Happy Friday!
North American veteran DeMoN has returned to
Digital Chaos. After being kicked from the team earlier this year, Demon tried his luck with compLexity Gaming and most recently with Team Tuho. Neither engagements worked out for him, but he has found his way back to Digital Chaos, who went on to qualify for The International without him. He replaces former Planet Odd offlaner
TSM FTX.MoonMeander, who had taken on the reigns at DC as both the captain and 5 position support. Moon was however unable to find success with Digital Chaos, as the team failed to qualify for any event thus far.
The original announcement can be found here.
Digital Chaos' South American squad has decided to disband. On the last day of the Major registration deadline, some of the players signed up for different teams, leaving the Digital Chaos organization. The team's PGL Minor spot will be given to the winner of the tiebreaker between SG e-Sports and Infamous. No official statement from Digital Chaos has been made yet, but former DC.SA player MARS FUMADOR DE PPK stated on Facebook that him and
jk received a "safer offer" from a Brazil organization. Their new team has yet to be unveiled. The remaining players, namely Matthew, Kingteka and Leostyle, have already registered as a new team under the name
Sacred, together with dvatOlOkO and Benjaz.
Valve has released a new treasure chest. Featuring sets for Rubick, Monkey King, Enigma, Necrophos, Abaddon, Naga Siren, Shadow Fiend, Clockwerk and Terrorblade, players can purchase this new chest for $2.49. The chest contains only one mythical set, a Terrorblade set which is the chest's rare drop.
An overview of the chest's contents can be found here.
The PGL Open Bucharest, the second minor of the season, has announced its talent line-up. Paul 'Redeye' Chaloner is set to return to the hosting desk and will be accompanied by joinDota's Toby 'TobiWan' Dawson, as well as a variety of other analysts and casters, such as Austin 'DotaCapitalist' Walsh or former Planet Odd coach William 'Blitz' Lee. The original announcement can be found here.
Earlier this year, Moonduck announced the concept of a new tournament. In Midas Mode, teams have to spend money to ban and pick heroes, as such they are forced to manage their economy throughout the entire event. A more detailed run down of the concept can be found here. Initially, the tournament was supposed to be hosted going into TI but had to be delayed. Now, Moonduck has announced that Midas Mode will run from November 18th-28th, featuring top teams from both North America (Evil Geniuses, Optic Gaming, Immortals, Digital Chaos) and Europe (Team Liquid, OG, Natus Vincere, Mid or Feed).
Thanks for catching up with us. We hope you enjoy your weekend.
Great move by Finnish Military!!
you're killing me, LD. :(
do not google s4 qop LUL
enternal envy is still the best
vp said ggwp sry, why sry?
I assume it's because they went for the triple rampage even after OG had already called 'gg'. It's deemed impolite in this way to keep playing even after the enemy team has already forfeited. Can you really call it a proper 'triple rampage' after the enemy has stopped playing?
It's because their players kept DCing several times during the game due to internet issues, stretching the actual game time to well over an hour. Not because of what's said above^.