota (even tho they contain 90% of the games)

        if u find urself team to play with or atleast few players to stack with game is much more enjoyable than playing solo

        Ming (Zufälliger König)

          summoning relentless to counter back with great wall of dotabuff


            ^ U have written with mistake. the true is "Идиебатьсебя"


              You began playing straight into dota 2 it seems. I played 4,000+ games in dota 1 before switching to dota 2. I see an enormous improvement in the community. Rage quits, flaming, intentional feeding, even game ruining by killing your teams items and maphacks, custom kicking enemy players from the game, placing a thrower on the enemy much that was common in dota 1 is completely gone or dramatically reduced in dota 2.

              A lot of the frustration people experience in the game comes because they play with people who are not at a similar level of experience and/or skill. The game is supposed to be played as a team of 5. When you try to throw together some random people its going to lead to some conflict. These problems are being solved and will continue to improve as all those nubs learn the game, as people gain groups of players who have similar ideas on how to play, similar skills, similar experience. It just takes some time.'

              Dota has been around already for over a decade. It is massively popular everywhere in the world that people have the computers to play it and it will only grow even faster, even larger in the future. This is because it is a game that combines everything people like about sports with everything they like about video and PC games. Just wait until TI3 begins and you see the fanatical crowds at the live event and the millions who will watch it around the world. This game is going to roll on like the unending tides.

              If there are items that are priced to high...don't buy them. If people are buying them at that price, good for them. If you don't want to pay it, then don't. It's your free choice to do what you want with your money and everyone else with theirs. I find it offensive that you would begrudge artists their pay because you personally don't what to pay that much for their work. Prices are always justified by what people are willing to pay. Any other way of determining them is a lie.

              The language issues are completely solved in my view. I just que English only every time and have not had a problem in the last 800 games or so.

              If you don't want to deal with people behaving in whatever fashion you find objectionable...Just Que With Five! it is a very very simple solution that is totally in your control. Nearly every complaint that anyone has on this forum is solved the same way. Get more friends and que with 5. It's a team game. Stop trying to pretend its a solo game.

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                  I have people on my friends list from China, Brazil, Canada, England, France, US, Germany, Russia...Turkey, I'm sure I'm forgetting some. All of them que English only and speak English in the game on US servers. If they want to use their own language they que with people from their country, speak their language, and its fine.

                  I used to get a lot of people speaking foreign languages before they added English only. Now its not a problem.

                  You are not concerned about the interests of the artists. You are jealous of other people having money and too stingy to pay prices that countless others are happy to pay. You might fool yourself into thinking you have some high minded goal, but its obvious you do not. You say you want to help them, but you want to call for the dismantling of the system that makes what they do possible. You object to the work of publishers and producers?

                  Yeah lets go after them, they are not sexy, lets pretend they don't deserve anything for their work. Lets pretend to champion the artist cause against the evil "big producer" and take down that vile company Valve. Yeah, we don't make our money for free like they must??? Let's get good and jealous because we don't understand something. Let's imply that other people are getting ripped off and try to take away their enjoyment of the items they got. Let's try to ruin it for everyone by poisoning relationships with suspicion. Yeah! that's how we can make them all bitter and divided! I'll just mix this stuff in with a post supposedly about issues with the game. This could work! If only, no one notices that I'M A COMMUNIST I can pretend to be a gamer and get some recruits from the youth...oh crap.

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                    I started playing dota 2 a month after the international 2 having never played dota 1. As a pub tryharder in every game i play, I gathered the general idea of dota very quickly. I solo queue knowing what im getting myself into and the golden days of abusing spastic shit cunts is long over thanks to this mute system.


                    The idealistic notion that a community can unite as one and that we can all be friends is absolutely ridiculous and you should be ashamed for thinking that way. There are clear skill gaps between players. When I first started playing my friend who got me into it wouldn't play with me because I was new, 2 weeks later after watching and reading about dota 2 I improved rapidly and became better than he was. If people are shit at dota 2, they should not rely on other people to mentor them.

                    They need to get their shit together and learn for themselves rather than ruining match making with their fucking autism. Unless you excel at snowball hero's. You're not going to be that guy that gets the big kdr, too many cod players come to dota thinking their lonewolf shit will win.

                    I myself am stuck between the end of high tier and the bottom of very high, I don't really mind because whenever I do sit in very high for prolonged runs its just stressful and disgusting because it's all about pub level meta copying.

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                      the problem with dota is that you still play in the same pool in which the person u reported on... I believe if 2 people report on eachother they should not ever be put in the same game again, together or even against eachother... I say this only because I barely ever reported people... only of recently have i really started too... make those reports count!!!

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                          Zoonx you are being disrespectful the hard working people at Valve. I'm not going to just let it slide by. You talk as if you are some kind of superpowerful concerned stakeholder who is afraid Valve can't handle their job or is being unfair to customers or players or participants. Everything you write has an angle. You are trying to appear to be a gamer. But you give yourself away because you don't know the right context for the terminology. You are a communist who is on the forum to promote your ideology, to try to drum up concerns about this and that how people exercising freedom might not a good thing.

                          You try to stay positive and help those who are new? You are new. You love the game, but you might not play for a few months? We can see a difference between dota 1 and dota 2, but you have not played dota 1? You are all concerned about reports, but you have not run out of them? LoL. You don't use the feature. Dota 2 is nearly identical to dota 1 in every way but graphics and support, and you say they are apples and oranges...You insult the community, but say how much respect you have for us...You love the diversity of dota, but you want to get the foreigners out of your games? Your writing is so full of double talk and bullshit.

                          Why should I respect crap like this? You are just a better educated more intelligent form of forum troll. But you are looking for opportunities to advance collectivist ideas, while most trolls merely aspire to get people to laugh. Still I appreciate the opportunity to have something to write. Thank you. I get bored between games sometimes.

                          One more thing. Since you didn't know and I'm sure many new dota players don't...Far far more control and monitoring systems of every sort were attempted in dota 1. Dota 1 had all kinds of clans, and guilds, and leagues and fan websites that hosted games. There were pages and pages of rules. There were report forms and all kinds of penalties and bans for breaking them. There were point systems and appeals. There were paid and volunteer staff people reviewing game replays to judge who should be punished for what.

                          And all of these silly impractical control systems did not stop the game ruiners, did not stop the flamers, did not stop the smurfs or the pubstompers, did not stop the there were tons more of them. And groups of maphacker friends inevitably got into the admin positions over time. Just like with real governments, the weasels who wanted extra special power and privilege became the ones in charge. Nearly all of that is gone now in dota 2 because the people police themselves with a very simple automated report system. It is so vastly superior to the complex, expensive, tedious, and ultimately ineffective garbage that I dread the thought of going back. I don't think I could stand to play dota like that again after having experience Valves wonderful system.

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                                Good luck, getting people to ignore me. There are no moderators here to become friends with and bring false charges against me to kick me out. I've dominated dozens of forums about all kinds of subjects before. Its easy because people love to read what I write. Of course sometimes people who hate freedom of speech get in control and have me banned. But so far that looks quite unlikely here.

                                Also, this is not a place where changes to the game are decided. And this game is in beta in name only. The "launch" of a game that has been fully playable for 2 years is absurd. Valve just wants to talk about a launch to hype the game in advertising to people who don't know about it yet. It doesn't matter that its nearly meaningless to people who already play. Its just a tactic to get more players into the game.


                                  "Relentless, thanks for your reply, really appreciated your input. Now you are an old school player and I have much respect for you, so you are comparing Dota 1 to Dota 2 which is pretty much apples and oranges."

                                  How dumb are you Zoonx? Dota and LoL are apples and oranges but Dota and Dota2 is something different.

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                                      I am merely stating facts. I know its true. You do too. Its perhaps rude of me to point it out. But it was relevant to crushing your hopes that people would not pay attention to what I wrote.

                                      You can go ahead a pretend not to be a communist for a while. But you won't be able to hide it very well. It's going to ooze out of everything you say. Ever wonder why Obama can't speak without a teleprompter? He is a great speaker, he would be excellent without a teleprompter if he could just say what he really believes...but every time he does that he keeps talking like a communist because he is. He can't hide it. And communism still doesn't sell in the US. So he has to pretend he is dumb and can't remember his lines.

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                                          Not people, just you. You are the first communist to come here and pretend to be a gamer in the last 6 months since I've been here.
                                          It's quite refreshing really. I like a little variety in the type of trolls who show up.

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                                          waku waku

                                            i think it's absolutely ridiculous that they have cash shops and are holding $$$ tournaments on a game that's supposedly in "beta"
                                            but ass long as i can profit off it, i don't really mind that

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                                                You are correct. You have other things to do. You should not care about trying to influence dota players to put collectivist ideas into their game and ruin it. You don't enjoy debating against real talent and looking foolish. Yes, you are quite correct.

                                                You may be surprised that someone caught you so quickly. You may be surprised that your attempts to confuse with self-contradictions and name calling have failed to succeed in disguising your message and your identity. But really these tactics are simply ineffective. You did an ok job of it, better than plenty of professional politicians I could name. Your biggest mistake was that you did not establish any reputation as a gamer before immediately beginning to discuss your ideology and agenda. You just did not do your homework, so you started off saying a whole list of things that marked you as a fake. From that point its just a matter of deduction to move on from the evidence that you are trying to pretend to be a gamer to see what you said and discover why you were doing this.

                                                And for no real reason connected to your front idendity, you immediately began to introduce communist ideology in your 1st post. So it was quite clear. Of course it helps that I have seen communists attempt to infiltrate other groups before. So it was easier for me to recognize than it would have been for other people. You almost immediately began to use the classic tactics of leftists (1) to try to agree with everyone while demeaning them and (2) to accuse anyone who opposes you of doing what you are doing.

                                                I like how you don't deny that you are a communist. I'm glad you accept that fact at least.

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                                                  Do you guys smell the burned communism here too?



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                                                        Umm ... communist...?


                                                          Holy shit why do I read these forums, never reading this shit again lol.

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                                                                  Actually that's a lie, I'm going to screenshot this and put it on Facebook, THEN never come back.

                                                                  Relentless, you're usually a nice guy, and you give lots of good advice, but ... lol....

                                                                  I come from the dark

                                                                    How about you learn how to play the game before fucking complaining.


                                                                      I'm glad it made you laugh. It's not often I get a communist to play with. They are so much fun.

                                                                      Aw, he deleted his opening campaign statement.

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                                                                        Oh dude, ffs you trolled me hard.

                                                                        Can't believe I fell for all that shit. You are good, kinda a bitch to admit but you are good.

                                                                        Now I think I am done with this for today.

                                                                        I cannot believe I let that happen, I was actually mad. Shit dude, lol wow.

                                                                        BTW ihaveaname you gave it away. Ty, otherwise I would be here until 5 a.m commenting.

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                                                                          Dafuq all the funny posts are gone :(


                                                                            Yea those were my polite responses, to him showing what was an issue.

                                                                            Can't believe I fed him so much, such a troll and ruined this post.

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                                                                              "Good luck, getting people to ignore me. There are no moderators here to become friends with and bring false charges against me to kick me out. I've dominated dozens of forums about all kinds of subjects before. Its easy because people love to read what I write. Of course sometimes people who hate freedom of speech get in control and have me banned. But so far that looks quite unlikely here."
                                                                              True words, my friend. You are better than any book! Say, you a philosopher?