It would be great to be able to check who's the "best" at a certain hero, in short:
-choose a hero
-the list of the "best" players appears, ordened from the "best" to the.."worst"
By "best" i mean best according to the dota 2 hall of fame thingy (or the "heroes played" panel), exepted it shows much more things. Who's the best cannot be mesured statistically, but this system implemented in dota 2 is quite accurate, and gives an idea.
The goal is to be able to check how good "insert hero name here" players usually play their hero, via the match list + hero filter, and to have a replay database.
So, yeah, I think it would be great, though I'm aware it would be tricky.
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It would be great to be able to check who's the "best" at a certain hero, in short:
-choose a hero
-the list of the "best" players appears, ordened from the "best" to the.."worst"
By "best" i mean best according to the dota 2 hall of fame thingy (or the "heroes played" panel), exepted it shows much more things. Who's the best cannot be mesured statistically, but this system implemented in dota 2 is quite accurate, and gives an idea.
The goal is to be able to check how good "insert hero name here" players usually play their hero, via the match list + hero filter, and to have a replay database.
So, yeah, I think it would be great, though I'm aware it would be tricky.