General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff Rating

Dotabuff Rating in General Discussion
big boss du six bulle

    Hi everyone,

    Does someone knows how Dotabuff rating will be calculated ?

    da da da davai

      can you enable ratings for view starting today? You can change it to public or keep it private on the 23rd.


        +1 小狗狼人


          If the system is already finished I don't see the problem of enabling it right now with the private option on. I'm sure everyone is really curious about their rating.

          Assuming the majority of players choose to keep the ratings private will Dotabuff allow us to make our individual rating public? That way only those who have a public rating would be able to check the rating of other players that also made their rating public.
          I know people can exploit this by making their primary account private and use a secondary account to check other people's rating, but that's not really damaging for the community since those that really want to keep their profile public won't be affected.

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            Make the ratings public. At least it'll squash all the "I'm good but matchmaking is screwing me" threads. We're all susceptible to personal bias, so let the ratings speak for themselves.

            big boss du six bulle

              Its doesnt really answer to my question ... How this rating is done ? ( which settings like K/D ratio )


                Public ratings would just make it so that people will have more ammunition for flaming in-game. Rating is nobody's business but your own.

                Woof Woof

                  make it public so we can have more balanced games with less stomps due to one or two idiots with huge ego overestimating their skill due to 50%winratio mm


                    When will the system be released?


                      Next week


                        You should have enabled the rating system for some days and then ask our votes.


                          If people flame, mute them, simple as that.


                            PLEASE make this public. So tired of arguing about player skill based on things like KDR and W:L ratio.


                              Tharuler, do we already have a rating based since our first match, or will all of us have the same rating when the system is released?

                              I would also love to see a leaderboard, something like TOP 10 or TOP 100, even if it didn't show the numbers.

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                                On the Reddit post Tharuler stated that DB has been keeping track of our ratings all along so it's your cumulative rating.


                                  That's really nice.
                                  Now, the only thing missing from DotaBuff is a way to matchmake and there you have a league!


                                    Never make it public, please. That would open up a new age of trolls and e-peen boasting.


                                      I am very afraid of statswhoring and people judging other players by seeing their stats. None of that happened to me or any other mates while playing Dota 2 and that is great!!! In DotA I had that problem playing or because stats were public and people were actually sorted ingame by their points. This lead to flames and prejudices before the game even started! People didnt have their heroes and flames went on already!! Dota 2 does not have such shit and I am happy about that.

                                      That is why I don't need such "better" statistics and I would like to encourage you not to publish anything like that, but my opinion does not speak for all. The best solution for this case might be to have such statistics PRIVATE ONLY and they should never go public unless the person with the stats shares it with everyone else with a screenshot etc. But besides that no one should be able to see anything more accurate from other players than it is right now.


                                        None of this answers the question. The thread was created with the specific intention of asking how this "rating" is calculated. Unless you have something to contribute in this regard id suggest taking the public/private bickering elsewhere.

                                        Ty for your understanding.


                                          Once the people know how the rating works, they can, no, THEY WILL start to abuse it.

                                          Dotabuff must be stupid if they announce in any way how the system works.

                                          big boss du six bulle

                                            Well, at least [oMg]`Your skills gave me CANCER reads thread's topics x) Anyway, I don't think someone will answer at this point...


                                              00matthe how would someone 'abuse' how the rating works ?


                                                Make it public, but also make formula for calculation public. Else 'supports' could argue that 'carries' have advantage over them and so on.
                                                Hope this will be based on statistics and ELO system rather than KDA+CS/Time 'magic'.


                                                  00matthe: people know how ELO system works for chess players and still, nobody can abuse it. It's based purely on statistics from previous matches. DotA is team game and that said it's tricky, but I feel confident to say that all current MMs are based on ELO. WoW is as far I know for example.


                                                    Gentoo ?


                                                      the rating system will never work as long as people are free to do whatever they want playing AP mode... you'll always have selfish players playing what they want and how they want only... this problem will never be fixed... the rating system should only be based on tournament play or something like that... I understand that people don't know how to play every hero, but that's just it, you shouldn't consider yourself a better player unless you do know how to use every hero effectively. AP should be for fun cause that's what it really is... you want your ranks to matter??? well play as if it does then....

                                                      Sacred Relics

                                                        00matthe +1 ... I already voted 4 PRIVATE STATS. E-stats-penis should be go back to Hon


                                                          Stats r gd, wut community can live without stats, like who is best team, u wont know without stats, best team in a league, no stats = no best team..
                                                          stats would be nice to be there, i say that let low player stats to be private and better players to be public, to prevent flames, as gd players usually dont flame, usually the low tier players flame about it and argues most..

                                                          Sacred Relics

                                                            Tournaments says who's best or not, stats need to be private, or just look at W/L ratio, it's enough..

                                                            Sacred Relics

                                                              Or in the future ALL GAMES will be: Game starts -> Look at the players -> Alt+Tab -> -> Rage in game who deserve to play carry or not or who can criticize others for their bad picks or bad moves -> Hon-made players will feel SOOOOO happy.


                                                                Yes we are :P


                                                                  Can't wait ;d

                                                                  SUMMERTIME SADNESS

                                                                    If they can see your W/L ratio, why not make the rating public? They can criticize you either way. If you feel that insecure about your stats, you may as well play with bots. No one will ever flame you or judge your stats, problem solved.

                                                                    Alterz Ego

                                                                      How could this rating be relevant when the games and stats produced by them are already distorted by the unbalanced and rigged nature of current MM? Voted yes anyway becouse it still might have some positive outcome.

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                                                                        The only people who are against public stats are the ones who suck and are insecure about their own game play. Truth.


                                                                          @BNi-PoweR. nice "nothing-to-hide" fallacy. The major reason to not want public stats is to discourage degen trolling like in LoL and HoN.


                                                                            @grob I personally don't care either way but you can look up someone's W/L rate, hero-specific W/L rate, hero-specific KDA, and solo/group playing habits on this site already. You can already flame people using this information as fsdeals said above. What's a public rating going to add?


                                                                              How they calculate the stats, who knows. But they should not release the ratings to be public. So much flaming and trolling and abuse will come out of it. If someone wants to get more out of the game, make it private so that they can know how they can improve on their own, not by being berated by other players, cause that happens already in-game, and will only increase.


                                                                                Something to consider for all of those who oppose with argument "public rating is troll's/flamers' ammunition":
                                                                                There always be trolls and flamers and they always find reason to troll and flame when they feel like it. It's a boarder issue, present not only in online games, but in the whole human society. Examples are the proverb "It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog" or the low effectiveness of a ban of firearms/other weapons in countries such as UK and Australia to decrease criminality. There isn't really much to do with the issue, unless the mentality of the vast majority of the society shifts.

                                                                                ∞ regen

                                                                                  I don't want this public, because the only statistic that actually matters is win/lose. Honestly, I don't want to see this rating myself, it doesn't matter and will only take from the fun of the game (like first person shooters and their damned k/d. Can't enjoy a game when you aren't breaking even).


                                                                                    @InfiRegen when considering a player, the rating would have only the value(extent) you assign to it and it's up to everyone to take things in moderation =)


                                                                                      Guys, before we can talk about publicity of this rating, we should see it first.

                                                                                      Naughty Senpai 69

                                                                                        If it's not an ELO system meaning that only who you win and lose against counts, it's fucking pointless anyways. It's already sad enough that Valve doesn't let us see our progress by giving us a mmr or elo value...


                                                                                          @Shypandaloo: Gentoo!


                                                                                            WR ratio us currently useless, if you have <50% you join with players that are more skilled than you and loose too much, more than 50% means your rating is lower than it should be. 60%+ you (or your party) is too good to find suitable oponents at times.

                                                                                            Assumes 100+ games ofc.

                                                                                            ELO is best system there is, formulas can be found on wiki site.
                                                                                            One option is to give public ration 'on demand', logged users may decide to choose to show it or hide it and no '10 year old kid' get hurt.


                                                                                              - "I don't want this public, because the only statistic that actually matters is win/lose" (by InfiniteRegen)

                                                                                              ^ Flawed logic detected. Win rate means nothing without player rating.
                                                                                              For example: check my first game:
                                                                                              Do you realize, that after that game, both me and that trax are considered equally bad, by MM system, due to 0% WR?

                                                                                              Imho, personal rating would be useful, for both tracking personal improvement and also comparing it with other players. You know having an IQ of 800 "some strange units", means nothing, until you discover that an average player has for instance: 600.

                                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                I would be interested in the calculation as well. On one hand is intersting to compare myself to others. On the other hand (dumb) people start to justice way too much. A rating can always only reflect a tiny part of the overall skill of a player. It cant say anything about actually understanding the game dota and stuff like lane control, effective jungling,.., the list can go and on. What I want to say is that people with a lower rating can be actually far better, because of their understanding than others.
                                                                                                Also people who play mostly support are always fucked by most rating, due to worse KDA

                                                                                                ∞ regen

                                                                                                  Naijan, using a sample of 1 game doesn't prove your point. The point is that win/lose is still the only stat that matters, because when you are consistently playing well you will win most games and have a high win rate. If you are playing poorly, you will have low win rate. Of course feeders will lose you the game sometime, but if you look at it from a high sample, your win/lose will completely reflect your skill.

                                                                                                  Alright, here is an example of what I'm trying to say: You are sitting at 56%, which is pretty good. Compare that with the luna that you lost to who fed. She might have won that game, but with a larger sample size of 1 game she has 18%. This is w/l reflecting skill level right there.

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                    I disagree that w/l is useful. A great/epic player will start with a w/l of maybe 80% (when starting in normal bracket), once game moves him up to high bracket in 3-4 games, he'll still be winning consistantly, maybe 65% w/l. What happens though, once it moves him into the upper ranks of very hard? He'll keep getting bumped up to better opponents, until he finds his spot where his opponents have the SAME skillas he does.

                                                                                                    This then leads to his w/l over time dropping down to approximately 50%.

                                                                                                    Having a w/l over 50% just means that you are being put against worse opponents. In a perfect system of match making, EVERYONE would be around 50% w/l.

                                                                                                    Autism is great

                                                                                                      Competitive game without visible stats is way to go (thanks valve i hope u can also hide amount of wins and remove hero performance bars)

                                                                                                      can u just shut down this site please

                                                                                                      ∞ regen

                                                                                                        bjj, it still shows the spread so it is still useful. The spread shows how amount of games to get to their skill level. My point is the only 2 numbers you need are wins and loses, tells you everything you need.