General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom Russian to EU community

From Russian to EU community in General Discussion

    Sometimes, it's bug, lag, teammate fault, dc, and stream patch, so many ways to lose game than to win it

    not all cambodian are poor, but we think that way

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      I hate when Russians shows up in USEast/West/SA servers and talk/write in russian like we were supposed to know. Not only that but normally sucks, always feeding.

      Why setup Find a Match for a server so far that ping makes unplayable? Why keep talking russian when it's not in a server near Russia?

      The same apply to brazilians to setup for USEast/West and keep talking in Portuguese, like they were in SA.


        I'm lucky my internet is good enough that I can play on US East w/o any problem. So frustrating when you join EU servers and almost every single game you got some russian(s) in your team that fucks everything up, whether it be by inability to communicate (which is a big deal!) or the fact that they just suck ass and don't seem to give a shit. Atleast most American players get that it's a team-play game and make a effort to work as a team.

        And as for your comment about " all who say Russians can't communicate etc. have winrate less then 50%" kind off obvious that if you only play pub games you will have a 50% win rate


        Этот комментарий был изменён

          "By my own statistics all who say Russians can't communicate etc. have winrate less then 50%))"

          Lol, what is that supposed to prove?
          If anything it's logical that the ones who are so frustrated with russians that they want to post about it have lost the most because of them :P


            u see, all russian are tend to be annoying


              up up up


                Prime example with this would be that recent iG vs DK where a Russian hacked into the server to "spectate" the game. But ended up spamming the chat with cyrillic and "OPPA RUSSIAN STYLE!!"

                Although I'm not saying all Russian players are imbecile, there are actually some who play well and to be honest my favourite player is Russian in the name of LightOfHeaven :)


                  No need to up the thread, it's been answered why people dislike russians on EU in general. It annoys people they they're on EU even though they have a RUS server, the fact that they assume everyone speaks russian is annoying and they generally get in rage mode very fast and start flaming. Of course not all russians are like that, but people see mostly those guys.


                    hey echo.
                    I like russians that talk english no question.
                    but too many russians that CANT or dont want to communicate with the team ruin too many games of me.

                    I myself would call me a russian-flamer. its a fact that more than 70% of all russians ive played with cant or can talk very bad english which is hard to understand.

                    Also mostly the russians pick senseless crap and they giva fuck for the rest.

                    Grill on fire

                      They are too retarded to play this game on THEIR server, anyway i want them to be blocked from europe with some exceptions like partying with EU friends and shit.


                        Reading this post gave me cancer.)
                        I'm , russian guy, like playing on EU servers because I don't like style of russian DotA, really - no suppors, no ganks , 5 carries.
                        But ofc I think that if u r russian and wanna play EU servers - u should know eng.
                        Often I say my team that I am russian only in the end of game.
                        I hate russians, not all, but most. Strange kind of racism.


                          Just some objective input here. Firstly there are a HUGE amount of Russian players, even more so when you look at home many are active at any point in time, compared to other countries. Thus the impact that Russian players make is going to be much bigger.

                          So considering that we have to assume that a community that has got this big overnight is going to contain MANY players who are still learning. Thus the chances of games having Russian players in, who don't really know how Dota works, is very very good. So the first point is really this: Due to the Russian community and size, it is definite that you are more likely to have Russian players in your team, who are still learning and may cause annoyance.

                          Second up, there is the point of communication. I don't need to tell anyone that communication wins Dota games. If you have people who communicate badly (cause they are learning), can't speak the language of the server they are on, and ultimately only speak to other Russians on the team, you are in for a crap storm of a game. Thus having Russians on EU, you definitely are a disadvantage compared to a 5 man team able to communicate perfectly; if you have 2 teams of equal skill, the team who can all speak to each other will win.

                          Finally, I have this to say. Everyone has the capacity to be an absolute dick, thus all players can be idiots. However, we know there are more Russian players, thus the chance of you running into Russians being idiots, is just higher.

                          So in conclusion:
                          1. There are more Russian players, thus more Russian noobs.
                          2. Unless you speak PERFECT English, if you play in EU you are giving your team a disadvantage, and are more likely to lose.
                          3. Because everyone can be a idiot, there will be more Russian idiots, because there are more players.

                          On a personal note, I've had games with good Russians, but I don't enjoy them, because there is a communication barrier. PLEASE to all the Russian players, play on the RU server - not because you are bad, but because we don't understand each other as well as we do speaking our own language, and in Dota that will mean you lose to a team who does understand one another.


                            I've ever taught of just deleting those Cyrillic letters off my com (If that's possible), so next time I see a Russian player, it will all end up as squares.


                              I had this one game where a russian guy in sea server played ursa. He jungled whole game,refused to gank and evn refused to come defend the t3 towers even though he had aegis on him. At the end when we lost he just said cyka noob team and left.. Valve should make a system where we can ignore ppl like this so we dont get matched with them again..
                              Just watch this replay and itll say exactly why ppl dont like russians..


                                I think it's not hard to pick out why people get annoyed from the general tones of the posts. Yes Russians CAN play DotA as well as anyone, and yes anyone CAN be annoying and flame and rage and not play as a team player BUT unfortunately there seems to be a high level of immaturity within the Russian community, maybe on average they are younger? I don't know, but it is annoying in a non-Rus server when all you get is cyka.

                                Pinkie Pie

                                  I know that there is not only russian peoples, who have communication barrier. Pick nearly any country of eu - france,germany,e.t.c yada-yada-yada ... there is not a point.
                                  I know that there is not only russian peoples, who are idiots. There is plenty of thous at any part of the world.
                                  I know that my languge isn`t correct at all. But even that lot of gramatical mistakes, mixing terms and this sorta staff didn`t make other peoples to not understund me. What i mean, is that u still cry while riding this bunch - but u can read it right?
                                  I am russian. However i am ashamed to be russian in dota2. Why?
                                  Cuz by my expirience russians peoples nearly never respect others opinions. Never respect other skill. They a bit selfish. Not all of them but unfortunatly near 90% (by own expirience).
                                  There is a lot of russians on eu servers. But on russian servers there is always more of them. If i wonna find some good public with adequate players who can show some skill and teamplay, i have to go on eu servers, cuz russians just don`t know what it is mean.
                                  They will nearly never speak with u when they just wonna to speak. They can type some comands in a chat but u will never listen something like cheering for good job, or proving some joke to relax atmosphere, or just discusing any degress topic.It is even hard to get some response from them, rather swearing or russian mambo-jambo. They (90% of them) can only swear and shout on their teamaites, calling them useless noobs, while russians can play themself.
                                  Unfortuantly this is how things maded. I don`t know why actually.

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    Well, not sure about the French, but most Europeans speak a lot better English than Russians.


                                      Russians on european servers : game's cancer.

                                      For real.

                                      I hope im not late
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                                        Kel Ghu

                                          I hate russians in DOTA2... I viceraly have hatred against them now... But let me explain why...

                                          Before, I had no particular hatred against russians. Even though Putin is a son of a *ç%&?, even if my ex-girlfriend was russian and even if russians on vacation in Asia are absolutely to despise (They threw a diaper full of shit next to my table in a restaurant), DOTA2 made me confront to the average russian guy. And nothing good came out of it... Here's why:

                                          1) COMPLETE DISREGARD OF THE SPECIFICITY OF MULTICULTURAL SERVERS: The well-known problem that 90% of russians don't even try to communicate in the common language on EU servers. Whereas almost everyone from Europe tries to speak english even if they are bad at it. The EU server is a multicultural server and 90% of the russians just don't acknowledge that. They just ignored it.

                                          2) VOICE SYSTEM ABUSE: So to add up to the fact they can't choose their server correctly. They use the voice on IP all the time. They know we don't understand, why don't they use Skype, TeamSpeak, Mumble or something?!? Instead of annoying people by speaking a language we don't understand. Why do only russians do that? There's only them! I never hear any other fellow players speak any other language than English! The worse thing is, some of them speak russian even if they are the only russian on the team!!! WHY?!? I can only have one conclusion on this... But I won't share it...

                                          3) HOT-BLOODED: Russians are really hot-blooded or just used to violence when communicating. They tend to be way more passionate and tend to insult people around them much more easily than non-russians. And they make their hatred against black people very apparent at times.

                                          4) STUBBORN, ARROGANT and DISRESPECTFUL: A lot of them just don't play for the team and won't change their mind. And some will insult you demanding so. So many of them act like they are good players and insult you. It's not because NAVI is a russian team that makes the russians in pub games good. They tend not to understand that or that being somewhat humble and respectful are things not part of their education.

                                          5) CONSISTENCY: They are in EVERY SINGLE GAME I play! NOT ONCE, HAVE I HAD A GAME WITHOUT A RUSSIAN IN EITHER TEAM. Don't get me wrong, I have met good and nice players too. But the bad russians far outweights the good and nice ones. 95% of my reports are russians probably. And I am tired having to mute russians every single game...

                                          As an asian guy born in the USA and raised in EU, I am more than open to multicultural exchange... But russians are just a plague on EU servers. Disregarding completely other cultures and behaving like dickheads. Not all of them, of course not, but when it gets to a point we talk about it all the time and are happy when there is no russian on our team speak for itself. Bad mannered russians are way too common in DOTA 2 and that's why so many people talk about it. It's a real concern for a lot a people and hinders our pleasure playing the game. If it was uncommon, it wouldn't matter. But the fact that it is so frequent, if not constant, brings up threads like this one EVERY DAY.

                                          And there's this last question: WHY DON'T THEY PLAY IN THEIR OWN SERVER?
                                          Yeah, why? They are the few to have the chance to have a dedicated server where they have good ping and can speak their own language as well as have amongst the best players on it... Almost all of us would play on our language-localized server if we had one, why not them? But I guess it's like asking if God really exists... [EDIT] Just read 3 posts above, and it seems it is even worse on RU servers.

                                          My conclusion on this. It's their culture. You know, like when you hear chinese speak. It seems they are yelling at each other. Or people will insult each other as a sign of close friendship which is not always understood by other cultures or is rude to other cultures. If you have been in a slavonic country, you have probably noticed that they don't smile much and look angry or in bad mood. I guess russians have a history of war & violence and that it is deep in them. It may be common for them to act this way everyday, not to the extreme of DOTA2, but in some ways it is how they are everyday, that's what makes them tough and be able to survive. Unfortunately for them, in DOTA2, we hate that... And we hate them.

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            +1 for the above, I sadly have to agree. My contact with most RU players has drawn me to similar conclusions.

                                            Pinkie Pie

                                              Agreed to everything that Lamey told about, except 2rd point. There is never voice system abusement when i play with russians.
                                              There is 3 reasons to play on eu servers, that i can count:
                                              First of all, there is adequate russians players, who wonna play with civilizied eu players.
                                              Secondly, there is question of territory. I don`t sure where is eu server is located, but looking on a map that provided by dota2, i can say that i gonna have much lower ping if i will play on eu one, not on russian server.
                                              At the last, as Lamey said, above 90% of russians - unmanners and trolls, so they just trying to spray hatred over a world! muhahaha!!
                                              That is sad, actually :(

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                Half of the people that complains about foreign players playing on "their" servers is just trying to use them as scape goats. I'm Brazilian and I lost the count of how many times my team was winning, everyone was being nice with each other, but after the enemies made a comeback my teammates started to rage. When their rage is really uncontrollable they end up stalking the profile of all their teammates and when they discover I'm Brazilian they keep blaming me, but bro... I was (and am) talking to you in ENGLISH! There's no language barrier, so why the fuck do you keep saying I'm the one to blame just because I'm Brazilian? Even if I was the one who fed this still doesn't justify their accusations since this was caused by matchmaking problems and not because I'm playing from another region...


                                                  I play with BR people in the american servers and it is the same damn thing Lamey said with russians. There are idiots in every country of course, but sadly, there IS a trend, there IS a 'positive correlation' between the experience Lamey described and two very particular groups.


                                                    To ALL people who ask WHY RUSSIAN PEOPLE DON'T PLAY RUSSIAN SERVERS BLA-BLA I answer: Russian servers seem to suck on location in Belgium. Playing on Europe East i have 100-130ms ping while playing "russian" servers i often have 300-400. Obviously i rarely play on Russian servers unless i want to play with my friend who can't speak English. And yes, loose some matches :-( because of too late response.


                                                      those damn russians. pure game spoilers. just hate being in a team with them.
                                                      1. they cant communicate.
                                                      2. start feeding.
                                                      3. then put the blame on others (like not ganking) and stufff like that.
                                                      epic noobs


                                                        I hate Russians. Not all, but most of them, though I was born in Russia, live in Russia and russianspeaking, but not Russian. I got some Russian friends, very few. But in dota 2 there are too many Russian schoolboy trolls. That's why I prefer to play EU server, and dont speak in Russian.


                                                          Dota is a teamgame. The majority of Russians cannot speak English fluently, thus, they cannot be communicated with and does play so good teamwise. And then you ask them why they didn't do this or that, and they respond to you with -> сука, заткнись, я не подобрать шайбу, чтобы пойти середине полосы. Russians are not less skilled players individually, but as they cannot speak english, they perform bad.


                                                            If you Russians are jumping on EU servers because your ping is 20ms more try playing from South Africa when we get a ping of 270ms, and do you see us complaining so plz play on your own server where you all use the same language


                                                              russians sux!


                                                                3061516 an argument xD


                                                                  You Russians are the reason i quit Dota 2 until Valve bans Russia on EU servers.
                                                                  A great example would be my last game i played:
                                                                  Traxex dying more than 1 per 2 minutes. She was more help if she stayed in base all the game.
                                                                  And talking your bullshit language to us and expect us understand? We expect you know English because you are playing on EU server ffs and English is the international language used in international communities. If you don't want to learn English then do a favor and play on your OWN server. that's right, not many countries have their very own server in Dota 2, but you do.

                                                                  Also, if you still don't know why Russians got themselves the bad name, It's because they talk/type Russian and have no slightest idea what English is. I mean, We play with lots of french, german etc. players but we don't know where they are from unless we ask them, because they all speak plain english. even if they english is not good, they try at least.

                                                                  Here is another example:
                                                                  The only thing i understood from huskar was: "Me pro huskar"
                                                                  So, i picked Huskar for him in hopes that at least he wouldn't ruin the game and we have a chance to win. But look at his stats 4/18/9 He got me so angry in that game that i had to go feed them so they finish the game faster!! So i wouldn't have to waste more of my life with 2 Russians (CM, Huskar) in that game. (Also notice magnus rage quited after dying, he was also a Russian as far as i can tell reading chats.)

                                                                  And since you seem to be a stats whore, my win % was >50% before i had my worst games ever with you guys.


                                                                    Like the above post I had 51%+ win rate. But now due to winning 1 out of 13 games it is now going down and down. I am sick of it really. I don't mind losing if the game is hard, everyone tried their best but when they just don't know how to act in most obvious situations it is getting fucked up.

                                                                    I usually wouldn't care and a game is a game and it is for fun but there are limits when it comes to fun and actually TRYING to win. I played single draft games on west european servers and this page pretty much sums it up:


                                                                    Last one (as litch) I played on US East and guess what, 2 Russians was there to feed. U can't get away from them.

                                                                    You might be thinking that I am a bad player and can't play myself? Notice that many games I died more than killed, well I started dying after shit already happened. I cannot play all heroes as best but I choose the hero I could play best. Only few games where I kinda screwed it up myself but it wouldn't have made any difference.

                                                                    If I go all pick and see the enemy set up and my team setup I would then go with Centaur Warrunner and not because I cannot play any other hero but with this hero I give teammates crucial kills and help escape with ULT and that is the reason I win and have 76% win rate after 43 games played. Games that were lost were either because of Russians, or leavers, or whiners. The games I did not do too well as Centaur were won but the games where I owned were unexpectidely lost. I had 80% at one point lol and had 12th game in a row won as Centaur. I don't want to play him all the time cause it is boring...

                                                                    Losing that many games in a row is really demorilizing and is bringing me to tears.
                                                                    Russians can't carry, Russians feed, Russians (95% of them) don't speak English or are nice, Russians do not understand what support is.

                                                                    For heavens sakes ban Russian region from joining other servers than Russian or East Europe like Steam Store is regionally locked. Because of that I cannot go up a level and join the better players and I am being dragged to their level.

                                                                    Fuck my life.

                                                                    p.s to the original poster: I understand you may be a good player and have a nice win rate but fact is fact. 95% of Russians are just plague.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                    За себя и за Сашку

                                                                      Just nobody knew Russian.

                                                                      ÜBER BEAST

                                                                        europeans know that, so they hate russians. no. they are just lowskilled uebki


                                                                          Having read all the previous posts I can conclude. That the only true reason for that can be attributed to the Russian - is not knowledge of foreign languages. everything else is a consequence. The fact that they are lowskilled players can apply to any player, regardless of the fact of what he country.I hope that the Russian who read all these comments will draw conclusions for themselves. The main thing to remember is that all of this is just a game;)


                                                                            I am asian, will not chinese or those, but middle east guy, and i play on EU server, bcus no server for us here, but its OK !!
                                                                            Wow this thread is ACTIVE !!


                                                                              ^Dude is asian but still tries to write in english.

                                                                              Russians just spam that crap they call "letters" and that's it. Feeding all the time.

                                                                              Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

                                                                                not only russians have tards.... I mean that i see flamers from all nations. And nothing we can do about it. Im playing with some UK guys and American and even South American guys. Yeap, im russian, but everyone after the game commened me even i dont ask about it. And ask about duo or teamplay game.

                                                                                So dont judge Russian nation for 1 or 100 flamers that u got for all time playing. Atleast, even if the team contains few nations, im trying to speak only english. No russian, no spain, no German. Only english, to respect others, so they could understand what im speaking about.

                                                                                P.S. im russian from europe. Not from "Russia", so I have a completely different mentality. And the fact that my nationality Russian, yes, it has become a tradition, and I dont regret it.

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                  Lost a game cause of russians, sad life. sad life indeed. DAMN YOU RUSSIANS

                                                                                  C o F

                                                                                    To the OP:

                                                                                    Most of your countrymen behave badly on servers where they don't belong.


                                                                                      I'm going to lob a hand-grenade into this one and say that it's because people from the EU are more likely to be racist. The level of abuse that can occur when another language is typed (not just Russian) on EU servers just isn't seen on other ones.


                                                                                        So do you think it's a coincidence or some sort of conspiracy that 90% of the EU players hate Russians ?
                                                                                        It's because
                                                                                        1. They don't communicate
                                                                                        2. They don't give a f*ck about the team, only about themselves (99% of them play only hard carry or mid and suck at it) so they'll never pick what the team needs or even if they do they won't play it as they should, but instead ruin your lane.
                                                                                        3. They flame a lot (apparently the only words in English that Russians know are suck fuck and idiot), they abuse the voice chat a lot, shouting continuously in it
                                                                                        4. Most of them feed. They have no knowledge about positioning, when to fight and not, etc. They randomly dive into 5 alone and blame it on the team while abusing pinging (over 30000 pings / second)
                                                                                        5. It's not about dota. I also played HoN and LoL for a few good hundred games and Russians were the same there.

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          Just as side-note, the same EU / Russia problems happens on USE/USW/SA. USE/USW are servers meant to be played talking English since it's located on USA. And SA, while meant to be for 'all' South America, is really meant to be played talking Brazilian Portuguese since it's located on Brazil.

                                                                                          But there are always those crappy Spanish-talking countries - that are SO IMPORTANT to Valve and to everyone that they have no servers - that join those servers mentioned above and can't say a word in English, spam the game chat and voice with that awful language, the same way Russians do on EU (and fucking everywhere).

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                          big fun only

                                                                                            So do you think it's a coincidence or some sort of conspiracy that 90% of the EU players hate Russians ?
                                                                                            It's because
                                                                                            1. They don't communicate
                                                                                            2. They don't give a f*ck about the team, only about themselves (99% of them play only hard carry or mid and suck at it) so they'll never pick what the team needs or even if they do they won't play it as they should, but instead ruin your lane.
                                                                                            3. They flame a lot (apparently the only words in English that Russians know are suck fuck and idiot), they abuse the voice chat a lot, shouting continuously in it
                                                                                            4. Most of them feed. They have no knowledge about positioning, when to fight and not, etc. They randomly dive into 5 alone and blame it on the team while abusing pinging (over 30000 pings / second)
                                                                                            5. It's not about dota. I also played HoN and LoL for a few good hundred games and Russians were the same there.


                                                                                              I do not agree with the general critics on russian playstyle. Its just that you remember russians playing like that more, since you allready have the stereotype in your head.

                                                                                              Why I personally dislike many russians:

                                                                                              There is a Russiaserver
                                                                                              Since many Russians came to europe valve made a EURO EAST Server
                                                                                              And still many Russians manage to join with a 3 Stack on Euro West and speak RUSS all day. Same for Ukraine.

                                                                                              Thats just annoying. I have never problems with guys from denmark or france or whatever country. Its just clear to speak english in an international played game. But the russians often do not get it.

                                                                                              I bet that i even do not recognize most of the russians i play with, since they speak english. But the russians that do not speak english tend to play bad on the same side (only a tendency). Seems like a lack of education generally affects the dotaperformance. Dota is no game for dumb people that have learning disability.

                                                                                              You all are welcome on EU-West, if you simply speak english.


                                                                                                RU skill > EU skill
                                                                                                Потому что вы все днища ебаные

                                                                                                Seven days™

                                                                                                  When anyone say bad about russains, i say, that i love to fuck his mother. Stupid nazi.

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                    why the hell u got nazi's here?
                                                                                                    nazi r something else not related to russians but to fucking jews

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