General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Compendium predictions.

Your Compendium predictions. in General Discussion

    I yet have to make mine. Would like to see yours as well and reasoning behind them for some reference.


      east 1 eg 2 mouz west 1 lgd 2 vg1

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        thats almost everyone's predictions,
        I predict aL and ICCup from western dota and Mith and Mineski from east
        I also predict these 4 to be the top 1 in TI3


          I predicted boring old EG #1 Mouz #2...have not decided east yet, VG first eastern team to use wisp correctly to "split gank". Its a real problem for the Chinese "perfect defense" strats...but they may all just start banning it.

          LGD.CN just clumped up and lost farming efficiency, they were clearly not prepared to deal with the chaos.

          I predicted the western qualifiers to have some long, farm-up, turtleing, very close game 3s. So I going with big crits, lots of roshing, and many divines.

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            ig champion


              All this talking about Chinese perfect positioning was trash as I knew, and wisp made it clear that it is the best hero in dota 2, along with batrider, who got stomped several times the last days by a slark pick

              GOTCHA HAT!



                  I think really excellent wisp play will be a problem for the Chinese teams at TI3. They have not practiced against it and adding it, possibly with SWM, to a their typical bans is going to screw up their drafting.

                  What is needed to break Chinese defensive positioning is to force their supports to make choices about who to help. With wisp this is much easier. If you simultaneously attack in top lane and in bot lane, even Chaun can't be both places. He will have to choose who to save. Choosing takes an extra second or two that often means you lose both fights.

                  You can move as five to counter wisp, but it destroys farming efficiency and makes you vulnerable to split push. Western teams are banning it because Io is extremely powerful. Eastern teams have not simply because no Tier 1 or Tier 2 teams had proven they knew how to use it...until VG just did.

                  Ehome copied the carry Tiny-wisp strat from Complexity last year, and farming carry+wisp is very diffrent from ganking semi-carry+wisp. The east really has not seen it before.

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                    I think, the eastern pro players are just too arrogant to believe wisp is so gd, as well as gyro and others, they r sticking to their strats and not trying weird things like the west does, mostly talking about Na`Vi, because they do weirdest stuff, as u remember in TI2 they let the chinese to get their lovely naga (before that HUGE nerf she got, ie. -16 bas dmg) and still punish them, using jugger, enimga bkb, stuff like that, they just don't care, actually they care but they care more about their fans, and thats why they have the largest fan base, if u check bets for Na`Vi games, u would never see it below 70%, which is quiet shocking because they are not perfect, and their lvl seems to go back and forth without an exact pace, such as that of iG, [A], and EG atm


                      Rising stars failed badly with wisp against TongFu in the Premier league this morning. They got ck-wisp, but tried to play it like tiny wisp early with wisp just supporting ck farming. They really did not understand how to threaten multiple map positions at once.

                      CK and wisp would always be sitting with their team at a defensive position and then try to initiate with reality rift on Tongfu entire team as if they were still laning and attacking a single hero.

                      Tongfu outplayed Rstars in about every aspect of the game anyway, but it was clear Rstars did not understand the basic concept of what to do with CK-wisp.

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