General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for a team

looking for a team in General Discussion

    Up untill recently i have mainly played with friends just for fun over the last couple years, but i would like to play dota 2 competitively. I am from USA so looking for a NA based team.

    Currently i would say i am more of a jack of all trades, but i would prefer to play a support role or offlane.

    Would prefer a team of people that i get along with as well over one that has slightly better skilled yet unfriendly players.

    If you want more info or to play some games together to see my skill level or personality add me.




        ive posted something similar about looking for a team or do a freelance for a team. this place is alright i guess but one of the guys said to me "go to"


          thanks, ill make a post over there as well then

          Stiff Dick

            I would love to join your team. i have quite a bit of experience. 4 years with dota 1 and 3 years with HoN. i can basically play everyday especially with summer coming alone the way. i am 17 years old i get along with other and i really wanna start playing dota 2 competitively, i mostly play carry/ intiator, i just added you so hit me up if you wanna play.


              you can add me and try to play sometime. i play everything. my best role are : Mid,Carry,Offlane and initiator. i have been teaching this game to many friends and i am looking for people with great ''potential'' ( strong minded, competitive, objectif and with good willingness people ).
              PS : my native language is french.. so you may have noticed :P

              positive player

                rotten add me on steam, the name is "syd"


                  Looking for a team, best roles: carry, ganker, mid solo. see my stats thanks


                    Looking for a team too, I can paly all kind of jobs. but my support hero and ganker is the best.


                      I would like to enter the team if its possible. I always wanted to play competitive gaming. I am willing to improve myself and become better. I can take up any role. If you want to try me out just add me in steam. Server US west and east