General Discussion

General DiscussionDelete My Mined Data Please!

Delete My Mined Data Please! in General Discussion

    Currently this website has 300 games of mine in mined data.
    I haven't opted to share my current data and i personally want every single scrap of data associated with my account deleted or hidden.

    These stats mean nothing to me.

    They are but a snapshot, now considering solo matching keeps you around 50%.
    The fact they have no bearing what mode you're playing or even who you're partnered with these stats would only serve to hurt my ability to join and play at a higher level.


      lik dis if u cry evertim

      Training in Progress

        A moment of silence for a guy who got 33% WR with bh pls.


          lol if you dont care why do you want them off the site so badly


            no one cares for u, why do u want it off?
            maybe some friend bashed u for having a bad DB account?


              because its none of your fucken business how well or crap i play dota2.
              its theif!

              wtf do WR have to do with anything, least i maintain a better kill to death ratio on losing games >>

              Этот комментарий был изменён
              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                you're fucking bad. you disgust me
                please delete dota2 and go back to LoL

                Josh  :D

                  Just start a new account. ez peasy.


                    plz delete your life

                    Kẻ Buôn Hành

                      Fags like this cry to valve and make dotabuff delete the DBR ... Now still continue ...


                        Go back to lol fucking retard. least i maintain a better kill to death ratio on losing games <- After seeing that u are not worth to play even lol


                          dotobaff is theifs, gg volvo disband


                            You do realise that by making this thread so many more people have now looked at your stats, maybe even downloaded one of your replays and watched from your perspective and seen every one of your clicks and movements.

                            Well played.

                            packet canceled

                              ^ thanks for the idea tho


                                You subscribe to a website and you shared you ingame stats publicly by yourself and you claim it a thief?


                                  he didnt share his ingame stats -.-'

                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                    Sharing this guy profile and games with all my friends


                                      FOREIGN FAGGOTS. WHINY BITCHES. BADS ARE BADS. GG VALVE U SUCK COCK.

                                      I'M LEAVING DOTA 2


                                      NO LADDER SYSTEM

                                      NO RANKING SYSTEM

                                      JUST SHIT GABE AND HATS.

                                      GG HSIT VALVE.

                                      HOPE U ALL DIE.FAGGOTS.


                                        GG NO RE


                                          oh no, you forgot to take your pills again ?


                                            Haha, i missed the capslock, so he went back to it :D


                                              In all fairness, there should be an option to remove all match history if a given player doesn't want it to be displayed.


                                                he, by this way, made all of us see his profile, is he retarded?


                                                  You think i care that tryhards look at my stats, whipdy shit.
                                                  Keep sitting at the back, on the sidelines...

                                                  Fact of the matter is i have chosen not to share my stats with 3rd party websites
                                                  YET HERE ON THIS WEBSITE YOU CAN SEE 300 of my old games >>

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    Valve never stated that data recorded before the unshare option was introduced cannot be shared. Dotabuff will not delete their old data. If it bothers you, you can start playing on a new account.

                                                    And btw as others said:

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      "You think i care that tryhards look at my stats...YET HERE ON THIS WEBSITE YOU CAN SEE 300 of my old games >>"

                                                      You don't care...but you do care. Please make up your mind!


                                                        NO SPICKS ALLOWED.

                                                        UR BAD.

                                                        BRONZE LEAGUE SHITTER.


                                                          Some web sites my be amazed by the legality of what they do in other countries.

                                                          you are profitting of peoples data without their consent.

                                                          Remove my data from your site or else I will seek damages.

                                                          My data is generating you revenue but not me.

                                                          Pay me my dues or remove my data.

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                            U dont even have to seek damages, you can find some right between your ears.


                                                              lets feed the troll


                                                                I like feeding wild animals, I like it when they end up all feeble and rolling on their backs waiting for a tummy rub.

                                                                It isn't your data, it's Valve's.
                                                                They allowed their data to be collected by third party websites.
                                                                I hope you go and see a lawyer, pay him or her for their time and see what they say.
                                                                You won't get a cent.

                                                                Good day.


                                                                  Can u make us the favor to go back to lol which is the place u belong?

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!