General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deactivate my Dotabuff account

How to deactivate my Dotabuff account in General Discussion

    Hello, I want to deactivate or put private dotabuff profile/account.
    I changed the setting:
    SHare match history - OFF
    but my dotabuff profile is still visible to public though it doesn't update latest match history.
    I want to keep my profile private if thats not possible i want to deactivate.
    Thank you.


      Not possible afaik.


        Change ur name, and ppl need ur old name to access ur DB profile..


          May I give you an advice:

          Improve your game. So you don't have to be ashamed of the truth aka your stats.

          If dota is too hard for you:


            Before shared match history was introduced, MM was public records. Once you turn on shared match history, your records become public again. Turning shared match history off does not change what was once public into private records. I do not think Dotabuff will delete your history.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              They won't, just make them harder to access, if u change ur steam name, ur account on dotabuff won't be accessable unless they use a name which u used before when the share match history option was on

              Josh  :D

                Just start a new account and move on.


                  Totally agree with 9v1. People like you are the reason why we suffer while playing this game.


                    loll with 48% and average kda 2 i understend why u want to make it private


                      Ofc you wanna make it private, when you are bad...all bad players hate stats and public profiles...cause when they fail in a game and people can see other games where they failed...things become clear...
                      Maybe this is the reason why dota will never have public and competitive stats...SHAME!


                        Kiss my ass


                          you can make it private. just unshare it in dota
                          Open the Dota 2 game client
                          Click the Settings icon
                          Navigate to "Game", then to "General"
                          Set the "Share Match History" setting to "On"



                            Stop dota if u are ashamed of yourself


                              dont mind anyone or your stats just play your game and have fun


                                sometimes people wants privacy you dont have to be aggresive like that.

                                dookie daddy

                                  yeah I have to agree, there is a lot of unneeded aggression towards a simple query. All the smurf stackers crawling out and e-penis rubbing.


                                    Kiss your ass? Maybe learn to play first... win a game, now the difference is only of 41 games?
                                    WTF PRO?

                                    dookie daddy

                                      Funny cause Legatus has 1% more WR and has an equal KDA as the OP.


                                        horrible community


                                          @u mirin? +1
                                          but still, u play a game, which is public, like u play against ppl, with ppl, not bots, so don't expect ppl not to check how u play, play bots, and no one will ever care about ur stats, unless bots r given the ability to flame


                                            yes but look at this, someone asking a simple question and instantly people flaming him without any reason


                                              Dota 2 community is totally bad, though not all the community is bad, but the guys on this forum would be against the privacy thingy, because players who r against this site r the reason (somehow) for the disappearance of DBR,

                                              Players on this forum want stats, and r against who doesn't want these stats..

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                                                Last Post is like talking for me


                                                  TnA.Havoc , first my dotabuff account show an wrong stats with like 10 games...i don't know the reason...maybe leaves or lobby games, i really don't know but he look like that shortly after i shared matchmaking.
                                                  Second i play on high an very high can check my games. Maybe you are worst than can check my last pages with games, and tell me in how many games i did it bad.
                                                  Finnaly you guys spilt shit on this "bad" community which you compose it.

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    sure thing brah very high


                                                      so many noobs in very high mm
                                                      hope they kick out all of those fuckers

                                                      dookie daddy

                                                        "TnA.Havoc , first my dotabuff account show an wrong stats with like 10 games" Like 10 games would make the difference and lobby games don't count.

                                                        "Second I play on high an very high can check my games." Getting pulled into high skill games is not to hard, staying there is the challenge.

                                                        "Maybe you are worst than can check my last pages with games, and tell me in how many games i did it bad." I highly doubt that I am worse than you and as far as your games I see that you seem to play about 3 heroes a lot more than others and there lies the difference. I play all heroes and a variety of positions, its a lot harder to get bad stats when playing carries as all you have to do is kill people to say you played well.

                                                        "Finnaly you guys spilt shit on this "bad" community which you compose it." I believe one of the first shittalking posts came from your so the bad community boils down to bad people, the dotabuff community tends to be harsh but that is because people care to much for stats and e-penis size and will beat down anyone who has a a legitimate question and maybe has a moderate WR or KDA.



                                                          Ming (Zufälliger König)



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