General Discussion

General DiscussionBKB-addict

BKB-addict in General Discussion

    Hey guys! I'm bkb-addict. I decided to tell you my story to prevent some new people from this terrible disease. It's been a while since I used bkb for the first time. My life was so much better... I'm constantly bying bkb for 4 or 5 years and I can't get rid of it.

    So I started to play 6.38b dota, I remember those green bumpy lanes and old warcraft3. I played pubs and used to pick strong heroes like bone, bs or gondar... I farmed for some damage (actually a lot of dmg) and raped my enemies.

    But... Suddenly I began to lose. No matter how much dmg I had. My enemies picked fucking lina's, lion's etc. I was crushed. I tried all I could: I was flaming my teammates, I was trying to wait till my windwalk is available before the next fight. I even went to church once, but priest didn't help me. I even bought linken once! (for bone, can you imagine that?)

    Then my team began to blame me and ask me to buy "bkb" (wtf is it?). I asked my friends, they told me not to buy this item... They told that it doesn't even block all spells! But I was so tired of losing... So I bought it... Dunno why, but I won the first game after 20 or 30 loses in a row! I was so fucking happy... If only I knew...

    So now I don't even play carries that much (not that interesting anymore). But I can't get rid of BKB. I buy it for strom, for qop, even for naix in some difficult games...

    Seems not that bad, heh? But no... Every time I get ganger or support and I see that our carry goes fucking damage items instead of bkb (like traxex has lothar, buriza and pt against ogre, nyx, qop) I become crazy. I start to flame, to whine, to report them and etc. I've tried everything... I've tried to explain them politely, tried to spam them about their mothers.

    I got nightmares... Almost every night I see the same picture: I play support with 4 carries w/o single BKB on them... No matter how hard I try they suck... And it repeats.

    So guys, please, don't you try to buy that damn item. It's a waste of gold, of your calmness and health. Look at me... I don't wish you that destiny.

    P.s. ofc sorry for my English, but you have to know the truth.

    Der absolute harām boi

      only 4 out of your 20 last matches had bkb

      stop lying


        Cool story


          You built BKB in 10% of your matches in the last month. I am glad that you are now cured from your addiction.


            Any other wards-addict here?


              I know how you feel bro, im divine rapier addicted :(


                OMG skillah is right! He builds Rapier in 75% of his matches. 0_o


                  smurfs rape newbies with divine rapier all the time.


                    yes. Carry MUST buy BKB. That's an absolute truth.


                      emotional story, damn u bkb !!

                      Arthas 2

                        hes trying to educate others into buying bkb..
                        I support him.

                        GOTCHA HAT!

                          educate somewhere else we dont need guys who are buying bkb versus sphera and black hole


                            Lol, bkb is good against anything that has stuns or nukes. Unless you play against a lineup like spectre/ursa/void/weaver/mortred, bkb worth the money.


                              Maverick, you got the point!

                              Sc, oh boy.... 2k games 48% wr? Did I say something about sphere or bh? Just try to think a bit before you posting something.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                how do you know which item I mostly buy every game? I think I'm salve addicted? or eating branches is my passion?

                                Arthas 2

                                  He never spoke of specific situations involving enigma, void or bm.

                                  I dunno why some people just visit threads, post flaming comments, or comments to abuse the thread owner. People spend their time creating threads to help people out, while the useless ones just poke their nose into the thread in an attempt to act pro.


                                    You call 4-5 years awhile????????


                                      lol, as I said in p.s. - sorry for my English :)