General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath Mage the OP Shit

Skywrath Mage the OP Shit in General Discussion

    So his first skill is Throw Shit. Basically he starts throwing shit at you every 2 seconds and it will hit you regardless of what you do. You can run but it will hit you eventually and when it does you think "oh I survived" and then you see 3 more shits coming at you and the only thing you can do is go towards it with opened mouth and accept it in order to respawn 2-3 seconds earlier. Even if you go invis or blink it will not go away. And he can spam you with it at infinite range until you get tired of it and die.

    If you try to fight him, he will use his seconds skill which is Throw More Shit. Basically it's the same as Throw Shit except that it has a freaking 40% slow, hits you much faster and HAS AN AOE. So your allies will get covered in shit also. There goes your hope of running away or trying to fight him...

    Now his ultimate, Rain of Shit, is something really special. It goes beyond OP. What it does is covers you in shit. But unlike his other spells where he covers you in shit SLOWLY, this thing does it much faster. It does have a 2 seconds duration but by the time you realize that he is shitting all over you, it will already release all of the shit on you and you'll be totally SCREWED. It is basically a level 3 Lion's ulti with 5 aghanims except it has 3 times less cooldown and the shitty 2 second duration which is like I said NOTHING. And it's shit in form of lightning which makes it harder to notice that it's actually shit.

    The 3 skills are enough to kill any hero but what if you are up against a lucky bastard who can somehow take all your shit and stay alive? No problem. His third skill, Ancient Shit, transforms all his shits into diarrhea, forcing the lucky bastard to accept his fate and DIE covered all over in your shit while you troll him in all chat.


      why do u keep using shit? lol

      つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 你只活一

        his best counter is pugna...
        and i hav played 3 games against him nd won all 3...
        he is not dat op at all...


          he is like OD, but he cant really carry. played a couple of games with and against him, wanst much of problem.


            "We managed to win all those games "

            dat OPness, 43% WR

            I come from the dark

              He has very low hp, yes 1x1 he is very strong, especially solo mid but in team fights you will die from farts and after you use your ulti you have no choice but go to the fountain since no amount of mana boots/bottles will replenish your mana.

              Sugar Show

                Have very low hp and defence, asy to counter.

                Pandamonium(You Died)

                  GUYS URSA SO OP
                  BUT THERE IS MORE
                  AND HIS ULTI
                  OH BOY
                  GG VOLVO DISBAND
                  nice logic there


                    ^ ahaha

                    Bot Tyrone

                      He dies in like half a second, see what happens when you decide to fight him.


                        I wonder if skywrath mage can 1 shot himself by striking nyx

                        Bot Tyrone

                          he can almost one shot himself with ulti when pugna ward is up


                            nyx and bat are more broken


                              He is good at solo mid, but he must snowball like a madman, or else he will become pretty mediocre from the mid game.

                              Some counters at solo mid: Nyx, Puck, TA
                              Some additional counters in general: Pugna, Illusion heroes, Gapclosers, Magic immunity, Blade Mail
                              His AoE presence is low, he can't stop pushes.


                                none of those heroes can counter him


                                  Explain. And what is your counter?


                                    most people goes 1-2 build on skywrath but target silence is way better than slow and totally shuts down puck and nyx

                                    Bot Tyrone

                                      The duration of the silence isn't that long though, and the Q goes super slow, you can't get more than 1 hit of Q in before they are able to dodge, carpace or refract (does meld dodge?). Keep in mind that both Nyx and Puck are able to kill SWM quite easily if he isn't sitting at full HP around level 5.

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        nyx is n1 counter to sky, then there is pugna, and silencers
                                        nyx doesnt need anything but one hit from vendetta + manaburn = Free and delicious KFC

                                        This hero always loses, and by picking him u force some heroes like nyx, which is the OPest hero in dota, so its gg


                                          Skywrath mage has counters sure, but what I really like about him is that finally you can pick an INT hero who is actually very good at killing anti-fun without much items at early levels.

                                          Nevermind waiting to farm up that orchid, Skywrath can have a 6 second silence with a huge range and almost instant cast animation at level 7. Anti-fun will not be blinking away. What what? Anti-fun has spell shield, no problem its countered with the same spell that silenced him.

                                          At last ganking anti-mage can actually be fairly easy and highly likely to succeed.

                                          Skywrath mage is a hero that benefits dramatically from teamwork. Alone he is ok, but with 1 or 2 heros who are paying attention to help and coordinate he can be certain that you can kill both enemy heroes when you gank a lane. Most other mid-gankers really don't bring enough to kill both if they are not badly out of position.

                                          Also I love watching all those shadow blade addicts scream as Arcane orb hunts them down and finished them off. Skywrath mage is the bane of jukers you can't escape him with such tricks.

                                          I think this hero is an excellent addition to the rock-paper-scissors of dota. He counters heroes that were hard to beat without him and is easily countered by other heroes.

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            he may be the strongest hero of the game but he is useless at late game


                                              What a shitty situation to be in. Sorry about that OP.

                                              Woof Woof

                                                skywrath is trash tier


                                                  Sky is one of the most useless heroes in dota, sure he got a silence, but his slow is bad, it feels like 10% slow for me, idk why, i have never ever seen him win a game once, 3 games against me, 1 games with me, 2 games with my friend, ALL LOST


                                                    1. Pugna : obvious reason
                                                    2. Treant : his shell doesnt care and blocks most of the ulties and that shit every 2 seconds
                                                    3. Spirit Breaker : 2 hits, 1 ulti = dead, and if he gets lucky, 1 hit, 1 ulti is enough
                                                    4. Nyx : for some unknown reasons..

                                                    The Twisted Light

                                                      U sir made my day :D but know 3 words = Pugna Nether Ward. He Ults = he dies in the ward. Simple.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Your language is so childish and you sound so mad that I can't even take you seriously. Also you don't even point out the bad parts of the spells either.




                                                          He's not a carry, what do you expect?


                                                            @mapzor "This hero always loses"...really? You can't possibly believe your own statements.

                                                            My first game on skywrath 9-2-15, easily dominated the game and won it.

                                                            Skywrath mage is a relatively highskill hero that requires practice to master. Despite the fact that most people playing him in his first week have no idea what they are doing he has won almost 44% of games already.

                                                            Arcane bolt is an extremely powerful laning tool. Because of this skill Skywrath will beat almost any hero 1 v 1 at early levels making him a strong solo mid. It tracks invisible and juking heroes with flying true sight making it very very easy gank if you use it correctly.

                                                            His slow is 40% at the first level with a 4 sec duration. Its one of the most powerful slows in the game, and given its enormous 1600 range Skywrath has a tremendous ganking advantage very few heroes enjoy. He can initiate from beyond sight radius at night or in smoke so he can attack from angles that other heroes cannot.

                                                            Ancient seal is better than a free Orchid. It is the 2nd best single target silence in the game (NS fear is better).

                                                            Skywrath clearly has counters, but if you think he is a "useless hero" that "always losses" I can only conclude that you have never seen anyone play him that has the slightest clue what they are doing. Of course really you don't believe what you said yourself since its so hyperbolic you have to know its absurd.


                                                              Also Skywrath is not useless late game at all. His power to pick off support heroes who are in the back lines without leaving his own defensive position is unique. He is the only hero in dota that can do it. Of course this does require a lot of skill using concussive shot and Mystic Flare, but its possible with practice. Its far easier if you get a rod of Atos, this item was originally created with Mystic Flare in mind. You can use the combination to kill a support hero from full health at the range of VS level 3 other words you are safely at your tower, while they die a full screen outside your base next to their team who is often helpless to stop it. And if you miss, the cd is up the very next creep wave.

                                                              Besides all this when the enemy carry's bkb is down Skywrath is absolutely deadly even late game. Its a simple matter of getting a ghost scepter and then turning around to waste him. Skywrath can put out nearly 2000 magic damage in a few seconds. With any kind of teamwork this will kill all but the tankiest heroes. Skywrath is always dangerous even late game, much like Lina, Silencer, and OD the Skywrath Mage can be played quite well as a semicarry late game.

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                little tip; concussive shot disables evasion

                                                                Bot Tyrone

                                                                  Ignore the strengths of other mid heroes. Skywrath has a good nuke, therefore he wins against almost any hero 1v1, that logic is amazing.

                                                                  1600 initiation range doesn't mean shit when it moves that slow, the enemy can easily move back to his base before it hits unless you have another slow to initiate with. Sure if this game didn't have smoke and everyone had 1600 range vision, then hell yeah its great for initiation relative to other shit game, but in the game called Dota2, which you may have heard of, anyone like WR, NS or SD are all significantly better at initiating. Even at 1000 range you are giving them plenty of time to run back well behind the tower before it hits. As opposed to other initiators who are stopping them right where they are.

                                                                  Not a shit-tier hero, but not a particularly good one either.

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    Pugna > Skywrath.


                                                                      I am glad so many people think Skywrath slow is not amazing. This is a good sign that I will be able to continue to crush foolish enemies who underestimate it for a long time. Its also quite encouraging that some people can't comprehend the power in lane of an 800 range, low mana cost ultra-spammable nuke on a hero with extremely high INT. I'm so happy that I will continue to win solo mid with extreme ease against every hero in the game but nyx assassin.

                                                                      Another wonderful ability of skywrath mage became apparent in my last game. He makes killing Lifestealer a piece of cake. I can often silence him before he can see me, slow, ult, one or two orbs and he is gone. I could still kill him with this solo until he gets heart...and since unlike most games he is extremely easy to gank...he never gets heart. The free orchid makes so many hard to gank heroes into nothing but creeps.

                                                                      Check out Lifestealers 1-10-0 score against me in my last game

                                                                      And that Natures Prophet that always wants to backdoor your rax? No problem with Skywrath. Just kill him full health in 2-3 seconds any time he shows up. What the sneaky bastard got a lothars? No problem Arcane Orb already tracks him, your slow hits no matter what, no need to even have dusts. Arcane orb has flying vision over his stupid sprout. He has no chance to escape.

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                      Bot Tyrone

                                                                        You realise that at level 1 its basically just an auto attack, right? 65 damage.

                                                                        Doesn't look like you did shit in half your games too.

                                                                        How do you silence a Naix before he even sees you on a consistent basis without cliff advantage lol? 3 APM naix players? I would enjoy watching racecar naix build wreck SWM in 3 hits while he can't do shit.

                                                                        Again, realise that there isn't just a god-tier and shit-tier as you seem to think. SWM isn't a god-tier mid hero, not even close, but certainly isn't in the shit-tier either.

                                                                        edit: linking normal bracket games are we?
                                                                        naix pls

                                                                        Besides, there are much, much better ways to deal with Naix. Puck, Brew, Lone Druid, SD, BM and Mag to name a few
                                                                        we were down 29-8 and 10k gold at the 30 minute mark

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          lol Casual thinks its only 65 dmg level you really have not faced Skywrath that doesn't suck have you?

                                                                          No no, let me explain. Skywrath will hit you for about 90 dmg at level 1 + he can do 2 attacks at the same time the orb is flying in if you animation cancel it. You will be at half health and thinking about salving up in the first creep wave. And if you don't salve up you will leave the lane or die. 800 range flying vision...600 range attack. If I was actually good at this hero (I am actually quite bad to be honest since I have only just started playing it.) I would get first blood before 2 min every game. You have no idea what you are talking about. Skywrath is a scary solo mid, more dangerous than a good batrider.

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                          Bot Tyrone

                                                                            75 damage, forgot to multiply the int by 1.6. Do you really think that this is amazing? You are almost spending 1 mana per point of damage..

                                                                            You know that QoP has 10 more base damage and her DoT does 150 damage. And lets keep in mind that the way you are suggesting you play SWM involves you taking a lot of damage from creep aggro, unless the people you play against sit next to the creeps with ranged heroes.

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                              No you fail at math. Its 108 magic dmg level 1 with typical bottle rush build so about 90 dmg actually hits you. I take no dmg from creeps if I am not terrible...600 range? hello? not even one hit. QoP can't even get in range to cast on me if she does not blink up and then she is sure to die. As I said you have no idea what you are talking about.

                                                                              Its an orb and any good player can do two 600 range attacks without taking creep hits. Aggro will barely be triggered, maybe the range creep hits you once before you click back if you are against another range hero who is hiding way in the back. QoP will take about 200 dmg in 2 sec and die outright if she stick around to man fight it. She will deal out a crappy 150 super slow over a 15 sec period...its a joke compared to Skywrath. He will kill you from full in less than 15 sec if you stay to fight AT LEVEL 1. I know I have already done this 3 times AT LEVEL 1.

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                get a room


                                                                                  Good old normal bracket where retards right click eachother to death at level 1

                                                                                  You may want to check your math, 75% of 108 is 90?

                                                                                  And how exactly do you not draw aggro if your opponent positions properly (unless they are trying to trade hits)? Assuming a cliff advantage isn't a fair argument. Other heroes can sit at max range and deny/last hit everything with there 10-15 higher base damage

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                    ^^^How is that Fstaff-bottle bounty hunter build working out for you on your new smurf account? Did it attract more bad players to be matched to your team?

                                                                                    But seriously, you know how to cancel creep agro when harassing I thought? I mean sure maybe Casual does not, but I thought you did.

                                                                                    Also yes I failed the math as well its 81 actual dmg lvl 1 with the reduction, roughly like getting 2 extra attacks in. If you want to be picky about it...On the first wave you can cast acrane orb 5 times for over 400 actual dmg...if you get in just a few harassing attacks it will kill someone before they get to level 2. Zues by comparison can also do 5 casts of chain lightening before he runs out of mana and will do only 60 dmg per cast for 300 total. All other heroes are not even Qop does 150 dmg.

                                                                                    People tend to walk out with the typical bottle rush build of 3 branches and tangoes. Skywrath can kill them at level 1 or back them off the lane so far they cant get their bottle or level up to level 2. Meanwhile Skywrath does get his bottle and levels, and the lane is easily controlled from then on. 800 range is enough to hit a ranged hero who is well behind the enemy range creep position.

                                                                                    The lane starts with Skywrath being far stronger, and only gets even easier as it goes. But that's not what I see people doing with SWM. Instead they try to out last hit as if they think they are playing a hero that wins by farming. Or even more often they don't even play mid. They go to a side lane and again don't harass with arcane orb...instead they wait for levels and then stupidly follow the guides and level their silence over the slow...its hard to watch people lose when they could win so easily. No one seems to realize to use the slow like POTM arrow or pudge hook they always cast it from a visible position. No one realizes they are stronger than almost every other hero early so they hide and wait out the part of the game where Skywrath wins easily and then lose in mid game because they are not 4 levels ahead like they should be....ok end of rant.

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                                      Ofc Relentless is back with his walls of text <3

                                                                                      Welcome back

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                        nope.avi... he is the worst hero in the game. I will talk like the OP.. *cough *cough

                                                                                        His Armor is shit, his hp is shit, his abilities are easily countered as shit, without a good team which has many slows or stuns he is diarrhea shit. The only thing that is holy shit (which in "shit" language is a good thing!... is his intelligence and you can spam a lot. That is about it. I am done talking about this shit :D

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          Well, nyx can outlane ur Skywrath like no other hero does, just 2 mana burns, and if u get a bottle, he will get one too, and still spam his mana burn..

                                                                                          he melts like no other hero does, even CM is more tanky in my opinion


                                                                                            Yes nyx is a problem. Pugna is really not that scary you just have to not cast stupidly when the ward is up. But Nyx beats Skywrath early mid and late and easily.

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              0 armor.


                                                                                                none of skywrath's 4 skills can go through magic immunity.
                                                                                                so to counter him, i will just bkb up . or jugg and ls, went magic immu the moment he casts.

                                                                                                Also, AM with cloak / hood. it never hurts.

                                                                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                                  Saying pugna is not a problem you just have to avoid casting within range of ward is like saying pudge is not a problem you just have to evade the hook.


                                                                                                    Because you cant cancel aggro like that when the enemy is sitting 500-600 range from the creeps. You literally need to be standing right next to the creeps or have cliff advantage to do that. How much damage does Zeus do after level 2 when he has static field? Hr also uses it to get last hits and also provides rune control. Chose to ignore that? Ok you use orb 4 times? That takes 20 seconds and the enemy can happily sit back and regen with tango/salve because you can no longer kill them.

                                                                                                    You want to know why people outlast hit you? It's because SWM has shitty base damage, why wouldn't they take advantage of that? Come level 5, any decent mid hero shits all over you because of their instant damage and mobility. Let's not forget what SWM is though, 0 mobility, single target, useless against bkb, can't split push, can't push, can't defend, cant initiate, sucks at ganking, what more do you want?

                                                                                                    Yeah the offlane BH that's supposed to be the game changer when a retard picks necro to solo mid after nyx has been chosen and a two carry safelane where neither know how to play. Not sure why exactly you are talking about skill here either when you still play in the normal bracket.


                                                                                                      lol # AM with hood, why not go all in and get pipe?

                                                                                                      Yes, skywrath has counters as all heroes do. The only situation in the game where there is currently not a counter possible is late game PL.

                                                                                                      @ the terrible, you are right pugna's ward could be a problem, it will limit when you can cast your ult just as pudge hook forces more caution. But some people seem to think that pugna simply being in the game means Skywrath is toast. Reality is Skywrath win rate is 44% overall and 43% against pugna directly. It does make a difference, but not much. Nyx however is extremely hard to deal with because he always has time to hit carapace and SWM INT is so high that mana burn hurts a ton more. While you can get away from physical gankers like Riki, BH, or SB with ghost-fstaff, that does not work against the true burst dmg of Nyx.

                                                                                                      @ you_got_fukt...seems to forget I have plenty of Very High games, in fact even 2 that he was in months ago...You need to try to be helped by what I did, gave you an example game of Skywrath crushing naix, watch the replay and see how easy it was, instead of whining about the fact that it happened to be a Normal game.

                                                                                                      I really don't care much what you think the enemy could do in theory - Only about what I have actually done with the hero in practice. Sure the enemy could come to the lane with lots of regen and properly lane carefully against Skywrath mage and get some xp and survive...but they don't they walk out with bottle rush, 3 branchs-tangoes, and die level 1 because they didn't expect so much dmg so fast. I suppose once all the bad players of Skywrath stop trying him out people will begin to gain respect after they have had a personal experience of getting killed at level 1 or 2. Then it will be harder. But right now few people know how strong the hero really is...hence the silly arguments claiming he is weak on this thread.

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