Explore Clips
Fnatic.Universe kills iNSaNiA!
Alliance vs Newbee
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 129
Fnatic.Universe kills VP.RodjER!
Newbee vs Virtus.pro
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:09 1 0 99
Fnatic.Universe kills VP.No[o]ne-♥!
Newbee vs Virtus.pro
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:13 1 0 115
Fnatic.Universe kills VP.9pasha!
Newbee vs Virtus.pro
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:23 1 0 74
Fnatic.Universe kills VP.RodjER!
Virtus.pro vs Newbee
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:11 1 0 73
Fnatic.Universe kills VP.Solo!
Virtus.pro vs Newbee
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:24 1 0 120
Fnatic.Universe kills SG.Liposa!
paiN X vs Newbee
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:10 1 0 52
Fnatic.Universe kills SG.4dr!
paiN X vs Newbee
The Kuala Lumpur Major
0:11 1 0 110
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Misery!
paiN Gaming vs Newbee
ESL One Hamburg 2018 powered by Intel
0:20 1 0 189
Fnatic.Universe kills EG.Misery!
paiN Gaming vs Newbee
ESL One Hamburg 2018 powered by Intel
0:11 1 0 125
Fnatic.Universe kills paiN.tavo!
paiN Gaming vs Newbee
ESL One Hamburg 2018 powered by Intel
0:14 1 0 130
Fnatic.Universe kills HR.MiLAN!
J.Storm vs Newbee
DOTA Summit 9
0:12 1 0 91
Fnatic.Universe kills March!
Newbee vs J.Storm
DOTA Summit 9
0:14 1 0 128
Fnatic.Universe gets a double kill!
Newbee vs J.Storm
DOTA Summit 9
0:39 4 0 116
Fnatic.Universe kills March!
Newbee vs J.Storm
DOTA Summit 9
0:10 1 0 88
Fnatic.Universe gets a double kill!
Newbee vs J.Storm
DOTA Summit 9
0:23 3 0 97
Fnatic.Universe kills Bryle!
Newbee vs J.Storm
DOTA Summit 9
0:11 1 0 91
Fnatic.Universe gets a double kill!
Newbee vs J.Storm
DOTA Summit 9
0:32 2 0 94
Fnatic.Universe gets a double kill!
Newbee vs J.Storm
DOTA Summit 9
0:17 3 0 97
Fnatic.Universe kills coL.Zfreek!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
DOTA Summit 9
0:10 1 0 123
Fnatic.Universe kills Sneyking!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
DOTA Summit 9
0:10 1 0 111
Fnatic.Universe kills Jeyo!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
DOTA Summit 9
0:13 1 0 92
Fnatic.Universe kills Jeyo!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
DOTA Summit 9
0:18 1 0 149
Fnatic.Universe kills coL.Zfreek!
Newbee vs compLexity Gaming
DOTA Summit 9
0:10 1 0 110