General Discussion

General DiscussionI have a strange feeling that MM is..

I have a strange feeling that MM is.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Based on avg KDA of all the players, dota 2 avg them up and set the lineups, like HON.


      I hope it is more complex than that. Win rate should be factored in as well.


        and your strange feeling is bs


          wouldn't explain fact why i get ppls with 20 lose streaks to ruin my games

          Bad Intentions

            i mean lets face it, "Kills Death Assists Ratio" sums up a players "individual" skill. Get two teams with equally matching KDAs and you get MM.

            Bad Intentions

              @vaikiss exactly, maybe the MM thinks youre so good to save those poor 20 lose streak guys :)

              it can actually work against a very good player with a high KDA, if your KDA is high the system will pair u with very poor kdas and match u with a team with "balanced" avg KDAs.

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              Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                Found a qoute from the dev forum:

                We have two stages to create a game from Matchmaking:
                1) Try to find 10 players that all match well to each other
                2) Try to split these 10 players into two groups of 5 that will create a balanced game

                Note: does not take into consideration what hero the player would like to play (support,pusher,carry, random ect).


                  it also explains what hero u play with

                  offlaner might have alot of deaths and assists

                  carry might have no deaths and tons of kills with low assists depending on carry

                  solo mid no deaths (if good) and both alot assists and kills

                  support deaths + assists and barely any kills

                  Budai | Back from the dead

                    I really doubt MM is based off KDA. that means people who play carries and/or pudgestomp will be uber l33t players, and people who generally tend to play support 80% of the time will be low KDA scrubs, even if they're extremely good supports .
                    (ie, a Lion running around map with ulti and dagon 5 will be thought of as l33t hax0r pro and a lion with wards, smoke, etc giving kills to carries is uninstall n00b shit KDA by matchmaking).
                    I know quite a few players who have amazingly good KDA and also amazingly high lose ratio. They play for KDA and not wins.

                    I'd imagine that the MM takes into all kinds of factors such as average net worth, GPM/XPM, KDA included, W/L ratio etc as we have already seen that replays also keep track of said stats.

                    At the end of the day, I'm hovering around 50% W/L ratio which means somethings working correctly. When I get a 10-win streak, I know theres going to be a 10-lose streak coming up to maintain the equilibrium.

                    (very few dota players even acknowledge assists as a thing anyway, its all about the K/D baby. Crystal Maiden 0/6/43? LOL, NO KILLZ NOOB, LRN2PLAY CM!!1!1!1")


                      7 years ago there was no such a thing as assits so yeah hard to adapt in 7 years

                      Budai | Back from the dead

                        Well, I have faith that the mentally and socially challenged of the Dootar community will eventually adapt to the concept of assists and when that happens... that day will be a good day.


                          Not even true. I have bad KDA but i play against people like Yamateh etc. Solo queue.


                            I ve got strange feeling that i belong to wrong skill bracket. When iam playing solo q is normal bracket, but iam losing because of feeding. If nobody is feeding the game looks like rape. When iam playing with my friends its always very high skill bracket. Dunno how it works but i won several times 1v1 with guys who are in high/vh skill bracket. Its really frustrating to play with feeders and get like 7-0 at mid and from the other hand 0-10 at top and 1-5 at bottom against solo weaver!

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Lol HoN doesn't match according to KDA. There is MMr system. And how MMR work is that you simply win points when you win and lose when you lose. And you are likely to get matched with and against close MMR players.


                                So if i won 5 games of very high skill in a row and then I switch to solo q to get a chill at normal bracket with feeders and lose, do i lost mmr points ? Its totally without any understandment. How I failed in game which i went 5-0 at mid and I lost because of 3 feeders in my team, or leavers/afk. As i said i own high/vh skill guys 1v1 mid. Dunno why I have to be match with these trash players.

                                Woof Woof

                                  yes they are, cant give you a source right now but i recall some tests being done in that matter like a year ago or a bit less in old official mm feedback thread + some others smaller ones around that time
                                  I believe u can find some info in ranaki`s posts history on devs forum


                                    @samel , there's no use "owning" the person at mid. its how you help the team in teamfights, from the way i look at your kda, your probably one of those who think they are very good by just killing people in fights. Honestly, dota is not about 1v1, thats why your in normal bracket.


                                      orly ?

                                      good luck stopping something like ta who gets multiple kills in mid and appears in ur lane as lvl 10 in 7 minutes of the game with phases and dagger while 2 shotting u with meld

                                      having kills in 1v1 lane really means nothing

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        at the end of the day i really think HON solo MM is better than Dota 2, as of the moment. In dota 2 you'll always get surprised on why you end up with these noobish teamates :)) in HON at the onset of the game ul know what to expect with your team because the stats are practically there to give you atleast a basic idea what to expect from your team


                                          expect nothing of your teammates and you will never be disappointed


                                            @刀哥 Some heroes depends of assist, some of kills. But actually iam earning more assist than kills so your argument is invalid. At normal bracket is really hard to carry because all pick is renamed to all carry mode. 90% games are lose because they outpicked. So carrying them is really hard/boring, because most of them just only throwing. After all they are blaming/flaming and raqe quit. So even if you won mid so hard it means nothing because your 350-400gpm from laning phase with 4 feeders against 5 normal players is like perma screenplay:
                                            >going alone to farm dangerous lane
                                            >tp are useless
                                            >get ganked
                                            >blame no wards!
                                            or why drow ranger is cancer of normal bracket?
                                            because 99% of players dont carry a tp scroll with them.
                                            Its true 150g is so dota, lol is free to play so, yeah...

                                            Sōu ka

                                              its not throwing if you are fucking terrible and lose the game

                                              and picks dont fucking matter in normal bracket, you can win like 90% of the games completely on your own if your not fucking terrible



                                                check this match -> throwing radiant so hard.