I should clarify:
OJ rush picked Riki. Whole game, didn't buy teleporter scroll so got ROFLSTOMP'D by Bloodseeker.
Anti-Mage fed 0-14 fast, went AFK. They got a gem. We killed, took gem put it in base. AM took gem and fed it back to them.
No wards/sentries entire game. I had to buy them.
Looks like you got dropped a bit into low skill due to a string of losses, sorry for you loss you seem a decent player.
Same here. I've actually stopped playing now, cos i can't tolerate the retards anymore.
I don't play hard carry or support. I need a hero that can own early to mid and still be a presence in the late game. If I play hard carry, my teams end up sucking and there is no late game to carry in. If I play support, our carries suck and we lose.
"so play something in between instead, like qop, storm"
Solo mid is always filled by a retard, who watch Dendi streams and picks pudge and fail his line.
Is this what you call "going rampage"?
Also yes, just cause a pro can do something doesn't mean you can as well. Those guys play for a living and have a great deal more experience so can get away with pulling off shit that common folk can't.
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