lvl 152 on my main, am i good enough, padawan?
implying the lvl says anything about the skill, cyka
are you guys retarded level shows skill as it takes time to level up and the more you play the better you get plus level 25 is low you retards i bet you are level 10 or something and have like only had the game for a short amount of time stop bitching you dip shits and grow a pair you bitches
'retards, dip shits, bitches' numerous insults in 2 lines of post. Impressive. I'm sure everyone will want to play with someone so skilled socially.
Problems are:
1) U play solo mid and ur KDA and WR ratios are owful
2) U have less than 50% WR.
3) My stack is not inerested)
ur 48% get to level 30 on league of legends first then come back to dota 2 and if ur still below 50%, go back to LoL
nice op heroes you retards learn to play real heroes with skill and yes i have a 48% that is because my team sucks and some times i cant carry them that is why im looking for a team you retards
holy shit ur so bad
i watched ur last game replay u didin't deny a single creep in lane vs invoker
u got firstblood against him then died 3 times in a row by tping dieing , tping , dieing and so on
the only thing u did in that game was constantly feeding as solo mid
as someone before said go back to league of legends there is no creep denying and u don't lose gold when u die so prettysure thats perfect game for u
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Im looking for people who speak English and play on the Europe east and west servers, need to be at least lv 25
add me if interested