honestly i judge myself based on who i get queued against
if you get queued against notable players youre doing something right
if you get queued against flamers/feeders, you are probably also in that category
CERTO CHE HO VINTO: "all DBR fans are Ex-LOL-HON fans"
I must have amnesia. I cant recall playing lol or hon. I still would like to know my DBR and my friends DBR. And pros' DBR can be interesting.
Dotabuff made a serious mistake if they didn't negotiate with Valve before the idea of DBR.
I dont understand people who are so extremist from both sides. DBR extremists think every anti-DBR forumer is a bronze pussy, while anti-DBR extremists think that DBR forumers are hon-lol flamers.
Dotabuff will make you pay for viewing others stats, you know that? Please visit https://elobuff.com/landing , open your eyes, Valve just did what is everyone right, to protect everyone from others flame, I am the player, I know how much effort I want to spend learnig this game, the problem was PUBLIC DBR, and the fact that Dotabuff will try to monetize others work, sayin that: "Based on matchmaking analysis, there's a very strong correlation between the matches that Valve MMR produces and the DBR of the players involved. We're very confident in and proud of the precision we've achieved with DBR"
Riot doesn't care, Valve cares.
Another thing is privacy, I dont want, as I said too many times, to start a game with people talkin who deserve to take decisions, it's a PUB, it is NOT HON2 ok?
Then how do you resolve a laning conflict? If you want to go mid and someone else too. Should it always be the nicest guy who goes to a sidelane? Solo bot maybe and fight for last hits mid?
wow Cyan, thats just fucking stupid. you have 45% winrate, i have 51%. So that means that if you and me are in the same match and both want mid you are a low scrub who should let me mid cuz i have more wins? wow, now im actually glad DBR will most likely fail, too much autism for that. If you like stats that bad you can go to HoN or LoL, just saying.
valve will have ranking when the game is released. Stop getting your panties in a bunch. Having some 3rd party try to tell your players where they rank is fucking dumb. Good job valve. i will set mien to public, but I am 1000% siding with valve on this one.
Is there an official source about Valve is going to add visible ranking? I doubt it would be a good decision. Or if it was a good idea why would they not test it in beta?
Why would you not want to pick lanes accordingly to player skill. If theres someone in a game with a higher rating that just means he is (on average) a better player. Why would you want to set that guy on the support by picking carry and instantly calling mid when the game starts? It is not that you will always be the one with the lowest rating either. A way to see rating ingame would honestly just create more interesting games.
So you would just see those higher rated players pick what they are best at (thus giving you the possibility to actually learn from them) and you would just have to pick accordingly to the team.
@SeiRa Winrate is not an indicator of skill. You have the same winrate as pros who solo q. But you are nowhere near there level. Why do people still believe that? It's like someone who thinks having 50 more wins is a better player than the other guy.
@Mr blue, hate to break this to you, while there is no perfect way to determine skill of a player, MMR is proven to work even in teambased games and provides a good distribution of the player skill...that's kind of why Valve uses it to place you with others. The better players more times than not have the better MMR, after so many games it is actually a pretty accurate representation of your skill level to pubs(key word, that is what it is meant to measure, not 5v5 stable team matches). If it didn't Valve would just throw people in at random. Don't give me that bullshit about pubs not being serious either thus MMR not being reflective of skill, if it was completely casual Valve wouldn't have rated it. Or even yet, the fact that this community has one of the most BM reputations for people losing pubs games means that people fucking take it seriously in one way or another. After all, after a long time the only non-varying and non-negligible factor is you.
Dotabuff isn't dead, there is some misunderstanding about the private effect will have on the site. Community data will still be intact.
@spencer Didn't most of the popular ones have them? Even dota-league with it's pub quality games for non VIP had stats and was pretty popular.
"You just keep proving my point over and over. DBR means nothing to you, yet you are so worried about other people seeing this made up number that supposedly means nothing. L-O-L"
Because I clearly said I was worried? Reading is so hard!
You people crying about this change realize that Dota2 is still in beta and that there is a rather big chance that Valve will purge all stats once it's fully released?
Winrate alone isn't an indicator. But if you show be a profile, where the winrate, number of games, heroes played, and 20 recent games, i would be able to determen the basic skill level of that player, with a quite low margin of error.
If you gave be all the above mentioned stats, without the winrate, it would be nearly impossible to tell anything without a replay.
Therefore i find it okay to call out players by their winrate. note, that i don't say that it's everything, but with 400+ games, a bad player would (almost) never be able to get 50+% ±2%-points.
Edit: of course if the number of games is low, i wouldn't be able to tell sh*t ;)
They never said DBR would be public and now they have confirmed it will be private due to players concerns so hopefully valve will see this and make people public by default.
DBR is a meaningless number that isn't even calculated well anyways. Go onto play dota and look at the thread about their DBR. You got diamonds spouting about how it is shit and how they have noob friends who are also diamonds.
Pay To flame model is crap Dotabuff shot itself in the foot :L
Also all valve did was give us the choice to make our stats public or not. It is not killing a site unless the site isn't wanted by the majority. It seems that is the case then.
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Bet the poll was fake as well with the intention to fool Valve into thinking that majority of the player base wants this shit
^ thats kinda cute if you really think that they faked the poll :3
I like how you think Valve actually gives a shit about some forum poll, lmao.
Gaben sees above such petty things.
I hope you realize that majority of people crying about DBR doesn't care to see others' rating? All we need is to see our rating.
You just wrong Bonk, all DBR fans are Ex-LOL-HON fans.
honestly i judge myself based on who i get queued against
if you get queued against notable players youre doing something right
if you get queued against flamers/feeders, you are probably also in that category
CERTO CHE HO VINTO: "all DBR fans are Ex-LOL-HON fans"
I must have amnesia. I cant recall playing lol or hon. I still would like to know my DBR and my friends DBR. And pros' DBR can be interesting.
Dotabuff made a serious mistake if they didn't negotiate with Valve before the idea of DBR.
I dont understand people who are so extremist from both sides. DBR extremists think every anti-DBR forumer is a bronze pussy, while anti-DBR extremists think that DBR forumers are hon-lol flamers.
Dotabuff will make you pay for viewing others stats, you know that? Please visit https://elobuff.com/landing , open your eyes, Valve just did what is everyone right, to protect everyone from others flame, I am the player, I know how much effort I want to spend learnig this game, the problem was PUBLIC DBR, and the fact that Dotabuff will try to monetize others work, sayin that: "Based on matchmaking analysis, there's a very strong correlation between the matches that Valve MMR produces and the DBR of the players involved. We're very confident in and proud of the precision we've achieved with DBR"
Riot doesn't care, Valve cares.
Another thing is privacy, I dont want, as I said too many times, to start a game with people talkin who deserve to take decisions, it's a PUB, it is NOT HON2 ok?
Then how do you resolve a laning conflict? If you want to go mid and someone else too. Should it always be the nicest guy who goes to a sidelane? Solo bot maybe and fight for last hits mid?
wow Cyan, thats just fucking stupid. you have 45% winrate, i have 51%. So that means that if you and me are in the same match and both want mid you are a low scrub who should let me mid cuz i have more wins? wow, now im actually glad DBR will most likely fail, too much autism for that. If you like stats that bad you can go to HoN or LoL, just saying.
valve will have ranking when the game is released. Stop getting your panties in a bunch. Having some 3rd party try to tell your players where they rank is fucking dumb. Good job valve. i will set mien to public, but I am 1000% siding with valve on this one.
What is this "go to HoN or LoL"? Several wc3 Dota Clients have ratings.
Is there an official source about Valve is going to add visible ranking? I doubt it would be a good decision. Or if it was a good idea why would they not test it in beta?
Why would you not want to pick lanes accordingly to player skill. If theres someone in a game with a higher rating that just means he is (on average) a better player. Why would you want to set that guy on the support by picking carry and instantly calling mid when the game starts? It is not that you will always be the one with the lowest rating either. A way to see rating ingame would honestly just create more interesting games.
So you would just see those higher rated players pick what they are best at (thus giving you the possibility to actually learn from them) and you would just have to pick accordingly to the team.
@SeiRa Winrate is not an indicator of skill. You have the same winrate as pros who solo q. But you are nowhere near there level. Why do people still believe that? It's like someone who thinks having 50 more wins is a better player than the other guy.
@Mr blue, hate to break this to you, while there is no perfect way to determine skill of a player, MMR is proven to work even in teambased games and provides a good distribution of the player skill...that's kind of why Valve uses it to place you with others. The better players more times than not have the better MMR, after so many games it is actually a pretty accurate representation of your skill level to pubs(key word, that is what it is meant to measure, not 5v5 stable team matches). If it didn't Valve would just throw people in at random. Don't give me that bullshit about pubs not being serious either thus MMR not being reflective of skill, if it was completely casual Valve wouldn't have rated it. Or even yet, the fact that this community has one of the most BM reputations for people losing pubs games means that people fucking take it seriously in one way or another. After all, after a long time the only non-varying and non-negligible factor is you.
Dotabuff isn't dead, there is some misunderstanding about the private effect will have on the site. Community data will still be intact.
@spencer Didn't most of the popular ones have them? Even dota-league with it's pub quality games for non VIP had stats and was pretty popular.
Because the rating is not accurate (DBR or whatever else) and it does not correlate with the role you playing.
BNi, you have no idea how to read do you?
"You just keep proving my point over and over. DBR means nothing to you, yet you are so worried about other people seeing this made up number that supposedly means nothing. L-O-L"
Because I clearly said I was worried? Reading is so hard!
You people crying about this change realize that Dota2 is still in beta and that there is a rather big chance that Valve will purge all stats once it's fully released?
Winrate alone isn't an indicator. But if you show be a profile, where the winrate, number of games, heroes played, and 20 recent games, i would be able to determen the basic skill level of that player, with a quite low margin of error.
If you gave be all the above mentioned stats, without the winrate, it would be nearly impossible to tell anything without a replay.
Therefore i find it okay to call out players by their winrate. note, that i don't say that it's everything, but with 400+ games, a bad player would (almost) never be able to get 50+% ±2%-points.
Edit: of course if the number of games is low, i wouldn't be able to tell sh*t ;)
They never said DBR would be public and now they have confirmed it will be private due to players concerns so hopefully valve will see this and make people public by default.
OP Sub 1200 DBR scrub ahahahaha why are you buttfrustrated?
Also fuck off honfags, you're cancer.
guys guys, winrate doesn't matter look at gullin15 hes the fucking best but his profile is in the dumpster but guys he so good why you heff to be mad?
Yea, but gullin15 is the ONLY exception! He just have noob mates all the time, poor fella!
All those memories of the HON forums, they're overflowing.
if you think this ruins "competitiveness", go dotabro.com . Pubs are casual, and an individual rating in a team game is bs.
DBR is a meaningless number that isn't even calculated well anyways. Go onto play dota and look at the thread about their DBR. You got diamonds spouting about how it is shit and how they have noob friends who are also diamonds.
Pay To flame model is crap Dotabuff shot itself in the foot :L
Also all valve did was give us the choice to make our stats public or not. It is not killing a site unless the site isn't wanted by the majority. It seems that is the case then.