General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion: Show the amount of Double / Triple / Quadruple / Quintupl...

Suggestion: Show the amount of Double / Triple / Quadruple / Quintuple Kills a player gets. in General Discussion

    I think this would be a great addition!!!

    Pringles® Jalapeño

      its not possible to do that


        well, it should be implemented in dota 2, the game itself first. Btw, it is ultra kill and rampage instead of quad and quin.


          A@ ez It isn't? Why not?

          @ Ao_Autumn You know what I meant ^_^

          Pringles® Jalapeño


            How do you think it is possible to calculate?


              You can't add a feature that is not in the game itself. Or that is what I think (don't know how dotabuff retrieve the info).

              Этот комментарий был изменён
              Pringles® Jalapeño

                dota 2 doesn't calculating the amount of double/triple/ultra/rampage kill


                  Well that is a huge flaw in their system. They have to have some type of code that allows a triple kill to play when a player kills three other players in a short amount of time. So I am sure they can keep track of how many time that code goes off per player.


                    dota1 used to

                    Graheemy La'Broy

                      yeh this would be great, i truly love this website, so great!

                      CEO of good ideas

                        This is not possible. DOTABUFF only takes stats after matches are completed, so how will they record during the match?

                        Probably came from hon

                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                          They would have to analyze the replays for this. But the replays are multiple Megabytes in size each, analyzing every replay would take too much server traffic.


                            @BE THE LEAF I did come from Hon.... We all did.