General Discussion

General DiscussionAnnouncing Steam Login, Match Comments, Forums

Announcing Steam Login, Match Comments, Forums in General Discussion

    Due to popular demand, we've added a few new features to DOTABUFF in the past 2 days:

    First, you can now easily and securely sign into DOTABUFF using your Steam account. Just click on the "Sign In" link in the upper right corner of the page, we tried to make it as quick and easy as possible.

    Once signed in you can now comment on matches. If you play a great match or want to talk to your teammates or rivals afterwards, feel free to drop by the match page and leave a comment. Don't be shy about linking match pages to your friends too!

    We've also created these forums to provide a way for DOTABUFF visitors to communicate with each other (and our staff) more easily. Feel free to create any topic you like - game mechanics, hero discussion, website feedback, etc. We're eager to improve DOTABUFF and want to promote an open and lively discussion on the features that people want to see next.

    Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy the new features!

    Stephen Fry is hot

      Are Steam profile avatars updated? I changed my avatar a while ago, but it never updated on Dotabuff.


        We cache Steam profile avatars. They update but not in absolute real time. I've gone ahead and queued a refresh for yours :)


          I like this website, it can make me see my dota 2 data without in-client.


            I guess "Friends" section does not show lifetime stats at the moment?


              Correct Esat, it does not. We'll see if we can add this in the future.


                It would be great if we could see performance ratings for heroes as well


                  wins/loses stats arent same in dota2 and dotabuff. small differences on me and my friends.


                    so how often do steam profile avatars update?


                      This is a year old post but i hope somebody is still following this.

                      I'm a pretty recent member to the site and i invited friends as well, but they have cc information connected to their steam acc and do not want to share these info. For me it's only the games i previously purchased, so i actually risk much less. Nevertheless, how are we to know that our steam account names and passwords are not to be stored and used for other purposes, like being used for griefing or being shared with -random- third parties? What is the guarantees?


                        can we have a topic with the best *naked girlz ?

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          ScaleSkin - when u login via steam to dotabuff, valve are generating a token (openID if I remember well) so u'r username and password are not being given to dotabuff but a token that identifies u is given thus dotabuff can access data and perform actions allowed by this token only. Hope that helps a bit. :)



                            The only information we get when you sign in to Dotabuff via steam is:

                            1) Your Account ID
                            2) A non personally-identifiable token that we confirm with Steam servers to verify that you logged into that account.

                            We never see (and of course never store) Steam usernames, passwords, credit card information or anything like that. Only account ID for purposes of connecting you to your stats.

                            ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                              I am pretty much interested how much did u dig into the forum's topics to get this one


                                Thanks for the replies. 'cept for Mapz0r', those chaotic red eyes are sending shivers up through my spine.


                                  Dotabuff admin has 0% winrate
                                  Now I understand all the problems here

                                  gg dotabuff disband