General Discussion

General DiscussionWho has stats on? And how do they move?

Who has stats on? And how do they move? in General Discussion

    This past month, based on people who ended the game with some kind of boots...just a little taste of the wealth of information you can get with Dotabuff Plus.

    There were 141.1 Million players-games and 35.5 Million had "stats" turned on in dota. That's 25% of players-games with stats on.

    Of those who did turn on stats and got some kind of boots...

    3% Bronze
    23% Silver
    33% Gold
    39% Platinum
    2% Diamond

    This shows 3 unsurprising things
    1) Bronze are newer players who don't know to turn stats on.
    2) The better players are the ones who play a lot.
    3) Practically no one is rated Diamond

    Now how do they move?

    Powertreads are most popular all around used by...

    45% Bronze
    42% Silver
    39% Gold
    35% Platinum
    31% Diamond

    Higher level players tend to make more game specific choices about their boots.

    Phase boots are used consistently...

    20% Bronze
    19% Silver
    19% Gold
    20% Platinum
    20% Diamond

    Arcane boots are used consistently...

    19% Bronze
    24% Silver
    24% Gold
    22% Platinum
    22% Diamond

    Tranquil boots are used significantly more (50% more) by the best players...

    8% Bronze
    8% Silver
    8% Gold
    10% Platinum
    12% Diamond

    The high level support players understand the value of getting wards over boots also...

    Boots of "speed"

    5% Bronze
    5% Silver
    5% Gold
    6% Platinum
    8% Diamond

    The best players can afford the most expensive Boots of Travel...

    3% Bronze
    4% Silver
    5% Gold
    6% Platinum
    7% Diamond

    Force Staff and Blink are also higher skill items requiring more gold, experience and practice...

    Force Staff ----- Blink Dagger

    6% Bronze ------ 5% Bronze
    8% Silver ------ 8% Silver
    9% Gold -------- 11% Gold
    12% Platinum --- 13% Platinum
    13% Diamond ---- 16% Diamond

    The best players use Town Portal Scrolls a lot more...

    7% Bronze
    12% Silver
    20% Gold
    31% Platinum
    41% Diamond

    I hope you learned something. Please support DotaBuff.


      Must buy Tranquil boots, boots of travel, force staff and it.



        how do you know who is bronze/silver/etc?


          i found mine out when i saw my name in top performances on certain heros.


            Who is in which skill bracket is not visible with Dotabuff Plus, but a tremendous amount of stats are available sorted by skill bracket. The only player who have their rank specifically determined and visible are the top 50 ranked in the world on each hero...hence Chris is claiming he is the best in the world at something.

            I really like the top50 rankings for each hero, they even have examples for each hero of the best games played on that hero in the past week.


              Any idea how the top 50 works, like does it take into account the skill level of the games?


                Yes, the top rated players for a particular hero not only have a lot of games on the hero, and lots of wins, and very very high KDA...but also if you check through their games you will see them being matched against pro-players and with pro-players.

                I would guess something like 20% of the names on any heroes top 50 list at actually pro-players currently on pro teams. Many of these are obvious, "verified" names, but there are plenty of alternate account names as well. I know of enough of those to recognize some...I'm sure there are a lot more I don't recognize.

                However, there are also plenty of unattached or undiscovered amateur dota players on those lists that could become pro-players if they had the opportunity. Many of these names are the ones you will see on pub teams trying to play their way into tournaments like The Defense that have qualifier rounds. Last time, The Defense 3 qualifier overflowed, used all 512 spots and had to turn away hundreds more teams.

                tveni tveni

                  It has to do with MMR (old DBR?) a lot, I'm in there with most of the heroes I've got over 30 games with even though I don't have impressive stats on some of them


                    My Pudge is in top 10 *Laughs*

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                        Woof Woof

                          CABRI YO!


                            Ah! good point Chris I forgot about that. If you put up one of the best games of the week on a hero DotabuffPlus will show your rating.

                            Here is an example of who is on a top hero list. For instance, Here are some names you might recognize from the Morphling highscore.

                            #1 dignitas.Aui_2000
                            #2 nkg - pro standin, no current team
                            #3 FnaticRC.N0tail
                            #4 seb doto (HyHy alias)
                            #5 NS
                            #6 mason (dont know him)
                            #8 ninjaboogie (
                            #9 BonZai (dont know him)
                            #10 rinnn (dont know him)

                            The top spots are pretty much always taken by well known pro-players and their alternate accounts. Each of these also comes with a numerical score but I'll leave that for you to check.

                            Better still you can flag your favorite player of a particular hero and DotaBuffPlus will find their games for you so you can watch them.

                            Woof Woof

                              OMG! its D3vilishdota (winning service) as nr1 ursa HAHAHAAH this cant be real life
                              did he win a single game against someone with 500+wins?

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                                I never played it as a winning service, and yes I had games against people with 60+% winrate and over 500 games

                                ( )

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                                Woof Woof

                                  dude D3vilishdota(winning service) used to stack with players below 50%winrate and few games + customer to get easy games I am pretty sure u can dig out his threads here like 15pages back

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                                    Well ^^^ beating a stack with 3 members of 4FC is not an "easy" game, its actually about as hard a game as you can possibly play unless you are against, say a full pro team. This was probably the highest MMR game being played at the time.

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                                      oh that you ment, well its an easy way to win games.


                                        You know I spent several dozens posts trying to explain to stubborn naive people that those sorts of bad player + stack games were happening. They are still blaming Valve matchmaking for it 300+ posts later.


                                          how can i look at those stats?

                                          Woof Woof

                                            i added D3vilishdota next to 'winning service' to avoid further confusion

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                                              dotabuff plus

                                              Woof Woof
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                                                  am i supposed to pay for that? ;D


                                                    I've stacked a few times with Devilish, he is not a bad player and i think he would do just fine in very high brackets as well, not like be the king of everything, but he would get along okay.



                                                      @KILL ME PLEASE, u know wut D3vilish did?
                                                      he opened a thread were he asked for LOW skilled players with 45% winrates or around, and he said he wanted money for each win O.o

                                                      i searched so hard to find the thread, didnt find it


                                                        well now you see it mapzor :D:D