General Discussion

General DiscussionMy only issue with Dota

My only issue with Dota in General Discussion

    I seem to be joining a bunch of games that my teammates would spam to report me and sit in the fountain chopping trees or else do their best to deny me exp and gold while I try to play... I have won games alone with out the help of my troll team but I think they figured out that the best way to make me lose is by trying to deny me exp and gold by blocking and feeding the area I am trying to gain exp/gold I think there should be a report game throw button so that loss doesn't count on your record...


      i often do that when people ruin my games - ex. 48% win noobs that go in my lane and fail to farm and take away my exp and just feed and keep doing it


        ^^ so many thoughts in one sentence


          yeah.. and ever game someone is about so lose they'd be spamming the game throw button so the loss doesn't go on their precious little record. bad idea.. next.

          ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

            look at my stats. cuz of noobs at team. now i feed.


              you can tell if someone is throwing a game in the first 9 mins



                I've only had one instance of a player on my team throwing the game with complete purpose. This person walked their hero into the enemy from the moment his/her hero spawned.

                In all my time playing MOBAs, I had never seen someone do something like this. Go figure.

                As for reporting? I don't need to report anyone for their behavior, I just need a way to escape it. This doesn't mean punishing the other person, this means having the power to remove myself. I have no need or desire to punish or report people - unless they are truly psychotic and talking about murdering people.

                Just implement a surrender system that allows surrender at 15 minutes. Make it require a majority vote of 4 out of 5, and you have now pleased 4 out of 5 people, more if anyone on the other team wanted it too.

                Why Valve locks the players in the game like it's a cage is beyond me.


                  so that why we need two or more account even one of them would be reported


                    5% of games where I wanted to surrender from the start ended in me winning the game. That is enough of a reason for me not to implement a surrender option. Also, if your whole team decides to give up, type gg and stay in fountain, the enemy team can finish fast and easy.


                      Well, I am against and with the surrender system, but as wut steror said, I have games where me and my team were totally hopeless and ended up winning only because we tried and succeeded to win, if we surrender then there u go, a free win thrown away..

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        I dont ever want my team to surrender I have won a lot of games with my teammates purposely feeding


                          @KrZyMoFu angry player... I see... you complaining and shittalk a lot... You preferred to shittalk and complain instead of playing in full premade with friends?
                          and be nice to new comers...


                            im actually nice to my teammates unless they think they are super pro and blame everyone when they feed and die a lot


                              and then there are those "pro players" who like to kill steal and refuse to do anything productive in team battles but save their spells for the last hit then run away


                                then you have the premade pro wannabes who think they know everything and huddle around together with their thumbs up their asses while the other team out farms them then the only excuse they have is to bash the random player they join in with


                                  I would build my friend list with people I like im not going to pretend to like someone


                                    U can type all this in just one comment


                                      I could thx for the great advice you so smart guy


                                        Well KrZyMoFo ... You rage and complain too much :D... you should chill down lil bit...
                                        looks like u really mad right now coz of these newcomers and dummies in DotA2
                                        take a brake or something... :D Or play with friends which know what they are doing in 5 man party...
                                        Just be cool... relax and stuff :D play for fun not for complain :D

                                        I used to complain and rage like 5-6 y ago and kicked all !@#$heads in dota :D but now I just playing in chill mode relaxing and having fun with friends : ) and we really dont care about w/l ratio or pointless stats... but I never even complained about noobs in any forums : ) even if newbies/dummies !@#$ up or trolled games :D


                                          you sound like a loser :D whats this shit about are you trying to annoy me? you're pathetic go bug your older brother/sister you sound like they beat you up all the time


                                            as for sounding mad all the time ? im not this is just who I am... im not gonna let someone just easily rob me of my time being a dumb ass im going to tell them off and that will be the end of it im not going to remember their name or anything like that cuz at the end of the day I dont give a shit but that doesnt mean im going to bend over and spread my cheeks and say thank you. this whole big smiley face thing is pretty dumb you know who does that shit little high school girls so thats what I think of you detem you are the little high school girl in these forums and the fact that other losers warm up to you on here just means you are the complement slut you are the high school slut :D have a nice day

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              Well KrZyMoFo, you sound like a 13 year old. Just like those US-Kids raging in CoD.

                                              Probs to you though, at least you have choosen a better game.


                                                here comes the angry boyfriend


                                                  +1 andraip totally agree

                                                  that shittalking KrZyMoFo... whit all these whining/bi@#ing posts :D please B!@$%!!1
                                                  pathetic retarded douchebag detected....
                                                  you must be disappointed with your life kid... no wounder why u so mad and sound like dumbass. are u bullied all the time? :D dmn cant every day see such a pathetic kids

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    first of all the only shit talkers are you I just reply back in not a nice way so grow the fuck up


                                                      haha u even dont know what shit talking mean kid... done here... too mcuh retardness coming from your posts kid

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        keep sounding like a little girl kid lol


                                                          I am writing a topic that has to do with an issue I have with dota all you are doing is shit talking someone who yes is complaining but wants to know how others feel about it all you guys are doing is trying to be internet bullies you're fucking pathetic and are most likely the same "cool" guys who bash people while they play you're pathetic


                                                            all you have to do is ignore my posts if you dont like what im talking about but instead you like to start shit because you are a shit talker so learn something about the english language plz


                                                              also I would appreciate it if anymore unoriginal forum twats didnt bash my posts and go off topic its pretty sad and your stats suck yea you can beat people who dont know how to play by stack good for you fucktard


                                                                you should have 100% wins if you stacked and were good but the sad fact is you end up playing people who do actually know how to play in that small chance and what happens? you fucking lose


                                                                  guise guise, if u see some guy who thinks he is on facebook stacking messages (replies here) then he got to be some kid who can't decide wut he really wants to write..


                                                                    I dont use facebook and I am actually doing something at the time I am writing the msg and instead of leaving the comment box open I just post the comment I dont mind taking the time setting you troll wannabes straight and you are right if this was real life you would already be showing me your rabbit face and seriously buddy I really hope you arn't actually the Mapz0r on twitch because someone trying to act bad ass or cool with fucking muppet eye brows needs to wake the fuck up lol


                                                                      Yes !!!
                                                                      At least I am better than u at dota

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                        but ur not lol


                                                                          Haha ok
                                                                          Try convincing urself bout it
                                                                          Kruger Effect at its max !!


                                                                            lets play then


                                                                              I am busy, maybe tomorrow
                                                                              not dodging, just busy

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                the real question i want to ask is what are u trying to gain by posting these threads? fair enough if u wanna have a whine about something that is wrong but u must have an end goal in mind? if its to fix the community this site has nothing to do with valve so that wont change. or just to blow off steam? if so why dont u take peoples advice when it seems genuine like detem's msg seemed legit and i wouldve taken his advice if i was u yet the first thing u do is call him a loser? lol great logic


                                                                                  im looking for teammates


                                                                                    hes a loser im new to this site and people are being rude to me so I am being rude back I can be friendly or I can be an asshole its up to you how you want me to be towards you


                                                                                      :D cant stop retards... MOD.. PLEASE BAN PEOPLE


                                                                                        Again megacarry picker is searching 4 team. Lol. Nobody is intersted in such lowskill carry pickers. Learn to play more difficult roles.

                                                                                        packet canceled

                                                                                          1. Edit button
                                                                                          2. Newbies don't get preferential treatment


                                                                                            I know how to play all the roles idiots


                                                                                              Hmmm so much passive aggressiveness and responds to own posts. Psych analysis please.


                                                                                                I added u OP, u took too much time to accept, maybe try it some other day

                                                                                                packet canceled

                                                                                                  is it happening?


                                                                                                    It is maybe yes but not happen many if the years :D
                                                                                                    U type something I do not undrstand I type something u won't understand

                                                                                                    packet canceled

                                                                                                      make it happen op


                                                                                                        pliz play with mee :( me wantss want winrates