I was thinking about TRolls or just douchebags who play just to ruin games... and i think A report will not make the diference anyways.. how do i know this ... well i have a lot of games and for sure i get lot of reports againts me , and there is no action taken yet... you guys know there is games who are lost at the first min of the game and there is no reason to keep playing , and geting an abandone to probide those noobs who actualy are throwing the game a fast way to leave isnt a choice ... so sometimes u take actions like Feeding couriers/feed with your own hero , or just being afk farm in jungle... after that u will get reports from both sides most of the time is like that... but i mean why... example you First pick any middle hero and ask for mid like a nice guy right after that you get another guy figthing in middle and 1 solo hard carry top like void and 2 suports or suport and carry in bot lane (if u were dire) then you already know that you are going to lose... so the point is why you should get report for people who actualy throw it at the first min ... the only u can do in that position is going to jungle and avoid farm ... making your enemy team wants to end it fast...whit all this i said my real point is...
To make a better comunity in Dota2 i call for a Group of people who will make a report for those kind of people... example you join in a game and there is some typical douchebag or troll who throw the game since the being or just went afk after geting the first blood.. (or item destroy .. etc) then you only can report on him .. but what if we make a Masive report on those kind of people ... what if we start to take actions againts... we could take proffs of those jerks like Screenshot Replays ETC.. and if the people who ask for a MAsive report and the Profs are right we may Contribute with him and report the X guy for being a jerk ... i hope if we do this we could get a Better comunity and a better & enjoyable game play throw Dota2... its rly annoying being a douche ruining others games or just making them lose time ... every time i notice someone on mute in my team , i always dodge that game... and im sure that if there is only 1 people muted in my team the others 8 players wll get mad on my for dodge and make them lose time ..
so let me know what you guys think about to create a mass report group ... to punish this bounch of jerks who are ruining games just for fun ..
Well sorry for this long post .. hope u guys reply
PD: Grammar nazys are not wellcome to my posts
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I was thinking about TRolls or just douchebags who play just to ruin games... and i think A report will not make the diference anyways.. how do i know this ... well i have a lot of games and for sure i get lot of reports againts me , and there is no action taken yet... you guys know there is games who are lost at the first min of the game and there is no reason to keep playing , and geting an abandone to probide those noobs who actualy are throwing the game a fast way to leave isnt a choice ... so sometimes u take actions like Feeding couriers/feed with your own hero , or just being afk farm in jungle... after that u will get reports from both sides most of the time is like that... but i mean why... example you First pick any middle hero and ask for mid like a nice guy right after that you get another guy figthing in middle and 1 solo hard carry top like void and 2 suports or suport and carry in bot lane (if u were dire) then you already know that you are going to lose... so the point is why you should get report for people who actualy throw it at the first min ... the only u can do in that position is going to jungle and avoid farm ... making your enemy team wants to end it fast...whit all this i said my real point is...
To make a better comunity in Dota2 i call for a Group of people who will make a report for those kind of people... example you join in a game and there is some typical douchebag or troll who throw the game since the being or just went afk after geting the first blood.. (or item destroy .. etc) then you only can report on him .. but what if we make a Masive report on those kind of people ... what if we start to take actions againts... we could take proffs of those jerks like Screenshot Replays ETC.. and if the people who ask for a MAsive report and the Profs are right we may Contribute with him and report the X guy for being a jerk ... i hope if we do this we could get a Better comunity and a better & enjoyable game play throw Dota2... its rly annoying being a douche ruining others games or just making them lose time ... every time i notice someone on mute in my team , i always dodge that game... and im sure that if there is only 1 people muted in my team the others 8 players wll get mad on my for dodge and make them lose time ..
so let me know what you guys think about to create a mass report group ... to punish this bounch of jerks who are ruining games just for fun ..
Well sorry for this long post .. hope u guys reply
PD: Grammar nazys are not wellcome to my posts